BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked BBQ Brisket Recipe | Tips For Smoking Beef Brisket

Tips For Cooking BBQ Smoked Brisket:
1) Spend a little extra on Prime Brisket or Wet age lower grades. In
the long run, you will cook better briskets more consistently.
2) Don’t over season the Brisket. Over seasoning the brisket can
mask the natural flavor of your brisket, and may end up flaking
when you are slicing it.
3) Fat Side Up Or Down. On Pellet Smokers I always cook fat side
down to protect the brisket. On other smokers I can go either way
4) On Pellet Smokers I always place the point closest to the
drainage area of the smoker. This is to prevent the grease from
burning as much on the drainage pan.
5) When using red butcher paper to wrap, don’t over wrap the
Brisket. If the Brisket is over wrapped it will be similar to using
6) Cook to Temperature and Feel not to time. It seems like all
Briskets cook differently. One 14 pound brisket can take 2, or
even 3 hours longer to cook than another based on grade, temp,
humidity etc. To test for feel, insert a toothpick. If it feels like its
going into butter, you’re good to go.
7) Allow your Brisket to rest. I would suggest at least 2 hours.
During the cooking process the Brisket has been pushing
moisture out, allowing it to rest let’s the moisture to be re-
absorbed into the meat.
8) Slice against the grain. Slicing with the grain will result in tough
stringy slices.

Personally I have Smoked Briskets anywhere from 225 degrees up to the mid 300’s. I have found that the end internal temperature is more important than the cooking temp. I was dabbling with hot and fast briskets almost 10 years ago. At the time, people were calling me crazy. Now hot and fast Smoked Briskets are all the rage not only on YouTube but in competitions as well.

Wet Aged Brisket Video:

Check Out Mama Jean’s Products:

InkBird Meat Thermometer:

ZGrills Smokers:

Video URL:

Disclaimer: This video and description contains amazon affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I potentially can receive a small commission.
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Video Transcription

what’s up everybody this is lion with no
hippie BBQ what I’ll be doing today isI’m going to be cooking about a thirteen
and a half pound brisket now in thisvideo I’m going to try to give you a few
tips along the way things that I learnedthrough trial and error and some things
that were passed down to me butexcellent barbecue cooks now as far as
this particular brisket goes I’m workingwith a prime brisket now I don’t
necessarily I’m not always saying thatyou need to use a prime brisket but if
you don’t buy a prime brisket let’s sayyou buy let’s even say you buy select
what I’m gonna suggest if you have thetime in the space is to wet edge that in
your refrigerator for about 30 to 45days and I’m telling you you will think
that you’re in and up with a primebrisket to wet agent just leave it in
that trial vac bag that it comes in and40 30 45 days rinse it off you’re good
to go so that’s tip number one if you’renot buying a prime brisket number two isseasoning season this brisket however
you want I know that a lot of peopletend to just lean towards a salt and
pepper and I’m fine with that as wellbut sometimes depending on how often
you’re cooking that can tend to be alittle bit boring
now the seasoning that I’m going to beusing in this video is a pork in brisket
rub by a company called mama Jean’s andI took a look at this the ingredients in
here and they’re a little bit differentthan what I would normally put with the
brisket but listen I’m adventurous ifyou’ve seen any of my other barbecue
videos you know I’m not afraid toexperiment so the seasoning that or the
ingredients that are in this is we havesome pepper smoked paprika chili powder
cinnamon ground mustard ginger onionpowder garlic powder and salt so that’s
what we’re going to be using in this nowwhen I bought this brisket I paid an
extra dollar a pound becauseit’s supposed to be pre trimmed it’s not
trimmed as good as I would want it to bebut I need to hurry up and get this on
our smoker so we’re not gonna reallytouch this at all it is trimmed a little
bit I will be leaving a link to anothervideo by my man James and a man claiming
smokers he probably does the bestcompetition brisket trims that I’ve seen
so just click on this little icon uphere and you’ll be able to see what he
does so tip number two when you are nottip number two but the next tip I’m not
sure what tip I’m on you know I used toactually over season my briskets what
would happen would be when I cut into ityou get a lot of this flaking on it plus
the seasoning was hiding the you knowhiding the color of the brisket so if
you cook brisket with just a little bitand I might say a little bit but without
going overboard on your seasoninginstead of just looking jet-black you’re
gonna have a really nice mahogany lookon it so let’s get seasoned in this
brisket so when I got this brisket Ireally wasn’t sure which smoker I was
gonna do it on and now that I see thatthis does have a nice little fat cap on
it I’m gonna be doing this on anelectric smoker I’m gonna be doing this
on my Zee grill smoker and the reasonI’m gonna do it on or the reason I’m
glad that it no this fat is trimmed ifI’m gonna be using my electric smoker is
that the heat seems to come up directlyfrom the bottom on these electric
smokers and I think that sometimes evencooking at low temperatures you can end
up searing the meat a bit on on thosetype of cooks so we’re gonna be going
fat side down on this as far as thebinder we’re using to have this
seasoning stick we’re not using anybinder at all it’s gonna have a chance
to sit for about an hour to come up toroom temperature once we’re done
seasoning it so this is about all theseasoning I’m gonna put on itright they’re not heavy once once it’s
get some smoke all that colors gonnacome right through now here’s another
good way to tell a good brisket is ifyou can pick it up and it folds like
that a lot of times if you buy a selectbrisket and you pick it up it just
doesn’t have that bend to it now willBend if you get that 45-day wet age on
it so like I said if you have time andspace try it I’ll link a video to a wet
aged brisket that I’ve done a few yearsago in the iCard above all right that’s
seasoned up enough for me so I got mygrill fired up it’s coming up to
temperature let’s talk about this cooknow I want this brisket to be done
pretty fast so we’re not going to begoing low and slow the whole time on
this we’re gonna be doing we’re gonnaget it out on the grill we’re gonna let
it go at 250 degrees for about three anda half to four hours basically we want
our color to be right where we want itonce that color is where we want it a
nice mahogany color we’re gonna wrap itand some red butcher paper we’re gonna
get a probe in it and I happen to beusing a four prong probe by Inc bird it
looks like this the reason I like thisis you can sync this up with your phone
so I’ll be inside and I’ll be able tomonitor the temperature of the brisket
now I’m only going to be using one ofthese probes in this video because I’m
not using my offset smoker so I’m not asconcerned about a variance in great
temperature so one probe should be goodenough for this if you don’t have one of
these I’m telling youbest thermometer out there so I’m gonna
leave a link to this in the descriptionbelow
all right guys I had my smoker coming upto temp the wood I’m going to be using
during this cook we’re gonna be usingsome oak wood pellets I think oak really
gives it a nice subtle kiss a smokewithout overpowering it like a mesquite
or a hickory woodlet’s go inside grab this brisket and
get it on so let’s get this brisket onthe grill now the first thing I did
yesterday what I knew I was going to begoing for a long cook was I pulled out
all these parts on this smoker to cleanit up as much as possible
second of all whenever I cook on apellet smoker
I always put fat side down if I’m usingone of my offset smokers it doesn’t
really matter quite as much now here’sanother tip that it’s a little bit more
subtle is when I put my brisket on I’mgonna put my points I’d closer to the
drainage area and the reason for that isI don’t want this much fat leaking on
this area of the smoker because that’sgonna start the more fat you have on
that bottom plate the more kind of aburning kind of a situation you have
going on so I want as much fat leavingas soon as possible so we’re gonna get
our point onlet’s get this rack out I need that racknow if you’re cooking your brisket you
have other food on it make sure thatyour brisket is directly over the pan
you don’t want any of that fat leakingdown on the sides of that pan getting
down into your smoker that’s how a lotof these fires happen now I’m noticing
that I still look at a little sparse onsparks here as far as the seasoning goes
I’m gonna just kind of season up thisarea off camera all right we’re gonna
let this go three and a half hours maybefour we’re gonna check it in about an
hour just to see how the colors fit meso guys we’re two hours in on this cook
I was intending on spritzing this down alittle bit but we don’t have any bark
sitting on this yet so I’m not going tospread to town now if I had if I was
cooking on an offset smoker I would notbe lifting this lid right now because it
takes a little bit longer for offsetsmokers to recover their temperature so
I’m gonna shut this back down let it goanother hour and a half or so before we
check it so I ended up letting thisbrisket go for about five hours and
wrapped up now you don’t want to put toomuch butcher paper on this brisket if
you do is going to act more like foil asopposed to a butcher paper so we’re just
gonna go one layer this butcher paperdoes look nice very hipand this is an odd-shaped brisket so it
is taking a little bit more than what Iwould let extra north it’s not boom
we’re right here this is gonna be ourfat side this is gonna go down on the
smoker so guys we got it back out on hergrill
we haven’t hooked up with our Inc burpedthermometer you may not be able to see
that but we’re at a hundred and seventytwo degrees that’s right about where
your stall is gonna be so let’s notgonna go much over that for the next few
hours we are going to do is spritz thisdownand I’m gonna sink this thermometer up
with my phone so you have a chance tosee what this looks like didn’t mention
is I did poop up my grill to 300 degreesand this is synched up with the
thermometer that I have out on the pitnow what I can do is I can adjust it to
alert me if we get to a certaintemperature using these settings we’re
not going to worry about that right nowor I could have it
alert me in a certain number of hours orsomething like that I’m gonna have a
chance to sit around and watch this wellI watch some football so there’s no need
for either of those like I said we’regonna cook this until we get to 200 201
degrees all right guys we are at 200degrees and I mean we are at a strong
200 degrees meaning I let it hit 200degrees then let it sit on here for
about another seven eight minutes andI’m gonna tell you this is the first
long cook I’ve done on this Zee grilland this is this is pretty this has
really impressed me so if you’re lookingfor like a very modestly priced smoker
take a look at these I’m gonna leaveinformation on this in the description
belowwe’ll have our probe and I’m gonna get
this in our cooler now the reason youwant this to sit in a cooler is the
entire cook on this the meat has beentrying to push out liquid the entire
cook so by letting it rest its gonnaallow that liquid to get reabsorbed back
into the meat so I’m just throwing thatin a regular cooler and I’m gonna let
this sit for you’re gonna want to go anhour minimum I’m probably gonna have a
chance to let it go to maybe even threehours alright guys so we started this
brisket at seven o’clock this morning itis now 848 so it’s been a pretty long
cook what I’m gonna do is we’re gonnaseparate this point from the flat that’s
a pretty big point I’m gonna set thisaside I’m not sure what I’m gonna do
with this I might do some burnt endswith this right back since I have it
here let me just cut a slice taste itreally good okay so you have our grains
running this way we’re gonna cut againstthe grains now this is a pretty thick
part of our flat so I’m gonna just kindof cut that off man we got a good smoke
ring here and that’s it let me keepgoingnow we’re going for pencil thick slicesall right guys yes we’re looking like
right there that is a tasty lookingbrisket anyway I’m gonna taste this part
of itwe have telling youone thing that it comes through on that
seasoning is the cinnamon and actuallythat’s a pretty nice touch to this I’m
not sure I would recommend this forlinkage
well definitely not a competitionbrisket just because it doesn’t fit that
flavor profile but listen you got tochange things up a little bit
and this is got some good flavor anywayoh and thank you guys for stopping by no
hippie BBQ appreciate itBest way to cook bbq beef brisket pellet smoker

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