Get to know our VP of Outreach and Community Engagement, Sophie, as she shares with us her passion for cooking and how to make the best BBQ chicken.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I’m Sophie how’s mine I’m a thorny apolitical science major from SantaMonica and this year I will be solving aCPAs VP of outreach and communityengagement in this wall I’m excited toenhance the club’s connection to startupcompanies and successful founders andslow as well as bring new clubs up tothe Mentos and it’s because of cop dramameetings so that you can get the mostout of the club when I’m not doingthings the cpe I love to comeI’ve been cooking ever since I was threeor four on my touring kitchen and I’vebeen doing a lot of cooking recently inthese days of social distancing sotonight I’m gonna make barbecue chickenfor my family and I’m gonna walk youthrough the process let’s go to thekitchen so fast way to start with ourchicken so here we have a baking sheetlined with parchment paper which makesit a lot easier to clean up and we havebone-in skin-on chicken thighs and legsso we’re just gonna cover them all andbarbecue sauce[Music]make sure it’s all come on okay so nowit’s all been cutting vomiting saucewe’re gonna put it in the oven 400 fortying the ornament and then wanting tomeet at school and sign it so I have allthis crap and ready to go here lookwe’re gonna cut the kernels off of thispiece of pole and then trusty bundt panwhich I love on the Internet it’s agreat hatit will catch all the all of the Colognethat songs when it’s gonna cut off thecar nose going down[Music]yeah[Music][Music]and that’s gonna just some sake any kindof something in town the mostlytranslation so listen to it kind of intolike little strips and then it’ll makelittle cubes out of the strips okay soI’m not ready to add that one so I’mslightly Brown[Music][Music][Music][Music]and then we’ll let this go until it’sall kind of stopping and nicelysomething we I’m gonna pull one out ofthe oven and head to the gripokay so outside anything yeah we’re justgonna put a little bit more barbecuesauce on our chicken so I can get niceand kind of sticky and gooey on thegrill and be nice and caramelized okayso one please kind of candid those offput them on the ground oh dang we forgotthe dongsokay so we are gonna cut them onto thegrill with the skin side down so that wecan just crisp the skin and also commoneyes that sauceokay so time to take them up you can seethat they’ve gotten kind of nicelybrowned get a little bit Sean donum onone run in the heat thanks for watchinghope you enjoy[Music]