BBQ Pork Recipes


Easy recipe for a popular Chinese takeout dish.


1/2 – 3/4 cup honey*

2 tsp sesame oil

2 – 3 tablespoons fancy molasses

About 3 drops red food colouring**

3 tablespoons hoisin sauce

2 tablespoons dark soy sauce***

2 tbsp hoisin sauce

2 tbsp oyster sauce (optional)

3 cloves garlic minced finely

6 slices of ginger minced

2 1/2 teaspoons Chinese five spice powder

1 tsp White pepper

1 – 2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)

3 tablespoons Chinese rice wine

2 stalks escallion, chopped

2 1/2 –3 lbs pork shoulder


1. Cut the pork into 2-3 pieces lengthwise depending on how thick and wide the pork shoulder is.

2. In a bowl combine the marinade ingredients thoroughly.

3.Put the pork into a ziplock bag and pour the marinade over it. Marinate for 24 hrs or more in the refrigerator

4. Preheat the oven to 400F.

5.Remove the pork from the marinade and let it sit for about 40 minutes at room temperature.

6. Pour leftover marinade into a pot and bring to a boil then simmer over medium heat till reduced and syrupy.

7. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and top with a wire rack. Place pork on the rack.

8. Once the oven has reached 400F bake the pork for 20 minutes.

9.After 20 minutes, flip the pork and bake for another 20 – 25 minutes while glazing the meat every 5 minutes until the outer part of the pork starts to caramelize.

10. Don’t worry if some pieces are slightly charred thats the signature look of char siu. For last 3 minutes turn on broiler at 450 – 500 degrees to get it even more charred if necessary.

11. Check for internal temp of at least 145 then rest the pork for 15 minutes minimum before slicing.

*If you can find maltose please use it since it would be the traditional sweet used
**Use red bean curd if you’re able to find it
***I don’t use salt because I rely on the soy sauce and oyster sauce for saltiness

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome back to my channel todaywe are gonna be making my version ofChinese BBQ pork my hope you alwaysteases me and says that I must have mustbe part even because I really love Asianfood with a South Asian Japanese Chinesewhatever so today we’re gonna make oneof our favorite Chinese takeout itemsthe barbecue pork Chinese barbecue porkso we’re starting off with a porkshoulder here if you you do have achoice you can use a pork loin or a porkshoulder or pork belly pork shoulder iskind of in the middle where it’s not toolean and not too fatty it’s right in themiddle so I’m gonna be using that thistime so we are gonna be cutting itlengthwise in three pieces so that itcooks easier and it’s easier to slice soI’ve done that hereso guys when you’re shopping for theseitemscheck your of course your internationalfoods aisle in your supermarket or youcan just go to a local Asian grocerystore and you can find most of theseitems so this is where we’re going toget most of our sweetness from the honeytraditionally they do use maltose but ifyou have honey go ahead and use honeyyes I’m using a red food coloring sotraditionally a red bean curd is addedfor the color and it does add flavor tooif you can’t find it at your localstores just use some red coloring youhave the other ingredients that’ll makeup for not using the red bean curd sothose three pieces of pork I hadinitially I have it in a ziploc bag andI’m just pouring the marinade inside youwant to use a ziplock bag because it’seasier to rub in that marinade properlyso I’m just gonna rub that in right nowyes after you’ve massaged that lovelymarinade into the pork just squeeze allthe air out of the bag and seal itthen you’re gonna marinate it in therefrigerator ideally over 24 hours butif you do it overnight you should beable to still get a flavorful pork sothat same marinade that we’re using onthe pork that’s what we’re gonna drainoff into a pan and or pot and bring itto a boil and then we’re going to simmerit till it’s nice and syrupyall right so now we have a cookie sheetthat I put some foil wrap over and thenI’m putting the wire rack on top thereason I’m using the wire rack is justso that the air can circulate under thepork and it doesn’t sit in the liquidbecause you want the outside to becrusty and caramelized you don’t want itto sit in the liquidall right so the glaze is boiling nicelythen we’re gonna leave it to simmer fora bit till it gets nice and syrupy sojust remember that after the first 20minutes you’re gonna flip this over andjust generously spread on the glaze thatyou’re simmering on the stove you canuse a spoon you can use your brush oryou could even immerse the whole pieceof work into the the pot if you can fitjust make sure you generously coat thepork with the glaze that we’re making onthe snowso the reason it’s important to keepglazing it like every five to sixminutes is because with every layeryou’re gonna be making that crust evenmore firm and caramelized so don’t skimpon the glazing guys keep lacing everyfive to six minutesso it’s very important that you arrestthe port before you slice it if youslice it before arresting it then allthe juices will be released so try torest it at least 10 minutes before youslice itso guys this goes well with plain riceit goes well with steamed broccoli somesteamed bok choy sauteed vegetables itgoes well with noodles it’s reallyreally delicious and so easy to meet youhave no excuse if you don’t feel likeordering takeout you can just whip thisup really really really delicious lookat that oh my goodness that is so so sogorgeous it’s nice and caramelized onthe outside the pork is tender and juicyand that glaze is so delicious thank youso much for watching guys please try therecipe and let me know how you like it

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