BBQ Pork Recipes



Instagram: @Whippinitwithwiggz

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BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription

Europe was good everybody thank you fortuning in to whipping it with wigswaiting in the kitchen but we still whipit we out here man doing our thing on agrill today baby let’s whip it whip[Music]beef ribs pork ribs[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]Garrett was good we are back at this manright now what we have here are porkribs they are done cook them on thegrill then we put them in the oven fullmovement on 250 wrap it up the foil andnow we have our beef ribs as well[Music][Applause][Music]kicking only beef ribs you don’t importand we have our taster right here whichis count cows are gonna check it outbecause I don’t be rich I don’t eat meatso we go look at that oh yeahright off the Amanda right up right upto home right the poor gang countlesshe’s doing oh yeah yeah let’s go stop[Music]all right taste the beef ribs man ohlook at this this is beef bridge oh lookright here look at that these are beefribs oh look at that still juicy seethat we juice and the juice may stillsee the juice here you go take thosebeef ribs see what’s doing beef or porkto beef ribs he likes to be better wellthere you go man thank you for tuning inin the kitchen whipping it with ways[Music][Music]

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