BBQ Chicken Recipes

Grilled Chicken with Mushroom White Wine Sauce


This chicken is to die for. Together with the grilled chicken and the mushroom white wine sauce is so divine! This is the most incredible delicious meal that you will feed your family and friends or even date night. With the grilled smokey chicken to the gravy sauce that is so easy to make, this is fabulous!!


For the Brine:
4 cups of water
1 lemon, juiced and added to your brine
1 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup of sugar

For the White Wine Mushroom Sauce:

3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1/2 white onion, chopped
8 ounces baby bella mushrooms, sliced
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 1/2 cups of chicken stock
1 tablespoon all purpose flour


1. Preheat grill to 425 degrees.
2. Put brine together and submerge chicken and refrigerate for 30 minutes
3. Remove from marinade and pat dry
4. Season with Chicken Rub (recipe follows)
5. Grill until chicken reaches 165 degrees. Wrap in foil to rest

Chicken Rub:
1 teaspoon of the following:
Kosher Salt
Fresh ground pepper
adobo chile powder
garlic powder

In the meantime, while your chicken is on the grill:

Make your mushroom white wine sauce:

In a large saute pan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add onions and mushrooms and saute until onions are translucent and mushrooms are tender. About 8 minutes. Add cayenne and incorporate.

Add wine and reduce until it’s almost evaporated. Add chicken stock and simmer until reduced by one third, about 10 minutes. In a small bowl, press remaining butter and flour with fingertips or a spoon until well blended, then slowly add to the sauce while stirring with a wooden spoon. You may not use it all, just use your judgement and decide how thick you want it. Make sure you get all the lumps out of the sauce.

Simmer until sauce resembles loose gravy and is thickened a bit. About 5 minutes.

Remove chicken from the grill and slice into medallions. Add to your saute pan and to the mushroom white wine sauce and combine well.

Serve over Farfalle (bow tie pasta) or your favorite pasta. Penne works beautifully!!

Top with parmesan or parsley or fresh thyme.

Serve with crusty bread and your favorite vegetables or a side salad.


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Instagram: @girlwithagrill

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hey what’s up guys this is sandy girlwith the grill and today we are doinggrilled chicken with a mushroom whitewine sauce let’s get started alrightwe’re doing our grilled chicken breastswith a mushroom white wine sauce todayand we are marinating our chickenbreasts for 30 minutes in the fridge soto get started we’re gonna make ourmarinade which is 4 cups of water thisis not a marinade this is a brine onecup of kosher salt quarter cup of sugarnow I’m gonna whisk this and tell thatsugar dissolves[Music]then make sure you roll your lemons likethis to unlock all that wonderful juicein there we’re going to do a juice ofone lemon[Music]that is your asset which will helppenetrate the chicken breast and thenwe’re going to throw in our lemon rideson top of that and we’re going to do acouple of teeth actually a teaspoon ofsage[Music]take our beautiful breasts here we’regoing to submerge them and we’re gonnamarinate this for 30 minutes in thefridge and then we’re going to throw iton the groundokay all right guys we are ready to takeour chicken out of the marinade it’sbeen marinating in the fridge for 30minutes and I’m just gonna Pat this dryand discard it[Music]set that over there so we marinated itin the kosher salt sugar water and ajuice of one lemon so now I’m just goingto baste it with some melted butterit’ll give it an incredible rich crispyskin and I’m going to season that with alittle bit of chicken rub which has saltpepper paprika cayenne red pepper flakes[Music]the other sidejust let your seasoning rain overyour chicken okay we’re ready for thegrill all right we’re gonna put this onthe grill until we reach an internaltemperature of 165 and then we are goingto make a mushroom white wine sauce togo over this in the meantime I am makingsome pasta to go along with this and forfall for fall which is bowtie pasta sowe’re gonna have an incredible gravywe’re gonna have some incredible chickenbreasts that are gonna be juicy andmoist and we are going to have anincredible all right guys we are goingto make our mushroom white wine sauceright now so right first thing we’regonna do is melt two tablespoons ofbutter in our saute panalong with one tablespoon of olive oilwhich is a good flip around the panand half of a white onionand our mushroomswhich is 8 ounces of baby Bella’s that Isliced and we’re going to saute thesefor about 8 minutesalright guys so now we’ve been sauteingour mushrooms and onions and butter andolive oil for about eight minutes andthey’re looking really good they smellreally awesome I’m going to add aquarter teaspoon of cayenne to this andincorporate that this is an incrediblesauce for chicken and now I’m going toadd a half a cup of white wine which I’mjust using a Chardonnay so it’s a simmerit’s a dry you can use a semi dry we’regoing to add a half a cup a little moreand we are going toadd that to our sauce and we’re going tocook this until the wine is evaporatedcouple of minutesI’m going to add a little bit of koshersaltseason our saucefresh ground pepper at this point smellso divine[Music]I love white wine sauce it’s just savoryjust goes with chicken smells divineyou can do this you know you know whatI’m saying it is a fine dining techniquewith the white wine and the broth andwe’re going to reduce it and pour itover your protein which we’re usingchicken tonight you could do this oversteakbut this ain’t culinary school it’sdinnerit looks like the white wine is reallyevaporated to the point where I can addmy chicken broth nowso I’m adding it one and a half cups ofchicken broth then we’re going to reducethis sauce to about a third you’re goingto bring it to a boil and simmer ituntil it’s reduced to about a thirdthere we’re going to add our butterwhich is decadent it’ll just make thisup even more richer and wonderful andtasteful once this reduces about a thirdI’m going to taste it make sure thatI’ve got my seasoning correct so I’mthinking maybe about 10 minutes on thisokay our sauce is done our chicken isdone and we’re gonna put this beautifulmeal together so I let my chickenbreasts rest and look at that beautifuljuice in them that’s incredibleso what I’m gonna do is I’m going toslice these image iins and we’re notgoing to get rid of this juice we’regoing to add it to our sauce okaybecause it’s so beautifulI’m gonna slice these in medallions ohmy god look at that look at that juicethis is perfect we took this off thegrill at 165 this is incredibleyou know why I cooked because I havesuch passion for what goes into my foodI’m gonna add it’s beautiful medallionsto my sauce[Music]we have a wonderful smoky flavor and I’mjust gonna coat these chicken medallionsinto my mushroom white wine sauce clipthat offmy whole goal is to do award-winningfood that I know is exactly what goesinto my food that I’m feeding my familythis is comfort food beyond beliefi boiled some for fall bowtie pasta youcould do mashed potatoes you could dorice oh yeah babe this is fantastic thisis one chicken breast I did do two youcan add them both[Music]fabulous there you go you can top itwith Parmesan you can top it withparsley you can top it with fresh thymehowever you want to serve this yourfamily will go freaking nuts about thisso let’s taste it okay now is the tastetest you give a little bit of chicken alittle bit of gravya little bit of the fall so now I’mgoing to taste thisa little bit of that[Music]Oh[Music]that is so delicious we’ve got the smokyflavor from the chicken on the grill wehave the white wine mushroom sauce alittle bit of cayenne for kick themushrooms[Music]that is delicious your family is goingto love this oh my gosh I love it sodelicious this is the girl with thegrill thank you for joining me today Ireally appreciate itif you like this video please subscribeto my channel please like the video andcome on board and I want to wish you themost awesome night and whatever orwhoever inspires you I just want you togo for it and make meals like this foryour family and I’m gonna have my dinnernow so I will catch you later bye[Music]you

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