BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked Brisket Chili Recipe | How to Make Chili on the Smoker | The Barbecue Lab

This smoked brisket chili recipe is the way to learn how to make chili on the smoker. Brisket chili is one of our favorite ways to use our leftover brisket, and this chili recipe on the smoker is a dynamite smoked chili recipe.

Full recipe & printable recipe card can be found here on our website:

Smoked Brisket Chili Recipe

If you have leftover brisket and you haven’t tried making it into smoked chili yet, you’re in for a treat! We fired up our Lone Star Grillz 24×48 offset smoker and made some chili on the grill.

We make this brisket chili recipe both with beans and without beans, so the choice is up to you. Don’t like beans? Leave them out! Love beans? Add ’em in. It’s your call.

As the weather starts to turn here in the Midwest, we make this smoked chili recipe on the grill at least once a week, and the smokey goodness just takes regular stovetop chili over the top.

I hope you give it a try.

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Video Transcription

Welcome back to The Barbecue Lab. My name is
David Gafford and I’m joined by Melissa,my lovely and talented wife, who’s gonna
help teach us what to do with leftoverbeef brisket today. And today we’re gonna
make brisket chili.Okay so whenever we have brisket and we
have leftovers,I love the leftovers of brisket. Because
I know that means one of the things weprobably are going to make is brisket
chili. And so we always take ourleftovers and we package them up in
aluminum foil, and we freeze them in thefreezer, and whenever it comes time for
chili we pull those leftovers out, and weput them in this homemade chili that we
made. So today we’re gonna show you howwe make our homemade chili. So Melissa,
tell us about the first step. First stepwe need to saute some vegetables. We’ve
got about a half of a red pepper, onehalf of a green pepper, about half of a
white onion, and just shy of one jalapeno.We didn’t quite have a full jalapeno but
I would recommend a full jalapeno to gointo this to add a little bit of heat.
All right so we’re just going to sautethis in our Dutch oven and get a little
bit ofcaramelization going on these, and then
other than that we’re going to put therest of the ingredients in and we’re
gonna put it on the smoker, right? Yep.All right.All right now we’re gonna go ahead and
add the spices to it. We have a littlebit of kosher salt and ground black
pepper, and we’ll add that in. We haveour cumin, we’re gonna go ahead and
add our cumin in. A little bit of smokedpaprika and our chili powder. And we’re
just adding those spices to thevegetable mixture, get it nice and
incorporated in, and then we’ll go aheadand add the rest of the ingredients.And now we’re going to add our Worcestershire sauce.And we’re going to go ahead and start getting our tomatoes.We have some crushed tomatoes,We have 2 cans of crushed tomatoes.We have some fire roasted diced tomatoes.Love the smokey char on the outside of that.And we have some black beans.A whole can of black beans.A can of kidney beans, and these are the dark red kidney beans.And then once we get that all incorporated all that’s left is to add our brisket.All right this is our foil pack of brisket that we use whenever we have leftover brisket.We’ll make these little foil packs,and a lot of times I’ll chop up the brisket to be able to be ready to use in chili.And so I’m talking about just a cut that looks a little bit like this.Nice, it’s not ground but it’s just
chopped up. And this is gonna go greatinside this chili.
It’s just going to put just smokyincredible flavor throughout. I mean look
at the smoke ring you can even see onthat brisket from what we had left over.
And we’re gonna add that smoky goodnessto our chili. So I’m just gonna take this,
I’m gonna crumble it right into ourchili mixture.And I’d say all in all we probably have
right around 10 ounces or so of brisket.But you can add as much as you want. I
mean you want to add a pound of brisket,half a pound of brisket, whatever you
want to add, that choice is up to you. Butwe had about 10 ounces in this package
and we usually just add one package tothe chili and I gotta tell you it’s
gonna be delicious.All right so we’ve got our chili put
together. It’s ready to get it out on thesmoker. And today we’re using the Lonestar Grillz 24 by 48 offset. And we’regonna stick this on some hickory smoke.
So we’ve got some hickory smoke rollingin here. And we’re rolling right around
250 to 275. This isn’t a race we’re justgonna let this thing get on there ,and
let it get some smoke on it. We’re gonnastart it covered to get it up to
temperature. Then here in a little bitwe’ll take the top off and let it
actually reduce down and get so soconcentrated and delicious.All right so our chili’s been on for
about 45 minutes and this brisket chili…I went ahead and took the lid off so
that we can actually get a little bitmore smoke inside and we can let it some
of the moisture evaporate andconcentrate the flavor. Let’s check in
and see what it looks like here at 45 minutes.But all I’m gonna do is give
this a quick stir, make sure that we’regetting heated even through, the
different portions of the chili have anaccess to smoke on the top, and we’re gonna let
this roll for another I’d say half hour45 minutes again. You can let this go for
hours and hours depending on the heatthat you’re going on. We’re only smoking
at about 250 today. But just know thatyou’re gonna get to the point where you have to
decide: Do you want more smoke? Do youwant it to actually reduce down some
more? What do you want? And that kind ofshould determine how long it should be
on. But I want this to go for at leastanother 45 minutes maybe even an hour,
and then we’re gonna have some deliciousconcentrated brisket chili.Our brisket chili has been on the smoker for rightaround 2 and a half hours all in total.
And I got to tell you guys this is onethat you are gonna want to try at home.
It’s a delicious recipe. All you gotta dois take a look and you’re gonna say it
man, it looks delicious. Come on take a look.It’s got those fire roasted tomatoes,
it’s got the brisket, it has the beans. Iknow some of the purists are gonna be
like Oh, it has beans! Well you know what,leave beans out. That’s fine if you don’t
want the beans, you don’t have to use thebean. But this right here is what I’m
talking about with a leftover brisketchili. And you can see how that brisket
starting to pull apart in there. Oh manthat’s gonna be good. All we’ve got to do
now is take it inside, let it sit for aminute or two, and then we’re gonna try it.Our brisket chili has come off the smoker and Icannot wait to give this a go. But when
we start looking at putting this in abowl, there’s one thing you can do. You
can just take a spoonful and put it in abowl, but at the same time there’s really
really good toppings you can throw ontop. Maybe it’s gonna need a little bit
of cheddar cheese, maybe you want alittle bit of sour cream on top, maybe a
little green onions. I’m telling youthat’s the way that we like to fix our
chili. A little dollop of sour cream, afew green onions on top, and I think
we’re we ready to give this a try. Itdefinitely smells like smoked chili. It
smells really really good.So you ready? Mm-hmm. Let’s give this a whirl.This is still hot I can tell.Even off the smoker for 15 minutes it’s still blazing hot.I mean that brisket is just fall apart,
brisket just falls apart in your mouthIt’s the right amount of spice for
me. Yeah. The right amount of chili powder.That smoked paprika that was in there.
I like the smoked tomatoes.Mm-hmm fire roasted tomatoes. Yeah. So good.Well, here’s the deal, if you
have leftover brisket and you’re notsure what to do with it, we’ve given you
quite a few different options here onthe channel, but smoked brisket chili is
one of the ways to go for sure. We wantyou to give this recipe a try. And amaze
your friends. I mean you can tell themit’s your recipe you don’t have to tell them about
us. That’s okay. But the whole idea ofwhat we do this for is we want you to
win your weekend. We want to give yourecipes, tips, and techniques to make you
better at what you do. And we can’t waitto see you when you make this and leave
a comment down below in the bottom ofthis video. So if you like what you saw
here make sure you subscribe, make sureyou hit that bell so you can be notified
when new videos come out. Because we’reputting one or two videos out every week
throughout the entire year.And we’d love to be able to help make
you a better pitmaster. So this has beenDavid and Melissa from the Barbecue Laband we look forward to seeing you next time.

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