Welcome to our Khmer Kitchen. We cooked four dishes today. Hope you like it.
Thank you so much for watching. អរគុណច្រើន
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
some women might be I’m ready non-fatalare any Muslim my mom’s option armies ofVietnam Louisianayoung brother money and hungry yesproduct of USA writing owner in themlike a pride mom piece of lemon in hopesof 10 km j kalarjianman-on-man sick sounds just subscribejust wait a lot sir daddyhey Gordy panchan me joy and I look atthem now and chat bike and I’m like I’msorrysuddenly honey I’m small[Music]bye bye hi I didn’t open your new puppyit come in and yeah morning Samairfryer pink John butterscotch auntyTamara come out that be changing sochicken wing I’m gonna try with theairfryer i marinated with soy sauce saltand sugar more sugar then salt becauseyou know we like a little bit more sweetblack pepper garlic powder- omelets on votado and chocolate boomonion just another night about two hoursso I’m gonna throw that in the airfryerand then put some crab fried rice thisis the leftover crappy cooked two daysago my wife and young Lynette good nightthat see him stir-fry water spinach somepeople call it Morning Glory with saltedsoybean yes thank you but she played infried rice and chicken wing Oh Adamtoday for don’t forget that my wifespicy string bean the Asian string beanand some high-quality Russian oh yeahforget Mattel I mean our jobwell normally I don’t take a be n-n-n-noyou learning Pentagon bank line if I’mbeing it[Music][Music]hello Jennyeverything from Crystal pond any Montana$5.00 for this tomato organic when yourmouth bubble our secret upon this I needwhat about it ain’t gonna listen for myairfryer to work on the chicken wingtakes time no way to explain all rightno you are honey Maxineyeah Bioman[Music]what’s that goo it might be my new yarnand we’re by javelin thrower[Music][Applause][Music]mañana hi little boy Regina no seriouslymy body smells like and for whator what paintambourine tastes again my fivespecialty spicy too popularI walk on themy other stop[Music]my I’m over camera long time agoyamadharma that’s nicecrap I’m gonna get me a bike pigna don’ton it too much crack it open a littlebit so when you chew it a few chewy thisis Mayasalads Cambodian salad yeah like a saladwithout the papaya just Asian stringbean[Music]you got oh you’ve been proper signalKalama peach num try bye-bye I played ayoung I said no no you might take myboys diatomite tomorrow I find youbeside you leave a tomato you can pay toa list oh you might even nameit’s about tell the Lord[Music]him without not using without you I tooka lawyer right to college on William youautomatically in it my a manateetomorrowa favorpeeping I turn it out might even I thinkwe wrote myself a dolly take out my dogup there nombrebut it would not start on what memoryfor you know see from Tommy for unitychrome to just like how your ball andyou actually take about by using my sonBrian me the mountain board Mongkokshown overI mean package mother lode of immediateand permanent makeupfighter[Music]skálwhatbut praise your high mind giving our airand but highJenna[Applause]put it on top of the stove so the fancan suck the smoke[Applause]that’s how long for the crippled manstill in shock[Applause]right[Applause]mom’s on Friday right here you put yourfire[Applause]yeteverything is counting together rightsauceand tell her about the wholeness of minewhen he got a mind to[Music][Applause][Applause][Music]in any event our dinneryou know geez love itHeyand a little yellow line awaiting DavidKiser[Applause]welcoming life[Music][Applause]you think[Music][Applause][Music]Wow[Music]even when I got pregnantdennaI’m okaywhen you put a timeoh good about my jiggly a little bit toslap one chicken wingtotal of half an hour 15 minutes then Iturn on the other side and at a 15minute at 3:50 a.m. about one more yeahthat’s right coolsome carry MA[Applause]very afternoon[Music]I am bidwhy they would turnthat one i’m not– blow open baby yeahman yeahyeah good job i sat by topical area[Laughter]I’ll get along look they’re the powertower by Jim olive oil[Music]that’s you[Music][Music]sorry[Music][Music]we got to fight eightI[Music][Music]let’s clap me my restaurantthe trauma[Music]salt little soy sauce and this out[Music][Music]look atspecial[Music]few carats[Applause][Music][Music][Music]her father is done[Music]besides economic but I’m a doctorOh[Music]if already Montague activity my pedalavocado poundhuhwe call this a saltedsoy bean so be very salty so you’ll needto put salt in this dishwe fly a chopper[Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]all clear joon-young by monument a anindian boom oh hey I mean a bad boy withyou today string bean salads with driedshrimps crispy chicken wing come offsgood with the airfryer and then onlycrap fry rice I put a lot of crap almosthalf a pound to Dungeness crab andsalted saw Saudi yeah so I’ve been inmorning glory good delicious homemadefood don’t think you can finish it allso it’s gonna be a lot of October thankyou again for watching and same spotsame seeds same bad boy come on buy carsand lots of crab fried rice chickenwings good song oh you’re mmmI put cilantro on the top yummy go crabfried ricesome job might work or not not smartenough Malaya Lily score yeah I’m gonnasee you mom I think Jimmy not for youfor me good homemade food very healthyyou just have to plan out youringredient take some news too you knowbut once you know the routine it’s easywhite chocolate on my top downmanagement John I’m inside you Pina hmmso tender come off the boneI’m a 10I didn’t point hmmWow no no no no money my name this andthis togethermmm I mean y’all know I like some ofthem are something pop[Music][Music]but up by now[Music][Music]no top bite into an apple yeah lightenup sticky rice we make the holidaysticky right with the salad me chickenwing all good stuff[Music]hmm[Music]my job[Music][Music]vampire have be put this little niggasbitch socket crapI think just one bathroom[Music]ughn[Music]the inside is like telling gonna change[Music]maybe please like monitor[Music]the oven it by hand sticky rice inforefinger that’s why the sticky rice by[Music]Aachen I’m up on top natural if neededhi I’m Natasha hide the nitrogen bombhope you get my opium to get moregeneral more epic Rafi dolly mmm-hmmthank you for watching as always Annaedition of home food make time to cookfor dishes today so thank you forwatching hope you like the simple recipeit just takes a little bit of time thepreparation is about an hour just toclean and cut and get everything readyonce you get to walk to heat up your TZtakes about five minutes ago fry rice inthat dish and this is you know a hairfry or take care of myselfnow put more clear barnacle take andbreak Canada Australia and New ZealandI like me to put not I wanna bottom orjust a video Punjab I’m income andeverything and see take on a new childback with Paul talks about you open it’slike crying have a wonderful day orevening or night wherever you arewatching my video thank you so much goodluck bye bye[Music][Music]