BBQ Pork Recipes

Barbecue Pork Chops on the Grill

Malcom’s Delicious Dinners – Barbecue Pork Chops with Grilled Zucchini and Smashed Sweet Potatoes

#deliciousdinners #bbqporkchops #howtobbqright

– Pork Loin sourced from The Butcher Shoppe in Pensacola, FL
– Killer Hogs AP Seasoning
– Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub
– Captain Rodney Boucan Glaze
– Thermoworks Thermapen
– GrillGrates & Spatula

Barbecue Pork Chops with Grilled Zucchini and Smashed Sweet Potatoes Recipe

– 4 center cut, boneless pork loin chops 1” thick
– 2 Tablespoons Killer Hogs AP Seasoning
– 1 Tablespoon Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub
– 2 Tablespoons olive oil
– 1/4 cup Captain Rodney’s Boucan Glaze
– 4 zucchini squash
– 3 large sweet potatoes
– 1/2 stick butter
– 2 Tablespoons heavy cream
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
– 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place sweet potatoes on middle rack and roast for 40-50 minutes or until fork tender.
2. Prepare charcoal grill for two zone cooking.
3. Drizzle chops on all sides with 1 Tablespoon olive oil. Season with AP Seasoning and The BBQ Rub.
4. Sear chops for 3 minutes each side and move to the cool side of the grill. Drizzle with Captain Rodney’s Glaze and cook until internal temperature reaches 135-138 degrees; rest for 5 minutes before serving.
5. Trim the ends and quarter the zucchini squash. Drizzle with remaining olive oil and season with AP seasoning.
6. Grill zucchini on hot side of grill about 6 minutes. Turn every two minutes for even grilling.
7. Cut the sweet potatoes in half and squeeze out of peel into a large mixing bowl. Add butter and mash sweet potatoes. Add heavy cream and season with salt, black pepper, and cayenne. Stir to combine until potatoes are creamy.

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Video Transcription

hey Malcolm read here it’s my night tocook that means it’s time for anotherdelicious dinner I’m doing barbecuegrilled pork chops tonight pairing itwith some zucchini and smashed sweetpotatoes guaranteed to be good let’s getto cooking so I’ve got some center cutpork loin chops that I’ve seasoned todayand I started with a little bit of oliveoil on them then some AP and then somebarbecue rub you could use your favoriteseasons there whatever you like I’ve gotmy peak a good and hot with some royaloak charcoal and we’re gonna sear thesepork loins now I do have it set up for atwos on fire I’ve got a chimney full ofhot royal oak on the right side theother side’s cool it’s just a void whatI’m gonna do is sear these chops going aminute and a half we’re gonna twist themanother minute and a half flip them dothe same thing and then I’m gonna movethem over to the cool zone so it’s beena minute and a half now I’m going totwist these chops on the grill grateshere so I’m give me some nice sear marksnothing to it smelling good looking goodthe lid closed and set into the timerfor a minute and a halfall right after three total minutes it’stime to flip these chops I’ll see whatthey look like oh yeah they get somenice marks on them seared up we’re gonnarepeat the same thing for this back sidemake sure they get good great contactget it closed and get that timer rollingall right we’re going to put one lasttwist on these chops good contact withthe grate the lid closed another minuteand a half it’ll be time to move them tothe cool zone so now we’re just going tomove these chops over to the cool sideand I’m just going to check the internaltemp to see where we’re at on a coupleof these but 123 124 same thing there sowe still got a little ways to go I’mwanting them to get up to about 135 to140 I’ve got some Captain Rodneyspooking glaze really great on porkskind of sweets got a little peppery notejust gonna drizzle some over the topcome back with a little basting brushjust kind of touch it in we’re not goingheavy on the glaze it’s just a littlesweet vinegary note to go with the porkso while our chops are coming on up I’mgonna cook some zucchini on the hot sideof the grill I’ve got three largezucchini that just split and quarteredlengthwise hit them with a little oliveoil and then some of that AP seasoningthey’re ready to go right on the grillthey’re not going to take long so we’rejust going to start them out we’ll flipthem aroundas needed let’s get the lid closed chopsare looking good about 133 I want togive them just another minute or sowhile I’m in here I’m going to turn thezucchini let’s get them equal grillaction on all sides I kinda have threesides or a quarter of them I don’t wanta mushy I still them to have a littlebite so grilling I’m real hot and fastlike this works really well close thelid so I’m ready to get the chops offI’m just gonna move them to a sheet panthey hit right at 1:38 that is finishedenough for me for some chops they’regonna come on up as we sit here let themrest or a zucchini needs to be turnedmake sure it’s not sticking get somenice grill marks on it char it a littleso the zucchini has been on about 6total minutesit’s got grill marks all the way aroundit we’re just been rolling it on thegrill that’s as much as I want to cookit because it’ll get mushy it’ll want tofall apart on you I’m gonna go ahead andtake it up with our chops here that’sbeen resting we’ll be ready to make aplate now to go with our BBQ pork chopsand the grilled zucchini I’m also doingsome smashed sweet potatoes and theseare real easy I preheat them oven to 425put 3 large sweet potatoes in there forabout 40 minutes so I cut the sweetpotatoes in half and squeeze them rightout of the peel mash them up some addeda half a stick of butter some heavycream salt pepper and the two gooddashes of cayenne pepper that kind ofkicks them up a little bit withoutgetting them spicy but it’s a reallygood savory sweet potato mix it alltogether we’re ready to plate if I don’tsound delicious I don’t know what doesso let me show you how I’m gonna serveit first we got to come with one ofthese big thick cut chops glazed withthe Captain Rodney’s Buchan glaze alsogonna put three or four of our zucchiniSpears that we seasoned with the AP andgrilled and then it needs some sweetpotato smash style if you wanted itcreamy you could whip it with someblenders but hey this is my dinner andI’m doing it kind of rusty now thatdoesn’t look delicious I don’t know whatdoesit’s time to eat I’ve got to try one ofthese chops before dinnerthere’s three of us so hey I got fourchops and look at that it’s perfectlycooked all the way through only tookabout ten minutes on the grill I’m gonnasee if it’s worthy to eat oh man I lovethat little fatty edge around it’scharred up a little bitmmm so good barbecue pork chop doesn’tget any easier you can do this wholedinner in about 45 minutes that includesfiring up the grill hey thanks forchecking the video out today if you likewhat we’re doing subscribe to ourchannel you can find us on FacebookInstagram Twitter shell and I’ll talkabout this delicious dinner and all theother fun stuff we’re cooking on ourweekly podcast I’ll give that a listen -I’m fixing to get down on these porkchops we’ll see y’all next timehey that’s a good pork chop crunchy onthe edge juicy in the middle

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