BBQ Pork Recipes

Cajun Beef Jerky / Pull My Pork BBQ 4K

Jerky is one of those snacks that practically everyone loves and this Cajun Beef Jerky recipe is just one of the great jerky recipes that you can make with High Mountain Jerky Cure and seasoning. All the instructions are in the box for mixing and all you have to do is add the lean meat and smoke to it to have a wonderful Keto snack.Even if you don’t know how to make beef jerky with High Mountain Jerky Cure and Seasoning you
l have fantastic results. I’m sure you’ll agree this is the best beef jerky recipe you’ve ever tasted. I making this jerky on my Bradley smoker but you can make it on a Zgrill pellet smoker, heck you can make it on any smoker you have or in the oven or dehydrator. Try this beef jerky recipe and I’m sure you’ll be hooked on making your own Keto beef jerky.


High Mountain Jerky Cure and Seasoning ;


Smoke Tube;
Smoke Box;
Inkbird 6 probe wireless thermometer;


Video equipment used by Pull My Pork BBQ;
Sony a6400 4K camera;
DJI Osmo Pocket 4K camera;
DJI Mavic Pro Drone;
Fovitec Lighting;
Manfrotto Tripod;
Manfrotto Fluid Head;
Comica Wireless Microphone;
Azden Shotgun Microphone;
Elgato Cam Link;
Blue Snowball Microphone;


Link for 2 Gringos Chupacabra Rub;
Link for 2 Gringos Cajun Rub;
Link for Killer Hogs All Purpose Rub;
Link for Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub;


(1) Tempco 900 watt heating element link:
(2) High temperature wire
(3) Crimp ring wire connectors;
(4) 6 Rack Bradley Smoker;
(5) Bradley Smoker Cover 4 and 6 rack;


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BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]hey welcome back I really appreciate youjoining me I’m Carlton Duncan todaywe’re going to be doing something that’sreally simple really easy and it’sreally good everybody loves jerky sotoday we’re gonna be making Cajun jerkyon our smoker now you can do this recipein your oven you can do it in yourdehydrator and you can do it on any kindof smoker you have so let’s get going[Music]okay what I’ve got here is an eye ofround roast what I did I’ve trimmed allthe fat off of it that was on theoutside it’s really lean meat to beginwith and then I put it in the freezerfor about 30 to 45 minutes but let itget good and stiff not frozen but justgood and stiff it makes slicing a loteasier now you can slice this with aknife or I’m going to use my slicer todo it but we’re going to slice it in 3/8to quarter inch slices is what we’regoing to do we’re gonna slice againstthe grain of this so I’m gonna go aheadand get this slicing[Music]and we’re just going to slice this up[Music]and the slicesincrease this just from a little bit[Music]having a slicer sure makes it a loteasierso I’m going to get this all sliced upand I’ll be right back with you andwe’ll show you where we go from thereokay what I’m using today is the highmountain jerky seasoning I’ve tried Ifirst used this in 1992 and I’ve triedmany different recipes of making my ownand other jerky cures nothing hascompared to this this is fantastic stuffI used this on some antelope jerky backin 1992 and it was phenomenal and I’veused been using it on and off ever sinceI’ve tried a few different things butnothing has compared to this so I’llhave a link for this down in thedescription but they make many differenttypes of jerky cures and seasonings Ilike the Cajun I’ve tried the Cajun isone of my favorites I’ve tried theothers they’re really good too but Ilike the Cajun so that’s what I’m usingtoday on this beef so it comes in twopackets and you just kind of mix themtogether and I’ve got I’m mid weighedthis and I’ve got right at four poundsI’ve got four pounds of meat here ofbeef so let me see if I can get thisopen and this is the the dark seasoningand what you want to do you want to puttwo tablespoons and the direction theyhave directions in it for the amount ofpoundage yeah and since this is fourpounds I’m going to use two tablespoonsof thisI’m getting it everywhere that’s okay[Music]okay now I’ve got two tablespoons ofthat in there it just closed up now thisis the cureso this we’re going to use twotablespoons and two teaspoons in thereokayokay that’s all you got to do that is itand we’ll set these aside I’m gonna putthis lid back on itthis little Bart just a little checkerjar comes with it and you just want tomix these together all right so now whatwe’re gonna do we’re just gonna put someof these in this pan that I’ve sliced upthere’s gonna be some pretty big chunksof jerky but that’ll be hide now forjust come onFrankel is code on it[Music]turn them over and we’re gonna do theother side and you just want to do allthe pieces like this[Music][Music]okaywe just comehad smaller on top of it and we’re gonnado all of them like this just we’re justgonna keep going till we get them alldone I’m gonna get all these seasoned upand I’m gonna be right back and I’llshow you how we finish this up I’vestill got some of my seasoning leftwe’re going to use it so I’ve got a 1gallon bag and I’m just going to takethese and I’m just going to start layingit in here in this bagand I’m going to take a little bit ofthis just sprinkle in there on itbecause you want to use all the cure andseasoning on it put another layer inhere and you want to sprinkle a littlebit moreI got it all in thereand then what I’m going to do I’m gonnatake this put it in there and we’regoing to just roll it over and thenwe’re just gonna kind of mix these up alittle bit just kind of spread all ofthis seasoning out okay we got all ofthese in the bag we got all the air outwe got it sealed up we got them seasonedup now what we’re gonna do we’re goingto put these in the refrigerator for 24hours let all of these seasonings letall of this stuff kind of mix in andsoak into this meat I’ll see youtomorrow in about 24 hours we’ll getthese on the smoker we’re going to haveus some good beef jerkyokay our jerky is marinated in our highmountain seasonings for 24 hours we justpulled it out of the refrigerator nowwhat I’m gonna do before we put it onthe smoker I’m gonna take it and I’mgonna take each piece since they’re kindof large pieces and I’m going to cutthem in half just like thisbefore it goes on the smokerand I’m gonna get these done and I’ll beright back which and show you what we dofrom there okay I got all of my thejerky cut in half now what I’m gonna doI’m just gonna place it on this rackfrom a Bradley electric smoker now wesprayed these racks with cooking spraybefore we started putting these on andyou want to lay these on there where youdon’t want them overlapping but they canbe touching you just don’t want themoverlapping because they’re going toshrink up some so we’re just going tokind of put these in there and I’m goingto get all these racks loaded and I’llbe right back and we’ll show you wherewe go to from there okay our smokers upto temp we got it to 200 degrees forusing our oak biscuit so let’s go getthese on[Music][Music][Music]okay our Cajun flavor jerky is done wejust pulled it off the smoker and whatwe’re going to do we’re going to I’mjust going to take and I’m just comingany moisture that it’s cooked out ofthis any fat or anything like thatwhat little fat there wasn’t meat I’mjust gonna blot it off with some papertowel and I’m just going to go throughall of these and just kind of blot itoff the best you can like that and it’sjust as soon as I get through doing thisI’ll be right back okayI got it all blotted off and before wetie into this and taste test it let’skind of recap what we did here we tooksome high mountain turkey seeds in theCajun blend and we marinated it in theCajun blend we mix it up and marinatedovernight just dry brined it or howeveryou want to put it to cure in theseasoning overnight in a plastic bag wesliced up ourI have round roast about a quarter-inchthick then we seasoned it with the highmountain seasoning we put it inrefrigerator for 24 hours took it output it on our racks put it in the smokerwith some old biscuits and we smoked itfor about it took about two and a halfhours for us to get it done but youdon’t want to smoke this over threehours we smoked it for two and a halfhours and it’s brought up we brought itin we patted it drive with some papertowels any moisture that was left on itworth and what little fat was in themeat cooked out of it you want to try touse the leanest meat you can get forthis so a good way you can check wesprayed our racks with spray before weput it on there but a good way you cancheck and see if it’s done your jerkyshould not just break it should justcrack one like this whenever you and bestrained you want to cut it againstgrain when you cut it but it should justcrack like thisnow you can put these in bags put themin the freezer that’s normal what I dothey’ll last a long time in there butthis is this is really good jerky reallygood jerky[Music]you did high mountain turkey seasoningis perfect I have never had any otherseason that worked as good as it did andthey got a lot of flavors out there I’llput a link for a high mountain turkeydown in the description but if you wantto make jerky you can do this in theoven you can do it on the smoker justfollow the same steps all the directionsare in the package you can do it it’snot hard you just want to use the leantype of meat so I want to thankeverybody for joining me today all thepeople that subscribe to my channel allthe people that watch my videos I’vetruly appreciate it I really do and Iwant to send the special thanks out allthe men and women in the military thatare serving around the world and I wantto send a special thanks after all thepolice firefighters EMT paramedics thatprotect us and keep us safe every daythank you very muchyou

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