BBQ Chicken Recipes

Spicy Baked Chicken Wings & Tenders Dinner in less than Hr

Step by Step
Easy Baked Spicy BBQ Chicken Wings & Tenders
Make Dinner in less than an hour

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today we are baking chicken rings sowhat I did was I washed them and keptthem in the refrigerator for the entirenight and the way I did was I used whitelittle bit of white vinegar to wash themso with using white vinegar takes allthe chicken smell out of the rings’flour one cup one and a half teaspoon ofsalt one teaspoon of red chilies and oneteaspoon of black pepper this makes allour dry ingredients together there’s anoption of garlic powder if you like toadd I usually do because I like garlicflavor but next step is which is goingto take the chicken wings and we’re justgoing to coat them with this flourmixture that we made and we’ll justplace them on the sheet right here justlike thatyouit’s been 20 minutes I took them out ofthe oven now we are going to flip theseover and then we’re what we’re going todo is bake them for another 20 minutesplease subscribe to my channel and clickon bell icon for notifications I added1/4 cup of honey and also I added a 1teaspoon of red chillies and then I amgoing to add some to make it spicier sowe’re adding some spicy sauce just likethat this is for the coating for ourwings ok so now we put our chicken wingsinto the sauce the barbecue sauce thatwe had already added ingredient to andwhat we are going to do is mix it reallywell and then we’re just gonna dump iton a new sheet and bake it for another 8to 10 minutes and that’s about itok so here our barbecue chicken wingsout of the oven and we are just going todish them out right nowso here’s a final look of our chickenwings I hope you enjoyed the recipeplease do subscribe to my channel thankyou please subscribe to my channel andclick on bell icon for notifications

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