Crispy Chicken Wings Two Ways | Chicken Wing Recipe – This video is intended to give you options on how you can achieve Crispy Chicken Wings either in a oven or by deep frying so you can coat them with a wing sauce.
This is the best way to achieve crispy coat wings. So if your looking for some good appetizers or finger food for your game day party then you’ve found them. Enjoy!
When using the oven, after 25 mins flip wings over and return back to the oven for another 25 mins.
Crispy Chicken Wings Ingredients
2 -3 Lbs. Chicken Wings
1 cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Corn Starch
1/1/2 tsp Salt
1 1/2 Garlic Powder
1 1/2 tsp Paprika (smoked Paprika is best)
1 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1 1/2 tsp Salt and Pepper
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Video Transcription
[Music]what’s good everybody and welcome backto my channel smoking and grilling andthat’s right you read the titlecorrectly listen and we still gettingready for this you know for this biggame and we’re doing it with meatenvy and this is another you knowappetizer video you know finger food heycheck this outlisten a lot of people have leftcomments right and then the commentsthey say hey I like my you know thosewings look good but I like to have myLunas crispy so that’s what this videois all about right here just making youknow crispy chicken wings we’re gonna dothem both we’re gonna deep fry them andwe’re gonna do them in the oven thereason I’m doing two ways is becauseeverybody doesn’t have a deep fryer Igot it and then if you doing themsomething if you’re doing some are wingsfor like a large group you don’t want toyou know if you’ll be standing over youknow the stove all day just trying toget them and we might not even have apot that big you know what I mean so I’mgonna show you and I’m gonna show youguys so you guys can figure out what’sthe best option for you and listen we’regonna make them crispy and then whenthey crispy then you can you guys can goahead and like toss them in whateversauce you like like lemon pepper anytype of barbecue sauce or whatever elseyou want to do so I’m just be ready toshow you guys just how easy it is to doand listen check out this the season andI may use hey follow this to a tee Ipromise you this is gonna get you rightin the ballpark hey better yet justright here gonna score you a touchdownwith that being said we finna breakright into these ingredientsalright look as you guys can see not awhole lot in ingredients right listenwe’ve got to trust the process I’m gonnagive it to you I’m gonna tell you thisright here is gonna be like a greatstart if you ask me this is the way I’llmake it right here I just want you guysto try before you start saying it need alittle bit more this and that withoutactually making it so I’m gonna startoff look this is all-purpose flour[Music]we got corn startsand here we got salt and pepper you seeI got both of them in the same you knowlittle bowl right here here we gotgarlic powder and again read it sagarlic powder and not garlic saucereason being listen we came here withsome salt so we’re going to use powderhere we got onion this is onion powderand they’re right here we got paprikaand then of course I got to show youthis these are chicken wings listen I’mgetting these at my local business likea club store but you don’t have to havethem you know like a club we don’t passto get inside and just look at how bigthese are these are nice size I’m notgonna do those trim it I’m just gonnamake sure they completely Pat it dry weall get them seasoned and flour it andthen we from there you know get themcrispy now I’m gonna do it two differentways we’re gonna bake some and we listenthey gonna be crispy chicken wings rightso we on bake some I’m gonna just showyou I’m online in here everybody’s notgonna want to deep-fry them probably putthem in the oven to probably be the bestreason being you can put two of theseinside you actually you can put forthese your onion I mean in your huggingand it just depends on you know how manyyou know you’re making him I’m going todeep-fry some so this is gonna needyourself a strainer you know scoot toget that in a pot lift you wanted tohave some sides on it so that it doesn’tyou know put all that oil on the armwhen you are strolling so now that yousee this now let me just go ahead andshow you we finna get it all set upalright so you guys saw the ingredientsthey look this is a no-brainer we’regonna get a ball in hereget yourself a whisk and then we’re justgonna whisk it together and I’m gonnakeep it let me just do it like the wayboth of us gonna do it like thisso this flour cornstarch okay I’m notgonna name all these ingredients we justgoing to get them all a dump in here andthen this right here just my secretingredient you know what this is my heythis is paprika obviously but I wantedto tell you look I like smoked paprikathis right here is what does it now justgo ahead and get it all mixed up now usethis little small bowl I mean you guyscan put it in whatever bowls you’regonna use you know to start coating yourwings that’s up to you but I like tolike just get it small like this makesit a little bit no matter and I’d liketo see my pepper in there so I’m makingsome putting some fresh black crackedpepper in here also[Music]now remember a purpose of this wholething is so that when you guys you knowbecause I was reading my comments andhow people say hey they like to have acrispy chicken wings it’s hard to havecrispy chicken wings when you put thesecoatings on there right so I see a lotof people you know we put them in theoven and stuff like that so what we’regonna do is we’re going to start offwith a crispy chicken wing and thenwe’ll be able to coat them and toss themyou know and whatever flavor we wantthem to turn into all right there youhave it now we move over to the nextstep now I’m showing you this again letthese already have been washed off youknow what I mean and they kind of likedrip dry now what i’ma do is listen thewhole key word to the whole thing islike we want them to be crispy right soI just take a paper towel go like thiswe just want to get on whatever we canas far as you know moisture so I’m gonnago ahead and do this and when you seestuff like this just go ahead and fillthis off you know I mean the skin youknow I mean we’re just do this and thenwe’re gonna repeat the process until wehave them all you know over here afterthat then we’re gonna go ahead and I’mgonna show you what we’re gonna do thenextwisk are like self explanatory you knowwe got to get it coated right so we’lljust keep doing this and I’ll see you injust one second okay got all thesepatted dry and you know what let me justsay this part right now and now be agood time to go ahead just set you’rehovering if you guys will be doing 11:ooversion to 375 degrees so you want tostart preheating out and look I’m notgoing to draw this out or nothing likethatthis to codeine we’re gonna put some onthe rats and then I’m gonna go ahead andget spoiled aside of my pain and thenand you know deep-fry something so Iwant you guys to look like when this isall over with but this is really aboutthe taste and just to show you guys justhow easy it is to make it and then don’tforget you can always get yourself abowl afterward and I’ll leave some linksup here somewhere so you guys can lookat some other flavor wings that I do butif you start off here then you toss orwhatever flavor you decide on this righthere hands down it’s going to do it foryouso preheat and now let me set up thenext one okay now I want to say thisnormally when I make leanings or anytype of chicken i season my chicken andi season my flour right but because thatI’m know I’m anticipating that I’m gonnabe doing some you know some coating itwith some type of flavor I don’t want toput in overpower I can promise you thatget you guys a right amount you knowbefore that right there that’s going tobe great but I’m scared I’m going to youknow dust it a little bit with some ofthis fresh black pepperyou know then I’m gonna toss it aroundand I’m gonna give it like two or threegenerous pinches of salt and we gonnaleave it like that and again we justdon’t want to overpower now for the salt[Music]we’ll just leave it like thatyou know now get in here back in herewith your hand and just you know work itaround they’re gonna be a little tackyand then it kind of like you know youdon’t get all of the moisture off butyou get a majority of it off and whatyou can do now is you can just see ityou can see it by using that our blackpepper that is getting coated on all ofthe different art pieces now I’m justgoing to slide this over and I’m gonnago ahead and just use this bowl becausewe don’t have no hold on the wings rightso we already season here we like theseseeds in here this is will ensure thatyou’re gonna get some good flavornow after walking my hands for makingsure that they dry now I’m gonna goahead and just put one in here and thenI kind of like just squeeze it just tomake sure this you know we want it tostay on there right shake off any excessand then we just start lining our pannow you don’t have to do it one by one Icould have put this in a large bowl butI’m doing this mainly you know don’tforget I’m making a video I just wantedto be clear that everybody you find outwhatnow don’t forget we’re doing somethingin the oven so I can show you thatversion you know what I’ve been up a fewtries I’m also so I’m saying you haveabout five six people over there’snothing wrong with you know deep-fryingbut if you’re looking for the healthieroption I’m gonna just tell you right nowa hands-on the best option would be foryou to do them in the oven much muchhealthier all right we got these that’show you should look right there don’tforget the key is look and you code themand just take them and then a hook tomake a fist you know to make sure thatyou get this flower you know your mixand all your seasoning you want to do ithere so my oven is up to ten I’m youready to put this in and I’m gonna set atimer for about 25 minutes and thenyou’re gonna take a look at it if I likeit or I feel like they need to besprayed or turned over or whatever we’llgo from there at the first 25 minuteslet’s get that in now got these flowerand all of these are ready to go now getready to put some canola oil in here wefinna little over to the stove and I’mgonna go ahead and start you know frythese okay now right here you see mepour in my canola oilI like canola oil has a high you knowsmoking point of 400 degrees it’s justperfect for you know frying you knowyour deep frying your chicken right solook I have my chicken in there and ifyou noticed look on the end and thenI’ll I’ll let it go away from me just toreduce the chance let me get myselffired by some of this hot grease allright so now got all of that in thereand listen if you want to get yourself ameat thermometer you know some type ofuh in stereo or whatever cuz listenwe’re gonna look for a hundred andsixty-five degrees we want to make surethey done and you want to get your oilup to 350 degrees and so what idea waslisten here’s a little pro tip for youguys if you put in at 350 degrees andthen listen when you put your chicken inthere and you know it’s gonna you don’tlower the temperature right so what I dois I just raise it up once I reach 350 Itie myit’s a little bit you know I mean justso I can help it hurry up and get backto where it’s supposed to be and therethat’s what it looks like when it’s doneyou know nice and crispy and that’s youknow just a regular deep fried nowthat’s what it looks like when they comeout of the ovenhey they almost look the same you know Imean there is a little bit of adifference you know I mean I and I willsay when you bake them you know theunder the underbelly of the last onesthat you do they become just a littlesoft but I’m gonna say about 90% of itis you know like crispy and this iswhere you should all start now you canstart you know going ahead and put yoursauce on and making it whatever type ofwings we would like to be you know allrightyou guys can see just you know you gottwo great options right for those of youguys are gonna be doing something likehaving a lot of people over I’m gonnathink I’m gonna go on a limb and justsay you know what the oven might be thebest way to go because you can putmultiple trays in there you can loadthem upyou know what I mean that you can justdo a lot of volume you know in the shortperiod of time as opposed to trying tolike deep-fry you know because then youwant to just go back and forth you knowout of the pot onto something to showyou can draw and then you know repeatingthe process so I just want to show youguys both both options the other yardright there look we got oven fries andyou got deep fries but just want to letyou guys know these are the options Idon’t want to over talk it just want toshow you guys two different options andwe go from there now if you’re new to mychannel let me just take this time tosay hey thank you for watching don’tforget to like this video and subscribeto this channel and tell everybody outthere there’s a channel out here thatsimplifying these recipes and taking themystery out of cooking and if you’vebeen watching me for a minute you knowhow about to get out of here folks peace