BBQ Chicken Recipes


looking for an easy chicken recipe then click this video. On today’s episode I share a tutorial on how to make an oven grilled chicken but the Nigerian version. This recipe works well with chicken thighs and drumsticks.

Chicken thighs
Blended onion
Garlic granules
Ginger powder
Curry powder
Dunns river chicken seasoning
Aromat seasoning
Jerk seasoning
Chilli peri peri
Olive oil
Mixed herbs

Music by Chillhop:


Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription

testing 1 2 3 hey beautiful peoplewelcome to FIFA’s kitchen it is stillyour favorite girl on the microphoneit’s your girl Oh to the pizza the H tothe e to the Ella a yes and on today’sepisode we’re gonna be doing somethingsuper quick and easy we’re making somegrilled chicken mm-hmm the Nigerianversion the 9 Geron way my Nigerianrecipe starting off we’re going to beusing some blended onions if you don’thave fresh onions that’s okay you canjust use some onion salt but it’s it’shighly recommended that you make theeffort for the blended onions Irecommend that that makes everythingwill up together get yourself somegarlic granules if you haven’t got thisit’s ok use some fresh garlic itselfcrush it and just put it in there I waslazy put in some ginger as well you knowfor taste as well and also for the heatit adds a little bit of heat to it withthe pepper put in some curry powder inthere too do not put too much currypowder in there because you’re notmaking any chicken curry so just put ina sufficient amount of curry powder nowfor the best part I’m gonna be put it insome chicken seasoning for thisparticular recipe I’m using the dawnsreverb I guess I can use at a chickenseason that’s out there but I reallyjust loved this particular brand and I’malso gonna be adding some aromatics isIhnen in there or the nor seasoning isan all-purpose seasoning and it’ssufficient in itself as well some Jackseasoning in there I’m not really a fanof the Tesco brand but it actually worksso that’s alright so put everything willup in there now what is the point ofhaving a nine jurian style chicken ifyou haven’t got no pepper in there youcan put some habanero but I’m using somechili peri-peri for this to sell offeverything all together we are going tobe using some oil so olive oil for mebut you can use whatever oil that youwant now it’s time for us to give thisseasoned chicken a good mix okay so mixeverything all up together the idea isthat you want the chicken to soak it inso mix it really really wellI forgot to put in some mixed herbs guysor herbs so as you can see I’m gonna beputting in some of the mixed herbs soit’s called some rosemary thyme oreganoor oregano all that jazz in there andI’m going to beat it up a little bitmore the idea is I want all thatseasoning to circum really properly Ireally want my taste but to be delightedby the time all of this is done so we’renot going to be putting this in the ovenstraight away I wanted to I still wantthe seasoning to soak up a little bitmore so I’m going to put in some clingfilm on this and I’m going to bemarinating this in the fridge for about30 minutes I was really hungry guys soyou can leave it for more but I left itfor 30 minutes an hour can do as well orjust 24 hours now once you feel you areready to cook guys you know after you’veleft this in then you just startprepping it to put it in the oven andthat’s what I’m doing here as you cansee make sure you get all that chickenin there and you get all that seasoningscrape it off the plate scrape it offthat plate and get it readynow that looks absolutely gorgeousthat’s lovely now I’m gonna be cookingthis in the oven or oven grilling thisfor about 45 minutes to about 55 minutesso that’s four five five five and hereyou have it open grilled crispydelicious Nigerian style chickengoodness all my daysthis was completely absolutely gorgeousand amazing you can sprinkle someparsley on it as well you know just togive it a little bit of a really nicefeel to it and eat it with whatever youwant to eat rice shallow fries friedrice you know noodles or just whateveryou want to have it with in general nowif you liked this video don’t forgetguys to give it a thumbs up and if youhaven’t subscribed yet to my channelwhat are you waiting for do so and Iwill catch you in the comments and seeyou my next video thank you[Music]

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