BBQ Beef Recipes

Texas Style Beef Ribs | How To Smoke Beef Ribs | Traeger

Texas Style Beef Ribs | How To Smoke Beef Ribs | Traeger

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Mishima Back Ribs

Traeger Pro 780

All Purpose Meat Marinade

Hogs ‘N Heat

Inkbird Thermometer 20% off discount code S7L944TT

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hey everybody welcome to the real showbarbecue today we’re gonna smoke us someTexas style beef ribs here are thesenice beef ribs that we got from Machinee-reserve they’re American Wagyu backribs about two pounds what we did is 24hours ago we actually took these and putkosher salt on them we did like a drybrine and it takes about a teaspoon perpound so about two teaspoons we put onthe front side and the back side and wealso have removed the membrane on theback so what we want to do first of allit’s just we’re going to do this it’sgonna be really simple because thisagain this is gonna be a Texas stylewe’re just gonna spray a little bit ofoil on here is our binder and somepeople may put water on there since wealready got salt on there I don’t wantto always use like a Worcestershiresauce or anything like that so that’sall we’re going to do on the back sidehere put us a little bit of a forceblack pepper[Music]doesn’t take a whole lot since we’re onthe backsideokay flip these over you can see withthat salt brine has made it really darkred color there from the salt brineovernight spray this all on here get usa nice cuttingthat’s all we’re gonna do this simpleblack pepper and the salt brine now thatwe have our beef ribs all seasoned upwe’re gonna be using my new trigger Pro7080 we’re gonna be running around 2:40looking at hopefully getting these ribdone within 5 hours or less so let’s goahead and get them out there on thetriggerlet’s get these beef ribs on you can seethat this trigger has a lot of cookingsurface here it’s really a huge smokeprobably one of the biggest killersmokers I’ve had I’m gonna be doing someother videos upcoming to kind of showyou guys the inside and out and howeverything works super easy to getstartedworks really really well the pelletsthat were using today are a blend mytrigger they are they’re oak ski andpecan so I know it’s going to give usreally great flavor these beef reallygonna shut the lid and we gonna letthese go for a good two hours I’m gonnacheck them in and then see where we’reat we may wrap them at that time or wemay go to the three hour mark but I’llshow you how to look at that time let’scheck these out right quick you’ve beengoing to our 15 minutes I just want tokind of see we were are internally sofarusually for 13338 145 155 I want to take these androtate them now to be cooking hotter onthis end so I’m just gonna rotate usaround a little bit[Music]slide of this waythere we go close it down with check itback is better the LA island 15 Newsall right we’ve been going to and a halfhours we’ll check them right nowinternally I know they’re notwe’re going to eat them at this morenone this one go wrap them so we’re at170 there 175 a little harder over here178 so pretty much all the way acrossnot much being there’s still real stiffso we’re gonna take them now inside andwrap them I’ll show you what I’m gonnado down okay what we’re going to do nowis we’re going to double wrap these someof the bonds we start to poke out andthey’re twisting on these I was hopingto with double wrap and I keep it frompuncturing through what I’m going to donow to kind of make these really tenderis I’m going to be using a marinade thehogs and heat this is our meat marinadeaward-winning marinade right here itsays really good stuff I’m gonna putthis in there to kind of help like againhelp get that meat real tender and alsois gonna add some great flavor to it aswell you can kind of pull this up alittle bit you might not better see itpretty some it’s meat marinade in therewe’ll keep the meat side down a littlebit more on this side try to wrap thisas tight as we can either a bit on thewide Sun be able to get into thesereally easy we want to take and justkind of we’re gonna fold it over onceand then fold it over sick of time theresame side here wrap it once and thenwrap it againagain this is the easy access if we needto take a peek out of all right smokerlet’s get them back on track here and wewant to maintain that 240 degrees aroundthat area we’re gonna check these backin about an hour and 15 minutes to hourand 30 and see how we’re look at me wellwrap I’m gonna look at them at that timelet’s check our rims out now we’veactually been going to two and a halfhours I’d say in about an hour and ahalf mark and they were around 170 175so they really hadn’t moved a whole lotso we go see what they are nowand it should be good now you see thepullback and a half no that went throughlike butter[Music]195 right there that we were warned 205to 5yepwe’re gonna take these off and let themrest for about 15 and 30 minutes andthen we’ll cut into it here our ribsafter they’ve been resting for about 30minutes very nice color again just froma salt brine and this simple pepper andthen we put that marinade on there hogthe heat and they smell amazing we’regonna flip these over right quick try tocut into him sometimes there’s a littlebit of a bone through here that you hitsee if we can cut through it withouthitting that bone right through theresee we can take a look at these theyhave a nice smoke ring still juicy lookat all that juice just running out youlook greatlet’s cut another piece here you can cutdown the side think we missed that boneyeplittle piece coming off there man yourfavor is so so good Wow looks greatlet’s give this a taste test for you allright we’re gonna give these a test Igot my official taste tester Mason withme again today so hey Mason look at itlook at that smilehe’ll off here hey front tooth can youbite it still yeahgisun training so tender back this fightbut sky that I’m let’s get up Barney andtaste to it that I’m no bitedo you think it that mm-hmm what he’slikeyet tall what are you gonna even tell[Music]tell him just good is it yummyleast you could eat it without gettingstuck in qatif or that to fishing wowthis is really good I highly recommendit doing this go check out these guysbelow everybody that we used again todaygreat meats right here super super juicyyou can’t ask for anything much morethan that everybody look so goodhopefully you can see that withoutMason’s head giving oh man that’s sogood thank you guys for being with us wereally appreciate it simple again blackpepper and a salt brine and you can getsome really good ribs again this is kindof a Texas style we did and soon we’llbe showing you more on the trigger Pro780 I’ll give you a walkthrough to kindof show you everything that it has it’sgot some great features on it lookingforward to many many more coops with itas well go ahead and Mason give mylittle sign-offthank you guys god bless

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