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In this episode we went on a journey to a beautiful Forrest to cook a delicious grilled chicken breast with mushroom ragu. We used chicken but you can use any kind of meat you like. We chose to make grilled chicken because it has low fat content and it is rich in proteins. The mushroom ragu with its creamy texture is a good choice for this meat.
~ Grilled Spicy CHICKEN & Mushroom RAGU | EPISODE 9 |~
For te Grilled Chicken we used:
10 gr / 0.35oz Dill
10 gr / 0.35oz Basil
10 gr / 0.35oz Smoked Paprika
5 gr / 0.17 oz Chilly powder
500 gr / 17 oz Chicken breast
For the Mushroom Ragu we used:
150 gr / 5.3 oz Champignon mushrooms
150 gr / 5.3 oz Porcini
150 gr / 5.3 oz Honey mushrooms
80 gr / 2.8 oz Parmesan
30 gr / 1 oz Olive oil
10 gr / 0.35oz Salt
10 gr / 0.35oz Ground pepper
200 gr / 7 oz Heavy cream
1/2 Big White onion
3 cloves of Garlic
We proceed by slicing the chicken breast. We cut it in thin slices and we add them to a bowl. We clean a few cloves of garlic and we dice them very fine. We add them to the meat and we season with salt, ground pepper, smoked paprika, chilly powder. We add some olive oil and we mix everything well together. Our marinate is ready and we start to grill our meat. We grill them until the internal temperature gets to 75 C or 167 F. Not more because it will be too dry. When done we let them rest for a few minutes.
We will continue by preparing our mushroom ragu. We dice some garlic. We clean and dice a half white onion. We slice up the mushrooms. We used 3 type of mushrooms. The honey mushrooms are sweeter and creamy. The champignon have an earthy taste and the porcini mushrooms have a strong nutty and meaty flavor . We love them. In a hot pan we add some olive oil and we sear the white onions and he garlic. We add the mushrooms and we let them cook for a few minutes.
We season them with salt and ground pepper. While they are cooking we grate some Parmesan. We continue by adding the cream. We add the Parmesan we stir until it melts and we season with basil and dill. We cook it until it renders to a silky smooth sauce and last we add some freshly chopped parsley. Our mushroom ragu is ready so we top it with the spicy grilled chicken.
This mushroom ragu is wonderful on its own but goes well with some spicy grilled chicken.
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Video Transcription
[Music]I and welcome back to our channel inthis episode we went on a journey to abeautiful forest to cook a deliciousgrilled chicken breasts with mushroomragout the forests are starting to getgreener plants and trees are growing ata fast pace and others die like thistree which was cleaned by thewoodpeckers that trees also give life tomany species of fungus and plantssquirrels are still feeding from thenuts that I deposited last year blackcurrant flowers are blooming and wecan’t wait for the fruits to use them ina special recite that you will see inthe future seeing how hard thebumblebees are working pollinating theflowers we thought to start to cook ourspecial reciteso let’s get to it[Applause][Music]for this recite we used dill basilsmoked paprika chili powder chickenbreastchampignons porcini honey mushroomsparmesan olive oil salt ground pepperheavy cream white onions and garlic forthe exact amounts look in thedescription belowwe had a rough day because the wind wasvery strong we have managed to light afire but it was quite a challenge weperceived by slicing the chicken breastwe cut it in thin slices and we add themto a bowlwe use chicken but you can use any kindof meat your life we chose chickenbecause it has a low fat content and itis reaching proteinswe clean a few cloves of garlic and wedice them very finewe add them to the meat and we seasonwith salt ground peppersmoked paprika and chili powderwe had some olive oil and we mixeverything well togetherour marinade is ready and we start togrill our meat this marinade is full ofpowerful spices so it doesn’t need tosit a long time for the meat to absorbitwe grill them until the internaltemperature gets to 75 degrees Celsiusor 167 degrees Fahrenheit not morebecause it will be too dry when done welet them rest for a few minutes we willcontinue by preparing our mushroomragout we dye some garlic we clean anddice a hot white onionwe slice up the mushrooms we use threetypes of mushrooms the honey mushroomsare sweeter and creamy the champion havean earthy taste and the porcinimushrooms have a strong Natyam meatyflavor we love them in a hot pan we addsome olive oil and we see the whiteonions and the garlicwe are the mushrooms and we let themcook for a few minutes[Applause]we season them with salt and groundpepper[Applause]while they’re cooking we’ll grate someparmesanwe continue by adding the creamwe are the parmesan we steer until itmeltsin what season with basil and do we usedry seasoning but if you have fresh isbetter we cook it until it renders tosilky smooth sauce unless we had somefreshly chopped parsleyor mushroom ragout is ready so we top itwith a grilled chicken this mushroomragout is wonderful on its ownbut it goes well with some spicy grilledchicken if you enjoyed our video thensubscribe like or leave a comment belowsee you next time