BBQ Chicken Recipes

Crispy & Juicy Mayonnaise Rub Chicken Wings

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There are a tonne of ways to cook chicken wings from coating them with batter and deep frying them to slapping on a to die for rub and then smoking and baking them on your grill to finally coat them with your favorite dipping sauce. Every one of these methods and recipes will turn out amazing wings that everyone will enjoy and crave for.

In this video we want to share with you a slightly different recipe that we use from time to time with simply amazing results. Crispy and very juicy chicken wings are guaranteed using this incredible but yet simple recipe. We totally rub our wings with this incredible wet rub and let them sit refrigerated before slapping them on the old Traeger pellet grill. It is simple. It is quick and the end product will totally blow your taste buds.

So sit back and relax, grab a beer or whatever you drink and enjoy this 8 minute video as we take you step by step in creating our tried and true recipe.


1 tbs – Chili powder
1 tbs – Smoked Paprika
1-1/2 tsp – Cumin powder
1-1/2 tsp – Onion powder
1-1/2 tsp – Garlic powder
1-1/2 tsp – Kosher salt
1-1/2 tsp – black pepper
1 tsp – Chipotle powder
1/3 cup – Mayonnaise (we prefer Hellman’s but that is your choice)
2 dozen chicken wings (more if you want, there is plenty of rub to coat at least 4 to 5 dozen wings)

● In a large bowl mix all of the ingredients together to form a paste.
● on a large plate lay down your chicken wings and pat them dry with paper towels.
● add your wings to the bowl containing your wet rub
● with your hands mix the wings and the rub together making sure that the rub is applied all over each wing. (worth the time and effort to do this.
● wash your hands thoroughly after this step.
● cover your bowl with plastic wrap and return to refrigerator for at least 2 hours
● After 2 hours remove wings from refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for 1/2 hour.
● Start your grill and set temp to max ( on our Traeger this will set the cooking temp to 425ºF
● Once grill temperature is reached, lay your chicken wings on your grill and close lid.
● After 15 minutes open grill lid and turn the wings over and close lid.
● After 15 to 20 minutes your wings should be cooked and ready to be removed from grill.
● Let sit for 5 minutes and then dig in.



#Mayonnaise rub chicken wings #grill wing recipe #Hellman’s grilled chicken wings #Crispy grilled mayonnaise wings

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Video Transcription

hey guys today we’re going to be cooking
some chicken wings on the old Traegerand we got a special recipe for you
we’ll get it going right after thisnow we have a bunch of spices here we’re
going to be putting it in and we’regoing to be blending in some mayonnaise
and we’re going to be spreading it all over thechicken wings let it sit for a couple
hours then put them out on a Traeger. Igot one and a half teaspoon of cumin
powder, one and a half teaspoon of onionpowder, one and a half teaspoon of garlic
powder, one and a half teaspoon of koshersalt, one teaspoon of chipotle powder, one
and a half teaspoon of black pepper, 1tablespoon of chili powder and one
tablespoon of smoked paprika. Blend thisvery well and now we’re going to be
adding some good ol Hellmann’smayonnaise in itI’m going to be mixing all this up so
it’s basically going to be a wet rubthat we will spread it
all over the chicken wings so that itadheres to the skin now not the prettiest
thing but this is awesome on chickenwings we’ll go get our chicken wingsokay we have a bunch of chicken wings
what we need to do first is to dry themup make sure that we take most of the
moisture off the skin don’t need to takeit all off but most of it
so let’s spread them around here on thisplateand and let’s grab some paper towels
kind of sponge them out sponge themoisture out. Any time you touch
chicken make sure you wash your handscompletely after. So let’s transfer these
chicken wings into this bowl then we’regoing to be putting our wet rub into the
in the chicken wings we’re going to makesure we spread it around pretty good in
there we’ll kind of make sure that wegot it all and everywhere on the wingsYou really gotta wash your hands after this
one look at thatI’d love to touch your face there Troy
my buddy but you’re not around youprobably sleep in someplace. Now we’re
going to be putting this in the fridgefor a couple hours so we’ll put some
plastic wrap over itnow let’s put this away for two hours
come back and its gonna be ready to cookalright so it’s been two hours and our
chicken wings have been in the wet rubfor a couple hours in the fridge now
it’s time to go put them out on theBBQ. Okay well see you outside. Hey
guys it’s minus ten outside with windblowing from the north so we’re inside
the garage sorry about the messI need to get rid of some stuff and I
know that my wife has been bugging mefor a while so I got to get going on
that but nevertheless our Traeger is at427ºF right now and we’re going to be
putting our chicken wings we’re gonnaleave them on for probably maybe 10-15
minutes fifteen minutes or so and thenwe’re gonna flip them over and then
another 15 minutes or so and everythingshould be ready so we’ll get that goingso we’re gonna close this up let it go
for a whileand it will be back to flip them. Alright
guys it’s been 15 minutes we’re going toflip these wings over and it will
probably cook them for another 15minutes but we’ll keep tab on them just
to make sureWow these are looking good like it
really really goodthere you go we’ll see you in 15. Alright
guys well it’s been 15 minutes let’scheck them out
alright we’re gonna be pulling theseguys right out
Oh looking good looking really reallygoodyou’ve got to try this man that’s one
way to do a chicken wings. It makes theirskin crispy tender it’s awesome I can’t
wait to put my teeth in one of these guysmaybe more than onelook at that look at that okay let’s cut
it off. Alright there you have it somenice golden-brown chicken wings looks
really really good so let’s try one outwow this is awesome guys you gotta try
this well worth trying so we’re gonnawrap this up
it’s a can’t wait to sink my teeth inthe rest of them so guys don’t forget to
subscribe below follow us like us sharewith your friends but subscribe to our
You Tube channel we got lots of stuffcoming to you some good recipes we’re
trying to do simple recipes all the timenow that’s barbecue baby. Catch you nexttime

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