BBQ Chicken Recipes

How to do basic backyard Chicken Legs on the Weber Kettle

How to do basic chicken legs on the weber kettle.

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[Music]everybody GT here from GT is barbecuetoday I’m going to do some basic chickenlegs I have a little rack that I pickedup that works perfectly for these I’veactually used it before and I’m going tocook these out of my weber kettle todaywith the slow ones here so we’ll getthose things prepped up here in a secondand take them outside get them on thegrill before I get started today I wantto give a quick shout out to a localbusiness I ran across right here in goodold Wenatchee Washington these apronsthey have I guess they have 50 or 60different sayings on them and they seemto be pretty good quality I got one ofthese for my birthday a week ago andit’s pretty cool it’s got little pocketsin itlike I said various things on here apronmancom it’s the name of their website soif you’re so inclined you want to gocheck them out you know I like to try tosupport local businesses so you may givethese guys a try see what they have okayI’ve got about 10 free-range chickenlegs here these are nice prettygood-sized legs I’m going to use lightcoat of killer hogs the AP rub it’s asalt pepper garlic just really light ontheseand then for some nice color andbarbecue flavor I’m going to use killerhogs the barbecue rub I really like thisstuffdoesn’t have a lot of salt in it so youcan be liberal with it I’m gonna overdoit but I guess a nice medium coatI didn’t use any binder on these I justtook them out of the package they feellike they’re pretty moist already thisis going to add some great color and areally goodand I found when I put rub on the higheryou hold the canister up in the airabove the meat the more evenly itspreads so just a little tip there I’mgoing to cook these at about 300 maybeturn it up to 325 I am using my Weberperformer cattle today so I’m going toonce the heat settles in I’ll sink it inat about 300 degrees to start and we’llsee what we getso now I’m going to get these in therack just kind of place a minute howeveryou wantokay I’ll let that rub sweat a littlebit wait about 10 more minutes get thegrill hot we’ll get them outside and getthem going okay I’m getting ready to putthese chicken legs on I wanted to showyou my setup I just have some old usecharcoal from another cook I like tosave that stuff and I have oh I don’tknow quarter of a basket maybe fifteenbriquettes in here I’m going to go aheadgot my lighter going set this down inhere I’ll let these things get cookingthen I’ll just pour them on top of theothers we’ll get the rats on and we’llcook these legs we’ll see you here in alittle bit hey coals are nice and hotnow I’m just gonna go ahead and spreadthem along the top of these othersthey’ll all end up catching along witheverything else in about 350 and we’lljust set these onlike that and they don’t probably comeback check them in a little bit maybe doa rotate so they cook even but I don’tthink it’s going to take more than abouthalf hour 45 minutes so we’ll come outand check them in a bit and see what weget okay it’s been about 25 minutes Ijust want to check on these guys yeahwe’re starting to take home some nicesmoke it just like that and I’ll give meanother 20 minutes or so I’m not evengonna check the temp right now I cantell they’re not close to done I’ll takethese up to about 185 degrees internaltemp and we’ll give him a taste see youin a bit okay 40 minutes this thing’sbeen tracking right at 325 degrees thiswhole time I’m gonna spin these one moretime they’re starting to get a nicecrust on them I do want to check thetemp here166 or so so it’s got another 20 degreesI’m gonna let him sit in there foranother I’m gonna go 15 more minuteswe’ll check time again get them insideand we’re tasting so these are actuallyaround 200 degrees right now so they’redone I am gonna go ahead and sauce someof these I’m gonna put some Alabamawhite sauce on a few to the east neverhadI’ll just stick with four of those andI’m going to use some of hips EasternCarolina vinegar-based sauce some of theaides and I’m going to leave a couple ofthem just like they areso since these are already temp andabout 200 degrees I’m gonna go ahead andpull them inside and let him rest for asec and we’ll give him a taste test okayso these things cook for a total ofabout an hour the average temp was about325 to 350 degrees these two I put nosauce at all on and then I had four ofthese with the Alabama white sauce andthen these four had the Carolinavinegar-based sauce so I just did avideo not long ago on some of these theywent a little hotter than I normallywould cook it at but Wow they look niceand juicypeel off the bonethis is the one with the white sauce mmmmelt in your mouth not dry at all verymoist and juicy the skin is nice andcrispy whatdelicious so hmm really interestingflavor a little bite Wowso that’s one with the Alabama whitesauce this is the one with the EasternCarolina vinegar-based sauce that I gotfrom Phil in Florence again the skin isnice and crispy but it’s not burnt gotsome texture to it the meats juicy hmmhonestly I don’t notice a whole lot ofdifference of course the sauce is gonnabe on the outside mmm you can definitelytaste the dinner the spices boy I thinkI like that one better they’re both goodbut all in all I’d call this anothersuccess this this is nice it melt inyour mouth it melts in your mouth itsjuicy its tender all the sauces are goodI did a video on some of the other someof the barbecue sauces from around thecountry not long ago I’ll put a link tothat up here so you can check that outif you want but basic backyard chickenlegs done in Iraq worked well gives iton the Weber took about an hour sothanks for watching everybody stay safeand if you’re so inclined please likeand subscribe and we’ll see you nexttime[Music]you

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