Make these better than wing stop garlic parmesan chicken wings. These are so easy to bake and get crisp in your oven with little effort. Once the chicken is cooked, we mix together a delicious garlic parmesan butter sauce to toss it all in. This is the perfect recipe for when you are missing social gatherings. Make this with your friends over zoom and you will all thank me for it. You can never go wrong with a platter of wings. Here are the ingredients for you to make this recipe at home!
1 lb. bone-in chicken wings
2-3 TBSP vegetable oil
1 1/2 TBSP Chicken Bouillon Seasoning
1 TBSP black pepper
1/3 stick melted butter
3 cloves garlic, grated
Cayenne pepper to taste
1 tbsp. Dried or fresh parsley
3/4 c. freshly grated Parmesan, plus more for serving
Caesar or Ranch Dressing
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
you guys it is Wayne Wednesday is thateven a thing actually don’t like TacoTuesday you know I’m saying anyway theseare the wings that I came up with that Ifeel are better than the Wing Stop wingsso today we are going to be making somegarlic parmesan wings I don’t even thinkI said hello to you guys hi how y’alldoingwelcome to season that ish and let’s getinto the recipe so the first thing I’mstarting with is my cleaned cleanedchicken wings and what I’m doing thereis I’m just patting it dry with a papertowel what you didn’t see is that Ialready padded it a little bit before Istarted filming so this is really morefor show so I can show you how I packthese wings dry now padding the wingsdry is really really important becausesince we’re not deep-frying them andwe’re just going to be baking them inthe oven you want the skin to be as dryas possible so that it will get crispynow to that I’m going to be adding somevegetable oil I’m gonna be adding in twotablespoons of vegetable oil and justtossing that around one to twotablespoons of vegetable oil y’all cangauge that yourself just enough to coatthe wings I toss that around with somepepper and some chicken we on seasoningand just mix mix mix that around so thateach chicken wing is covered with yourseasoning if you guys have seen my lastwing video I made some jerk wings I’lllink them so you can check them out thisis my little ghetto contraption where Itook the grate from my toaster and putthat on top of a pan because I didn’thave a great now this is reallyimportant because you want your chickento be lifted up so that I can get reallyreally crispy in the oven it’s going tobe in the oven for about 50 minutes andwhat you’re gonna do is have it bakingat 400 degrees onone side for about 3035 minutes thenonce one side gets crispy you want toflip it over halfway through and let theother side get crispy if you’re likingthis recipe don’t forget to subscribelike and leave me a comment if you tryit out and just because I’m extra and Iwanted to drive home the point of thesewings being crispy in the oven here’s aclip of how they sound when I took themout now we’re gonna get started on ourbutter sauce for the coating of thewings that’s how quickly this recipegoes we’re already at the part where weare making our coating for the wings soall I did was I grabbed my little jankygrater and I grated 2 cloves of garlicinto some melted butter then I went andgrated my Parmesan cheese into thatbutter and mixed it all around what Iwill say about the Parmesan cheesethough is I like to grate it so that itcomes out in kind of like almost stringyI don’t like the fine dust parmesan forthese wings just because when I biteinto the wings I also want to bite intolittle pieces of parmesan if that is notyour preference you can always use afiner great – great you know like apowdery kind of Parmesan cheese so allyou got to do is pour your butter sauceonto the wings just so that it can getcoated and then I added in my parsleyfor some green this is also the timewhere I’m adding in some cayenne pepperyou can replace the cayenne pepper withsome red pepper flakes that’ll be reallygood too and you just toss that aroundtoss toss toss and at this point you’rebasically ready to serve and let me tellyou when I tried this out I was likegoing stop who says I don’t even knowthat girl I never met her so i’ma justkeep it cute and keep doing this at homeinstead of spending a ton of money ontakeout so I hope you all try this toodon’t forget to Like and subscribe onyour way out if you want to watchanother video I got plenty of videos foryou to watch and if you have anysuggestions please leave me a commentdown below bye[Music]you