BBQ Chicken Recipes

Homemade BBQ Chicken Drumsticks

Discover how to make these delicious chicken drumsticks at your next summer BBQ.

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Video Transcription

hi guys I’m Warren Nash and today we’llbe making a deliciously sweet and stickymarinade for barbecue chicken and thisrecipe is perfect for marinating yourchicken before your barbecue firstlytake a mixing bowl then grate in 20grams of freshly peeled ginger also takethree garlic cloves peel and then crushinto the bowl with the ginger also addto the bowl a dash of chili powder 40grams of caster sugar a dash ofWorcester sauce and 75 milliliters ofwhite wine vinegar also add 50 grams ofrunny honey then 200 grams of tomatoketchup and now simply mix theseingredients together until thoroughlycombined now place a saucepan over a lowheat on the stove then pour in thebarbecue sauce then simmer for about 5to 10 minutes while stirringcontinuously in order for the sauce toreduce down and become nice and stickyand when you finish simmering your saucesimply remove from the heat then pourinto a heatproof bowl and allow to coolthoroughlynext take 8 chicken drumsticks and placethem into the bowl of the stickybarbecue sauce make sure the chicken iscoated all over in the sauce thencovered the dish and leave to marinadefor at least 2 hours or even betterovernight in the fridge now once yourchicken is finished marinating is thenready to barbecue so on a barbecuethat’s piping hot place the chickendrumsticks on then make sure they’recooked all over and cooked through dothis by rotating them constantly and notcooking them too quickly when they’re onthe barbecue and when you’re happy yourchickens cooked take all your drumsticksfrom the barbecue then sprinkle overwith some sesame seeds and there youhave it that’s how to make thesedelicious sticky drumsticks that add agreat bit of flavor to your barbecuechickenyou

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