Beef Jerky is a great snack, and using a pellet grill makes it easier than ever to make your own Traeger Smoked Jerky.
The process is simple. You’ll first want a very lean cut of beef. Eye of Round is what I always go with, and it works perfectly. Make sure you trim off as much of the outer fat as you can, along with any silver skin. Fat in jerky can go rancid if left for too long after cooking.
I don’t have any set recipe, and always experiment. So go ahead and use whatever you feel like! Make sure you let it marinade overnight to really set the flavour.
Once it’s ready, I set my Traeger Select Elite to smoke setting. It usually runs at about 160-170 on that, which is perfect for making jerky.
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
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BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]we’re gonna be making some jerky on theTraeger today here is a whole eye ofround that I’ve already trimmed andgotten rid of all of the fat on thereason you want to get a lean piece ofmeat like I am round is because when youmake jerky if you leave it sit for awhile the fat will go rancid and Iaround is super lean so that meansthere’s not a whole lot of fat when youget a whole one like this there’s a lotof fat on the outside but inside there’svery little and I have tried to trim offas much of the fat as I can you can seeabout loaded of oxidization here andhere but I’m not too worried about thatespecially since the marinade is gonnahave some cure in it and you won’t evennotice that once the color starts to setin what we need to do now is cut it nowwhat you want to do is get it out tothaw but don’t let it thaw completelythis is still fairly frozen in themiddle and that makes it a lot easier tocut[Music]so that is actually probably a little onthe thick side but that’s alright Idon’t mind my her teeny little feetthicka meat slicer would make this a loteasier so if you have one I definitelysuggest using that but here this is alittle a little nicer for the size thatwe’re looking for and again you justwant to go through the entire piece andthere’s try and cut them as uniform aspossible so that way they’re all gonnacook it relatively the same at the sametime when you get them on the triggerall right I’m gonna cut up the red of itrest of this and then we’ll come backand I’ll show you how to do the marinadeand here is the spice mixture that we’regoing to use in our marinade we’ve got atablespoon of ground black pepper we’vegot a half a tablespoon of thisass-kickin hot salt tablespoon of thesweet coffee rub a tablespoon of thegarlic jalapeno seasoning from Weberwe’ve got a tablespoon of dried choppedonion a half a tablespoon of this smokedpaprika that is also quite spicytablespoon of garlic powder and atablespoon of kosher salt so here’s whateverything looks like this is somethingthat I just kind of threw together fromwhat I’ve got in our cupboards here howit’s going to taste all together I don’tknow I’m kind of worried it might be alittle too salty if that’s the case thenI’ll just have to make sure I rinse itout really well after its marinated andI’m going to get some soy sauce and someother liquid and throw this all togetherand to finish off the marinade we aregoing with a cup of soy sauce[Music]can’t a coke or some sweetness[Music]and then just a little bit okay theinjector roasted garlic and herb that’sfor something a little different then wetake all our spices here and we’re goingto dump those and and I threw a wholebunch on the floor cuz my hand slippedthat’s lovely he’s gonna whisk this upand then we will get ready to dump thisover top of the beef beef is in the bowland now we’re gonna dump our marinade ontop[Music]there we go I’m just gonna get in therewith a spoon or something to just kindof push the beef down so that everythingis all covered and then we’re gonna goput it out in the fridge in the garagefor 24 hours and we’ll get back to ittomorrow so we’ll see you then it is thenext day and we’ve got the Tragerrocking and rolling just got it set onthe smoke setting rank now becausethat’s gonna let it run between 160 175which is perfect for making jerky andthere it is I know it looks kind ofdisgusting right now but it smellsamazing so we are going to get it on Iam hoping and then I can get all of thison in one load here I’ve never done afull eye of round on the trigger beforeso this is going to be something butwe’re going to open her up you get heron and come right back and I’ve got thejerky on I’ll open it up let you take alookthere it is so it’s good to know that Ican get an entire eye of round on thistrigger without needing to do a second asecond load or anything like that sosecond batch batch is the word I waslooking for so that is great news we aregoing to close this up and let it go Ifigure it’ll take three to four hoursand then everything will look good sowe’ll check back in we’re about an hourand a half in I think I’m gonna becompletely honest with you I completelylost track of time I think I startedthis around 4:30 so it’s about 6 o’clocknow so yes that is an hour and a halfand we’re going to take a look just tosee how it’s doing the temperature onthe trigger is running about 160 and youknow give or take 5 degrees so that’sabsolutely perfect and where we want itto be[Music][Music]so we can see it is starting to dry outa little bit which is perfect andexactly what we’re looking for let meclose that back up before we lose toomuch heat and I’ll just mention thatwhen we were putting the marinadetogether yesterday I did not put in anycuring salt which I usually do any progpowder which I usually do when I’mmaking my jerky just to be on the safeside because I just wanna be extra safeI don’t need to but I do anyway soinstead I did that later on last nightbefore I went to bed and I just addedabout one teaspoon of the prog powderinto the marinade and then just mixed itaround so one teaspoon will do aboutfive pounds of of meat will cure it andI had about five pounds worth ofprobably but a little bit less than thatafter I trimmed everything off so thatshould be more than enough anyway we’llcome back and check on this in aboutanother hour and a half and hopefully itwill be close to being done another hourand a half has gone by so let’s take alook at the jerky and see what we got sofarall right that is actually lookingreally good[Music]some of that might be ready to come offyet some of the smaller pieces I’m goingto grab one and take a look[Music]well there we go that one is lookingpretty goodno she’s still still pretty soft yetthis will put that back on and we’regonna close it up and give it anotherhour before we check again all right weare at about five five and a half hoursnow it’s taken a little bit longer thanI anticipatedhowever looking at the chunks that I cutthey are a little bit on the thickerside so that would account for thelonger cooking time obviously anyway Ithink we are pretty much done so we’lltake lift the lid up take a quick lookI’m gonna try a piece right now and dothat right out here and you know we’llwe’ll take a look[Music]alright those are looking pretty good asyou can see I’ve already pulled a few ofthe smaller pieces off that have beenfinished and I think they tasted prettygood I had a quick taste of those anywayI’m going to grab one here and give it atry as well[Music]alright here we go that’s looking prettydarn good gonna give her a little try[Music]that is really good the marinade that weput on there was amazingand tastes fantastic good smoke flavorfrom the pellets as well so yes this isprobably my best jerky so far wellthanks for watching everybody Iappreciate it if you liked the videogive me a thumbs up hit that like buttonleave me a comment down below don’tforget to share with your friends andhit that subscribe button and thenotification icon so you get notifiedevery time I upload a new video anddon’t forget to check out my Amazonaffiliate links for items that I use inall my videos if you’re interested inpicking something up for yourself andalso the link for my patreon there aswell I’d love your support there thanksfor watching and we’ll see you next time[Music]you[Music]