BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked Beef Ribs, Texas Style! Suburban Smoking with Steve, Episode 1

Suburban Smoking with Steve, Episode 1: Smoked Beef Ribs, Texas Style! I have a passion for learning how to smoke meat, and my wife is a photographer, so why not?

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Video Transcription

all right so today we’re gonna be doingbeef ribs on the pellet smoker we haveour Green Mountain grill we’re gonna setit up for 250 degrees that’s nothingspecial with the seasoning it’s justregular salt pepper we’re just gonna doa light coating on both sides and thenwe’re gonna put it in the smoker andthey’ll be texas-style so this is mygreen mountain grill okaythe hopper you can hear the auger we’rejust turning it on and it’s just enoughfor room in here for about one bigbrisket so it’s a travel size and it’snice but it works perfectly for myfamily so we’re getting it going rightnow[Music]so my smoker is pretty small so I’mtrying to do four racks of ribs todayand to solve that problem I’m gonna setthem up vertically just to try and keepthe meat as exposed to them as muchsmoke as possible so then I’m also gonnamaybe put apple cider vinegar or atleast water at a minimum in there tokeep everything moist and keep it fromdrying out all right so the smokerscoming up is a 240 right now we’re notgonna do 250 we’re gonna do 265 maybeget a been a little faster but we’ve gotthem all set up we went with waterinside just to see what it comes out asand we’ll set the probe in and I’ve gota second probe that I use I always usetwo thermometers just to be sureribs have been on for about two hoursnow they’re thinner than what the recipecalled for so they’re cooking a lotfaster[Music]okay so we just pulled off the ribsthey’re actually only on there for twohours at about 265 so now we’re gonnatake them and wrap them in aluminum foilto let them rest for one hour and thencrack them open and see what they looklike[Music]final five of them are a little too donethe thick ones cooked up well good saltgood smoke flavoroverall our tape successful

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