BBQ Chicken Recipes

Corky’s BBQ 3-lb or 6-lb Seasoned Roasted Chicken Wings on QVC

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Corky’s BBQ 3-lb or 6-lb Seasoned Roasted Chicken Wings


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icon of southern cooking since theyopened that very first restaurant inMemphis Tennessee but what you arelooking at is something that has neverhappened before yeah those are wingsthey’re tender and meaty and flavorfuland slow roasted and we have neverbefore offered Corky’s wings as atoday’s special value until now they arethe QVC customer Choice Award winner forbest appetizer they are a favorite and Iwant you to call me right now 1-800three nine five one five one six zerofive I’m Lia Williams everyone let meintroduce you to Jimmy Stovall he’s thegeneral manager of Kourtney’s he’s apitmaster in his own right he’s beenwith Corky’s for 25 years and he is thegentleman who is bringing us the today’sspecial value our first-ever Corky’swings today I cannot wait to startdigging in but let me quickly telleverybody exactly what’s happening notonly is this the first ever time that weare bringing you a Corky’s wings today’sspecial value and by the way you can’tget the wings even in the restaurantsright only here we’re the only ones tohave them over 230 thousand orders ofCorky’s wings have been requested sincewe’ve made them available for the veryfirst time so here’s what you’re goingto do tonight we have two flavors wehave a brand new flavor called wait foritwhiskey maple so good I know Jimmy’sgonna tell you all about it and then wehave the most popular flavor which isthe sweet and smoky now you’re going tonot only pick what flavor you wantyou’re gonna let us know what size soyou can order the three-pound order oryou can do double the 6-pound order andwhen you opt for the six pound orderyou’re going to save $29.99 so it’ssimple as that you’re picking your sizethree pounds or six pounds you’repicking your flavor the brand-newwhiskey maple orthe sweet and smoky and we’ll explainwhat they’re all about and then you’regonna pick your ship do you want asingle shipment or do you want to keepthe wings coming because we are offeringauto delivery and your wings will arriveevery 90 days with the T today’s specialvalue price locked in and if you want todo a combo the 6-pound choice is the wayto do it so the item number everybody ishim six five four seventy four let megive you the phone number again eighthundred three nine five one six zero onecall me if you love Corky’s wings like Ido just to make one quick point yepwe offer every day on QVC a five-poundoffer that for a long time yep the fivepound just to make the point this is whyyou shop your today’s special value fivepounds of wings on 76.90 twocents your six pound today’s specialvalue offer remember $69.99 it’s on foureasy payments of $17 and change it willship to you for free and that six poundsis a $29 and $99.99 savings over thethree pound option so yeah bigger isbetter and by the way six pounds that’sthe biggest we offer absolutely it alsomakes it the lowest price per pound sothe six pound offer is just all the wayacross the board the best value so whatwe started the presentation watching youyepkind of just tell me hmm so I think thereason the wings have been so popular isif you’re not familiar with Corky’swe’re family-run barbecue restaurantMemphis Tennessee where we do everythingthe old-fashioned way and the biggestthing we do especially with the wings aswe start with the finest qualityproducts so we start with jumbo meatywings then we tumble seasoned them inthe either the sweet and smoky or thatwhiskey maple we let that seasoning sinkin then we slowand the reason we slow-roast it I wantyou to see this right here you see allthe juice all the tenderness in that inthat wing meat most the time you getwings at a restaurant they’re gonna bedeep-fried all the moisture is gone andthey cover it with a hot saucethese are barbecue seasoned slow roastedwings so they stay meaty juicy andtender and you get that fantasticMemphis barbecue flavor from that rub onthe outside all right we all know whenyou bring out the wings the partystarting right and it’s yeah it’ll bethere in time for the big gameabsolutely whoever you’re rooting foryeah everybody’s happy because you havethe wings so let’s start with the brandnew flavor that’s this one right okay Igotta try itwhiskey maple so this is our newestflavor okay it is it’s a perfect perfectblend just you’ll see it’s a little bitdarker color and so it’s a perfect blendof bourbon whiskey flavor and then thatmaple syrup flavored first you’re gonnaget the sweetness of the maple syrupthen it’s gonna have a nice hint of thatbourbon whiskey at the end it is aperfect perfect combination for wingsand again no sauce we don’t put sauce onthem you’re welcome to do that at homebut it’s all about that rub and thatslow roast the maple yeah I knowyep a little bit of the sweet with thatsavory but can I tell you oh my goodnessthis chicken is so tender let’s seethat’s the thing I’m using barbecue youknow the flavor is great and we in thesetwo are the best absolute great flavorsbut really it’s the star is the meat andwe start againjumbo meaty wings season slow roastedLouis much wait I got this I mean wewere having a little drum so everythinga little fun with my last show where weasked people which is your favorite theflats are the drums yeah and almosteverybody said I like the drums becausewe’re all the meat it look at all themeat on that Oh golly I’m going in andthe thing is these are done so you allthe work is done for you they’re fullycooked we individually quick freeze themand then we put them in a resealable bagso the great thing about that is you cantake a few out if youor the whole bag and you if you just zipit back up put it back in your freezerand you have it for another day mm-hmmgang someone will need to bring me anapkin I’m gonna try to be a lady attheir wings what are we gonna say allright here we go all right so tell meabout so that can I tell you the whiskeymaple is fantastic if you love a littlesweet along with your savory and thatand that little kick that is and justperfection tell me about the mostpopular which is this week this is thesweet and smoky this is the one westarted the wings with it is it’s a niceit’s a little more mild sweeter flavorimagine more of like a honey smoothsweetness with a little that smokypaprika on the end so where one has moreof that maple and and whiskey bourbonflavor this one has more of the likealmost like a honey sweetness it’s realsmooth with that smoky paprika eitherone you go with the meat is tender andjuicyall right look how much meat you saidlook how much meat is if you thought themeat was only on the drums look at theflats okay so this is I’m going in okayhere we go can I tell you it’s just someatyand who doesn’t like ginger I mean lookat this that phone slips right I know Imean this is what this is what this iswhat wings it’s supposed to be like thisyou know you get wings from restaurantstake out our or inside and you go tobite into and you’re like oh it’s likethere’s barely any meat these aretotally different I think you’ll beblown away with the size and the amountof meat and then of course the textureis amazing with that juicy chicken itwould be a hard decision for me I willtell you honestly whether I because canI tell you that that Wizkid maple isreally really good that’s brand-new thisis the first time ever that we’ve evenoffered that but the sweet and smoky isour favorite and this is the QVCcustomer Choice Award Award winner forbest appetizers so let me show you againyou can choose three pounds or sixpounds and then you’re gonna let us knowdo you want sweet and smoky which is thefavorite or do you want the new whiskeymaple which is delicious too if you wantto do a combo if you’re getting the sixpounds you can get both and the otherthing if you’re doing auto-delivery yepyou can change your flavor absolutely sothat’s the reason again here’s what Iwant to make it really simple for youyou’re gonna pick your size three poundsor six pounds the six pounds is not justour largest assortment it’s also thelowest price per pound we offer and sothe six pound is really just a bettervalue it’s actually $29.99 saved bygoing for the six pound now so you’rechoosing your size three pound or sixpound you’re choosing your flavor sweetand smoky or brand-new whiskey maple andthen you’re gonna choose your ship doyou want it just once or do you want tokeep them coming every 90 days you’regonna get your wings delivered with thetoday’s special value price and thatwill happen for a full year if you wentto QVC dot-com to shop for the 5 poundoffer you’d spend seventy six dollarsand changefive pounds the six pounds is less than70 and it’s on easy pay and it will shipto you for freeall right we’re already over six hundredorders place let’s do this I want you tocall us I’m gonna keep eating wings andI want to talk to you Theresa hello it’sLeah from courses how are you I’m goodhow are you you look terrificthank you I’m quite happy I love I lovecookies wings how about you what do youthink it’s just delicious I’m gonna getthe six pound combination because I wantto try the whiskey oh so smart so smartyeah and so you’ve had the wings beforeyes we have there you we eat some rightdown to the bone the meat is so tenderand juicy and we usually have them onthe fourth of July and we have the SuperBowl coming up yeah and everybody comesto our house I have to tell you we’redisappointed in a way because there’snot one wing left that we can see thenext day no Teresa keep a few back whenyou serve them then you’ll have them thenext day because I know exactly whatyou’re talking aboutI feel guilty doing that becauseeverybody loves them so much that’sreally nice to hear we do we do orderdelivery because at least we know thatthey’re coming again I can’t say enoughabout your product I mean I can’t cookthe chicken wings boy you do they’rejust we don’t get the meaty ones here inour own supermarket they’re justdelicious wow that is so nice to hearTeresa as you know you know we are afamily business in Memphis and all ofour pitmasters you know they work withus you know for years and years I’m 25years we have a lot of pitmasters beenthere longer than I have they taught meand they take great pride in giving youthat Corky’s experience even when you’reat home and it means the world just nowand how definitely we’ll share it when Iget back to Memphis oh you know what Ihope you do because even our friendshave turned to haveinto Corky’s because they wear itthemselves it’s just so delicious itsmells amazing and juicy we just enjoyedthem so much I can’t thank you enoughfor bringing a product like this thatmeans a lot keep bringing these productsbecause we can’t eat them as fast aswhat you do when you enjoy them we doreally god bless you both thank youbye-bye couple things one eight hundredthree nine five one six zero one we wantto talk to you the same way we talked toTeresa over a thousand orders alreadybuddy we have never done a Corky’s wingtoday’s special value and this is thecustomer Choice Award I think we wontwice so let’s talk about because shetalked about how easy this is when she’sgot people coming over and you just wantit you know it’s the big game and you’rehosting or you’d it’s a Friday night andeverybody’s gathered around people stopby absolutely how are these going toarrive Jimmy and how do I prepare it sothat’s what I think that’s part of thethe appeal that everyone lovesthey’re already fully cooked for youthey’re in a resealable bag so when youget them home you can even cook themfrom frozen so this is not somethingthat you have to think oh I better throwthese out of day in advance you can cookthese from frozen you can do them 350 inthe oven on a sheet pan or a baking dishdon’t cover it because I like the skin alittle crispy on the outside so about350 for about 30 minutes you can turnthem once what I like to do at the veryend is turn it on broil for about fouror five minutes it’s kind of crisp upthat outer skin or you can do in theairfryer at 350 love it that way twelveminutes and they’re done I mean youcan’t beat that and you then you havethose fantastic Memphis barbecue wingsin less than 15 minutes and you justmake a side and you’re done and and sowhether it’s for the whole crowd orwhether it’s this is what we’re gonnahave is a meal because people love theseit’s not just a snack but you can createa meal around this so here’s what’shappening everybody this is so excitingthe QBC customer choice award winner youhave voted the best appetizer are theCourtney’s Wings two hundred thirtythousand orders of cookies wings havebeen placed on QVC thank youand in that timewe’ve never made them at today’s specialvalue and you know what today’s specialvalue is just the best price we can doand so the five-pound order Corky’swings on cost seventy sixdollars and change we’ve got a six poundoffer for you and jimmy most

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