BBQ Beef Recipes

Want to grill Perfect Steaks for Father’s Day?

Want to grill Perfect Steaks for Father’s Day? Worried about flare-ups ruining an expensive steak? Fear not! I’m going to teach you how to make the perfect, steakhouse-quality steak! It’s a guaranteed way to grill confidently and consistently every time!

Step-By-Step instructions:

My Restaurant:

My Books:
Ferry Tales:
Ferry Tales II: When Hellenic Freezes Over:

Tomahawk Steaks:
Organic Peppercorns:
Himalayan Sea Salt:
KerryGold© Butter (cheaper at Costo):

Kitchen Gadgets:
Smoker Box for wood chips:
Smoker Box for Pellets:
My BBQ Grill:

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Video Transcription

one of the best things and you can givedad for Father’s Day is a really nicestate none are as impressive as thetomahawk but here’s the question do youhave the guts to grill a $200 steak I’mgoing to show you howthe steak tastes awesome all by itselfit needs really nothing but 2 minorseasoning here’s what I recommend thatyou do with these steaks I recommend yousmoke them first but if you smoke themwhat’s gonna wind up happening is yougonna actually start the cooking processso you need to do what’s called a coldsmoke I picked this little contender boxup from Amazon it’s called the cavetools let’s put a link with it and linkto it down below and this is reallysimple you can just put some chips inthere and I just start them with ablowtorch put them in the barbecue letthat state gets a little bit of smokyflavor to it or if you have a smoker ifyou have a smoker obviously that’s theway to go but if you don’t you can useone of these little it’s another form ofthe box but it’s it’s an octagon shapeyou put your pellets in there sameprinciple you get them hot let themcatch on fire and then you turn theflames off and just keep the steaks inthe barbecue that has no heat in it butI own a restaurant and I have aprofessional cold smoker that I use inmy ovens I’m gonna put that in mybarbecue with the tomahawks for one hourI have a mix of pellets in here that Ireally like I use cherry Hickory andmesquite pellets and I’ll put the blendon on them on the recipe on the websitewe’re gonna put that on the barbecue forone hour and just let the Tomahawkssmoke there for a little while andthat’ll also bring them to a warmertemperature which is where I like itlike them to be when I start to grillthem to start off we want to seasonthese tomahawk steaks with nothing moresimpler than salt and pepper that’s itbut you don’t want to use a coarse salton this and you also want to make surethat the salt that you use coatseverything evenly now I love Celtic seasalt but I don’t have any fine groundCeltic sea salt so I’m just gonna usethis Himalayan pink sea salt which Ifeel has a little bit more bite to itand this steak needs that itneeds a little bit more of a saltyflavor what you want to do is justseason it so that the steak is coatedand you want to have a liberal amount ofsalt on this all rightyou don’t want to go light on the saltyou’ll just want to make sure that it’severywhere and you want to make sure ofcourse that you do both sides followedby a generous coating of course peppergo for organic organic pepper hasamazing flavors I’ll put a link downbelow to the pepper I use it’s by StarrWest botanicals make sure again that youput pepper on both sidesso these tomahawks in here they’ve beensmoking for an hourperfect they’re probably at around 50degrees internal temperature which isexactly where I want to start thepreparation you have to have twothermometers when you’re cooking thesteak there’s no way around it the firstthermometer here is an infraredthermometer when the surface of thegrill reaches 500 degrees we are gonnaturn that side off and we’re gonna turnthe other side which is on high to lowwhat’ll happen is the steak will searand there won’t be any flame below itnow you don’t want to go too much higherthan 5 degrees because if you do thedrippings from the steak whoa the Bagrees you don’t want to go higher than500 degrees because if you do thetemperature of the steak the drippingsfrom the the fat drippings from thesteak are going to create a flare-upeven if there’s no flare underneath itso 500 degrees max my thermometer has adial on it and it tells me what the thegrill temperature is but it usually isoff so you still need to rely on one ofthese right now that’s reached 700degrees it’s too hot I’m gonna let itcool off a little bit my steaks aresearing on the right side of thebarbecue and on the left side of thebarbecue the temperature is on low theright side of the barbecue is off thegrates have reached 500 degrees 550degrees a little over but they’ll stillbe fine you can go a little higher than500 and be safe but when you startgetting into the 600 degree range it’sjust too hot and the fat when it dripsoff of the steak will igniteautomatically so I leave it around 500550 degrees I keep the left side onbecause I want that to still keep thesteaks warm because I’m gonna close thelid on the steaks and let them cook alittle bit just for two minutes and thenI’m gonna switch the direction so it hasa nice X mark on itwe’re gonna leave the stakes on theright side on off for another two orthree minutes just so they can get thatnice checkered pattern on there the xmarks a lot of guys on YouTube whatthey’ll do is they’ll take the drippingsfrom the steak they’ll collect it whilethe steak is cooking and they’ll seasonit and they’ll and as it’s cooking onthe barbecue this the drippings willcontinue to cook and I’m not a big fanof that there’s a specific temperaturethat I like the O’s youtubey of thesteak when I’m basting mistake and Ican’t do that with a barbecue becausethe drippings no matter what you do withthem they’re gonna overheat and they’regonna get too hot and basically you’regonna be putting oil on the on the meatwhen you’re basting it so what I like todo is I like to take very finely mincedhorseradish i pureed as much as I can inthe blender and then I mix it withbutter the butter has to be at roomtemperature and as the steak starts tocook the butter will melt onto it if youtake butter and you reheat itexcessively and you taste it it losesits flavor but if you take butter andyou melt it and it’s not quite annoyingthe flavor is significantly differentand that’s what I want to impart ontothe steak we put our probe in the steaksand we set it to a hundred andtwenty-five degrees that’s gonna giveyou a medium-rare more towards a raresteak what you want to do with thisbutter and this horseradish is you wantto coat the entire thing make sure thateverything is covered on there don’tleave one tiny speck of area on thatsteak uncoveredif you want a steak to be medium-rareyou put the probe in the center of thethinnest piece first once that goes to125 you take the steak off put it in asealed container or cover a containerwith plastic wrap and then take theprobe stick into the thicker piece ofsteak until that gets to 125 usuallywhen you buy tomahawks and they’re cutthe steaks are cut pretty much the samesize so there isn’t that muchdifferential but if you get one day youwant to cook a bunch of steaks and someof them are thick so we were thin alwaysstart with the thinner steak stick itinto the center of the thinner one whenit hits the temperature take it off andmove up progressively to the thicker andthicker steak so that’s way they’ll allbe cooked medium-rare[Music]so hopefully you’re not afraid anymoreto cook an expensive steak on thebarbecue as long as there’s no flameunderneath it you don’t have to worryabout it being any flare-up use yourinfrared thermometer make sure that thegrates don’t go above 550 degrees whenyou put your steaks on the hot side turnthat flame off then move the steaks overflip them on to the other side keep theflame off and just let the internaltemperature tell you when your steak isdone thank you so much for watching havea great Father’s Day surprise dad withan awesome steak that’ll be perfectlycooked like you got it in the steakhouseand continue to watch my videos pleasesubscribe and ring that bell so you’llget notifications when my videos arereleased every week thank you so much

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