What’s going on Foodmegios! Today’s video i just could not wait to put up in the loop i wanted to share this with you NOW! Now you may have been to those chain places where they offer some type of chicken in some type of bowl? Well get ready to be amazed because i have just set the standard in chicken bowl creations that would make that sanders guy and that lady from pop n’ such whatever the name of that place is come running back for fourths or fiths for the taste of my grilled chicken. Tasty and succulent. Check out the video, Let me know if you make it yourself. Also with the state opening up i want to do everything i can to support the local vendors and businesses. Please check out or website, check out our local vendors and lets support locals! I can’t wait to start showcasing local restaurants!
Check out the links below
https://www.facebook.com/nepaphotos (GNK Photography)
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]what’s going on everyone it’s chef Jayyour host with the most coming to youlive well from video from the backyardwe’re firing up the grill we’re gonnamake chef Jay’s chicken ball but we’regonna do grilled chicken all right staytuned guys yeah I got the quarantinecoronavirus head they’re going onalright let’s let’s get this rollingall right we’re gonna start well I gotthe grill going we’re gonna start doingthe and start boiling for the damaskpotatoes and now with my in my chickenbowl I’m gonna have some cornI might even still have some of those[Music]you see corn from my mashed potato bowllet that boil up you get all nice andhot then go to the next step migos we’regonna start cooking the chicken yesall right guys chicken is cooking okaynow we’re back in the kitchen the secondpart of our chicken bowl the chef Jaychicken bowl it’s nice outside guys it’snice to be outshe never done suck this off we’ll seehow it turns out adding the mashedpotatoes Betty Crockerwhen it turned down the juice about tomashed potatoes in thereyes it’s the mashed potato flakes I justworked today I won’t have time nowslice and dice Oh Nokeep we’re getting got to tripodwe’re gonna turn this offalright something right here guysthere we go I eat in my fork here’s notgonna add some milk and some butteryeah guys look at thisgive me a look at that Leary a closerlook at thosevery good very tasty now we’re gonna addsome pepperall rightso that’s why I like these I thoughtthese potatoes they’re done just gottalet sit okay we returned to the backyardand the chickenthat we’re gonna close that down justfor a little bit okay so we goteverything okay okay so now we’re justhanging in the backyard waiting for thechicken I cook I wanted here I want tothank all you guys who watch the showsfollow me on instagram youtube facebookyou know the website means a lot and Idecided I was sittin rights and some ofthose tenders as you saw sitting in thefridge what do I do with them okaynow this would be the actually the firsttime and potatoes you know in a goodweek so I figured because I’ve beendoing the noodles the broccoli that youknow that the vegetables so I’m like youknow what time – uh let’s try somethingdifferent and I’m running out of food Ihave to go to store to mark tomorrow weget paid so tomorrow I’ll be venturingdown to garetty’s but for now I gotta dowhat you got to do you got to eat okaythat look good guys pretty similar bringus all home now we got the chicken wegot the mashed potatoes we got to cornwe also now got gravy all right so we’regonna we’re gonna do this up not gonnado the whole thing I’m just gonna do alittle bit okay I don’t know if thattook enough but she’s added the gravywe’re gonna heat up some gravy to gowith those mashed potatoes in thechicken shoulda thought I’m glad Ithought of thatokay guys we were turns check on thechickenlook at thatfor a few more minutesI’m gonna get back on state it’s it’sbefore Memorial weekend okayso I hope you guys have a memorial agood Memorial weekend especially can’t Iknow everything’s still semi closed butthings are opening up so that’s a goodthing good signstores are starting to open and me I’mgoing to be joining to your friends likeI always do for a get-together thornHirst I’m gonna make my world famous hotdog chili which I’ll probably do anothervideoyep I’m I’m I can’t wait to check jamthis uh this this chicken boysee I could have done the chicken in thepan I could have fried it but you knowwhatgrilling it’s a lot healthier so we wentto grilled away all rightalmost done ball so we got a bowl Ohguys usually you cut up the chickenwe’re going to can’t have a chicken ballwithout the mashed potatoes in the cornand gonna take some gravy good that thechef Jay chicken ball ready to eat thatbreakfast bought the chicken bowl chefJay stickin Bowl let’s jam in got somepotatoes corn broccoli very deliciouswhat I do she I was think about thistoday I’m working like what and I wasworking what what can I do make achicken ball there’s the chicken and yougotta tip that in the mashed potatoesand the gravyoh yeahchicken my house please in Brockton thisis a basically trainwreck mess but oh mygod is it delicious I kind of got theidea watching a video and YouTube todayknows how much all right um I might evenactually put this up tonight not waitlook at that Oh what are gonna be aclose-up it isclose up guys chicken mashed potatoesgravy corn broccoli guys gals there’s anice quick quick dinner so dad you sawthat what do you think first time I evermade like a chicken ball what do youthink now I got those potatoes I couldsave for tomorrow into spuds and tatersI mean uh spuds are taters dummy J hotdogs hot dogs and taterswell I’m their leftover chicken thereshoot somebody some chicken left applyshould’ve cut up the chicken but I waslike you know what the hell with itlet’s just jam in and eat this bad boydinnerwhat’s nice is the place I work fordon’t get a lot of them you knowholidays off forget the majors you knowChristmas Thanksgiving Easter well thatSunday so we’re always close but we gotMemorial Day Off so that’s that’s a nicelong weekendnice leg weekend if they eye with somefriends eat comfort food I’m definitelythe splurge dad damn look at that greatdelicious something about genome oh okayguys gals I’m down to my last piece ofchicken so it’s very delicious I’m gladwe did a little cuz i’m i’m alreadygetting full yep okay guys well i’mfinished up this last piece of chickenhereI should next time gonna cut it I wantto thank each and every one of you whowatch llama valley reviews veryappreciative whether it’s on the youtubechannel or the groups or the page likeand follow us on social media so youdon’t miss any one of our awesome videosI’m still fighting here with my chickenlook at that guys please check out ourwebsite check out our affiliates we havegreat great vendors now that theeverything is opening up photographerswe had G&K photography that a artphotography little bones jewelry um youknow we have DJ set up sit on our sitethat you know for your parties you knowi’m gonna put the link to our website inthe descriptionguys please check it out you know nowthat the state’s opening back up we wantto support the locals local businesseslocal vendors locals locals localsalright guys it is your host with themost chef Jay we’re gonna see it ournext show have a great onebe blessed every 100because I do put this up tonight whichit could happen Saturday I have mychicken stir-fried video going uppremiering that was a fun video to doand the eat check you laterit’s Jeff J have a great one[Music]you[Music]