4 potong dada ayam
1 sdm garam
1 sdm lada bubuk
1 sdm paprika bubuk
1 sdm cabe kering
1 sdm jinten bubuk
1 sdm oregano
1 sdm thyme
2 sdm olive oil
4-5 siung bawang putih cincang
Cara membuat:
Campur semua bahan dan diamkan ayam selama 2-4 jam di dalam kulkas. Bakar ayam setiap sisi selama 3-5 menit. Ayam bakar siap disajikan dengan nasi dan sayur. .
4 chicken breast
1 tbs salt
1 tbs black pepper
1 tbs smoked paprika
1 tbs dried chili
1 tbs cumin
1 tbs oregano
1 tbs thyme
2 tbs olive oil
4-5 cloves chopped garlic
How to make:
Mix all the spices with chicken breast and let it chill in refrigerator for 3-5 minutes. Grill chicken dress for 3-5 minutes each side. Grilled chicken is ready to eat! .
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes