Today we make some tasty BBQ chicken drumsticks in my Ninja Foodi Grill! I add some Victory Lane BBQ seasoning and some chipotle bbq sauce for some sweat heat flavors! Give this one a try, you won’t be sorry!
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
guys we’re doing barbecued chicken legson my foodie grill this cookie was easyto show about cookie drinking barbecueand all the other stuff that goes alongwith it I am NOT a chef I’m not abartender I am NOT a pitmaster but Iplay all three on TV I’m gonna show youhow to make quick easy tasty recipes andhave a little bit of fun along the wayso let’s get this party startedeverybody see Jay I’m CJ if yourreturning subscriber part to CJ’s crewhey you know I love you and if we knewthe channel make sure you hit that redsubscribe button and the belt next to itsee alerts on all what we’re doing hereso what are we doing here guys we aregoing to make some barbecued chickenlegs in my ninja foodie girl we’re gonnabreak it down with some canola oil firstput the rub on the chicken in a littlein a gallon baggie it’s perfect formarinades and doing these rubs pre-heatthe foodie grill get them on we’re goingto cook them about 10 minutes each sidebut I have a feeling that will adjust aswe go it may be a little bit less sohe’d show more in the description and Iwill put the exact timings that we usefor the legs when we have about twominutes left we want to cook on theseI’m gonna put the barbecue sauce on themand they close it down so it getscaramelized on there and glaze up okayreal simple tasty easy no time at allall right come on back and we’ll be overhere on the food we’re gonna prep thesechicken legs first so we’re gonna spraydown the bag with a little canola oiljust to help the rub that we’re gonnause for these barbecued chicken wingsstick we have some victory lane barbecuesmoking chicken rub tell you what thisstuff is awesome I love that stuff allright so we got a little got a littlecanola oil in a bag I find that usingthese gallon bags are just it makes it alot easier to youget rubs on on meat marinade they take abless of room in the freezer all rightso I’m gonna spread a little bit morecanola oil in there all rightlot more the seasoning I like a goodcoat of seasoning on this obviouslywe’re gonna barbecue sauce these at theend but I want to make sure that theyget covered in flavor okayadd just a little bit more rubbing there[Applause]make sure all the legs are coated withseasoning you like to sweat your bagOleg’s luck the sweat in there we’regonna start this and get it preheatingthe grill temps gonna be on high so 500degrees and we’re just going to start soit gets that preheating going okay guyswe are done with the preheating it was asolid ten minutes of preheating alrightso we’re going to get these chicken legs[Music]I’m gonna fit this mini in here aspossiblejust to get them grilling it should takeabout 20 minutes halfway through we’regonna flip them around and make them youknow evenly cooked on the other side toosobut guys tell that thing’s hot sizzlinghere all right so we’ve got seven legsin there not bad not badgonna do it another light dusting of therub on topyou should go really quick all right soa little bit of smoke once you closethis up you won’t even know thedifference okay we’re going ten minutesand then we’re gonna flip it and doanother ten minutes okay just real quickI want to check the temps got my thermoPro insta read 43 all right so I think Ithink we’re just gonna go so we did nineminutes we’re coming up the temp on alot of these we need to be about 160 165all right so I want to go another 5minutes we’re gonna check on them sawsome do a couple minutes just to get thesaw set on the chicken legs and thenwe’ll be ready to try ok another coupleminutes and all of these are temping outwhere they should benow the barbecue sauce in there just gotsome misses renfro’s chipotle BBQ sauceso we’re just gonna start lathering iton brushing on look at the coloreven without the barbecue sauce look atthe color we have on these bad boysoh my goodness so I’m gonna get barbecuesauce on one side and then we’ll flipthem a little more barbecue sauce onthat I’m not a big like a lot of sauceall right I like my sauce cooked on youknow well-done if you will want thecarmelization of the sauce to go getgoing down on it so let’s flip these sowe can get the other side look at thatlittle char that’s that’s just flavorright there and we’re not gonna cookthese much longer okay I just want tomake sure sauce is cooked onto thechickenglazed if you will I want to I don’twant to overcook the chicken legs so wegot it it’s kind of like a littlebalancing act I want to make surethey’re cooked all the way through butnot overdone I want to make sure theirsauce on them but not too much we wantedto caramelize got a little balancing actbut it’s okay we’re pros we know whatwe’re doing okay couple more minutes andwe’ll be right back okay there we gothese nice and glazed on there got ourcarmelization Wow look at the color ohthat’s beautifulreally it’s just lovely and deliciousalright so we know they’re done we knowthey’re temped out right now we just gotit you know all right come on back tothe techies chicken legs turned outamazing oh man perfectly juicy tendergotta love it I want to I want to take abite of one why oh I got you right herelook at the color on there’sunbelievablemm-hmm done done perfectly hmmI tell you what I’m getting a lot ofthat Victory Lane smoky chicken rub sogood a little spice from that Chipotlebarbecue sauce not beautiful guys againreally easy to do you’re gonna love itokay housekeeping I chose if you want tobecome a producer of the show join mypatreon here’s the link right herethey’ll take you to the patreon websitewe donate to the channel become a memberof CJ’s crew officially and we havemerch I’m not rocking it right nowbut it’s down below in the teespringCJ’s crew and we have the the Big Bearlogo we’ve got stickers and mugs intheir teeth a bunch of stuff check itoutokay if you’d like to get one of thesefood grills hit that link down below hitshow more I’ll take you to my amazonstore you don’t pay more just gives alittle extra to the channel which youknow I appreciate okay guys that’s itfor this one thanks for stopping bythanks for could go CJ take care