BBQ Pork Recipes

Easy Chinese BBQ Pork Steamed Buns (Bao)

Making homemade baozi is actually quite easy and simple, it just takes a little time to let your yeast dough to rise, and you’re ready to roll. Pleat, fill, steam, and enjoy!

Bamboo Steamers for Bao (these are super useful):

Ingredients you’ll need:
Bao Dough-
1 cup water
2 teaspoons (6g) yeast
2 1/2 cups (381) bread flour
1/2 cup (78g) corn starch
5 tbsp (70g) sugar
2 teaspoons (12g) fine sea salt
2 tablespoons (28g) pork fat or butter

BBQ Pork (Char Siu) Filling:
2cups (320g) char siu
2tbsp (30ml) cooking oil
2 shallots, finely diced
2 tablespoons (30ml) oyster sauce
1.5 tablespoons (22ml) soy sauce
2 teaspoon (8g) sugar
1/2 cup (118ml) water
2 tbsp (19g) flour

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

for those of you who know what this isyou know but if you don’t know what thisis when I put it to you like thishave you ever bitten into a cloud butthen inside that cloud was actuallytender succulent meat well there you go[Music]so today we’re making Bao yes the samekind that are in the movie Bao blah blahblah the Pixar short yeah it’s a yeastrisen dough that is then steamed butprior to being steamed it’s stuffed withdelicious meat and the meat that we’regonna be using is the Chinese BBQ porkthat we made in the last videos this hasbeen a huge huge huge request I haveseen this multiple times all on thesubreddit on my Instagram DMS which bythe way if you don’t follow me on therethe links are in the description be sureto go click them my ears are ringingright now ah so with all that said let’sdo this shall weso as with any yeast oh you gotta primeyour yeast first do that by mixing twoteaspoons or six grams of instant yeastinto one cup or 236 milliliters oflukewarm water that’s around 98 degreesFahrenheit or 36 degrees Celsius thenjust mix it together and let that sitfor 10 minuteswhat now I like your yeast is having alittle party makes together two and ahalf cups or 381 grams of bread flourhalf a cup or 78 grams of cornstarchfive tablespoons or 70 grams ofgranulated sugar I know this seems likea lot of sugar but it’s actually apretty common amount and you need thatin order to keep those buns soft andthick you know I’m saying and twoteaspoons or 12 grams of fine sea saltgive that some whiskey business untileverything’s nice and incorporated ohand that was all mixed in a stand mixingbowl by the way if that wasn’t evidencetouches your stand mixer with the doughhook attachment start stirring that badboy at a low speed and slowly mix inyour yeasty watery boy make sure to addit gradually not just toss the wholeflipping thing in there you know gottagive your mixer time to mix it keepmixing on a low speed until a shaggydough forms if your dough seems too dryor it’s just not coming together thenyou can keep adding water about atablespoon at a time just until it comestogether be careful not to add too muchonce your dough forms up the speed tomedium low and let it mix for about twominutes or until it starts to become alittle bit smooth then one tablespoon ata time you’re gonna add two tablespoonsor 28 grams of softened unsalted butteror you can use softened pork fat if youhave any which would obviously taste awhole lot better then just let that mixyou’re gonna have to scrape down thesides a little bit to make sure thatthat butter gets incorporated it mightbreak the dough up a little bit just letit keep mixing until everything comestogether once you’ve got a nice cohesivedough let that mix on medium low speedfor 8 to 10 minutes or until completelyand totally smooth and extensible nowplop that out of your bowl it should benice and smooth and shouldn’t be tootacky if it needs additional kneadingyou can knead it by hand but it shouldthen just gently shape that into a ballby sort of dragging around in circleskeeping in contact with a bench to get anice little sphere grease the inside ofyour stand mixer bowl and then plop thedough back in there and then cover itwith a damp towel and let it rise forabout one and a half hours or untilabout two and a half times its originalsize and that should be at roomtemperature by the way all right sowe’re making barbecue pork buns we needto make the filling but first you’regoing to need barbecued pork aka charshoo like I said I made my own and Ihave a rest before the link will be inthe description but if you don’t want todo that you can also pick this up at alocal Asian market and then you’re justgonna chop it up into small pieces untilyou get about two cups or 320 grams ofchopped char choux then you’re gonnaheat 2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters ofcookingoil over medium heat once hot you’regonna add two finely diced shallotssaute that until they become translucentand soft then add 2 teaspoons or 8 gramsof granulated sugar 2 tablespoons or 30mils of oyster sauce and one and a halftablespoons or twenty-two mils of darksoy sauce so numbers I’d like to add acouple tablespoons of spicy bean sauceit’s not traditional but I like it andit’s totally optionalthrow that together and then as soon asit starts to simmer immediately add halfa cup or 118 millilitres of water mixthat together and then add twotablespoons or 19 grams of all-purposeflour and then just start whisking andkeep whisking it over that heat until itgets super duper and nice and thick withthree C’s then remove that from the heatand add your 2 cups or 328 grams ofchopped char choux make sure that youchop this stuff pretty small cuz itneeds to be a filling also I didn’t doit in this round of Bao buns but I’veactually found that this is much muchbetter if you sear the char shoot firstafter you chop it just like searing in apan get it nice and crispy before you atit and this is what your finishedfilling should look like this is thecharger that was seared and you can seehow deep and rich that is almost like aDemi gloss kind of richness so yeahdefinitely sear it that is the goat thenjust let that bad-boy cool down duringthe rest of the duration of your rise onyour dough and there she isdummy thick and all what’s your doughsoul plump risen and smooth you’rethinking just gonna punch the crap outof it and beat all that air out thenturn your dough out onto a lightlyfloured work surface and then shape itinto a long log about 18 inches longsort of roll it out get make sure thatit’s nice and even by the way you don’twant like you know big lumpy log youwant a nice smooth long law then cut thedough into about 12 to 14 pieces themore pieces you do this small earthabout just think about it like that okayso we’ve got our little guys ready to gonow comes the treacherous path ofshaping bowel so we roll you’re actuallygonna roll over the cut side just sothat you knows that the stay nice andcircular but anyway you’re gonna getthese nice and gently floured both thework surface and the dough you’re gonnasort of roll an eighth turn roll aneighth to turn roll an eighth turn alongthe edges keeping sort of the centerintact you want to have like a littlebubble in the centerthat way it’s thicker in the center andthinner on the edges and you’re gonnakeep doing that take it a nice roundcircle it’s about four and a half tofive inches in diameter it should look alittle something like this you can seeit a little raised up sort of nipple inthe center that’s what you want that’swhere the meats gonna go it’ll helpprovide some structure as it rises inthe steamer all right so now you’regonna add your barbecue pork fillingyou’re gonna want to add quite a bitmore than you would thinkyou want to add enough so that there’sjust about a half inch border around thewhole bow you know like that now there’smore than one way to shape bow for somereason I chose the hardest way to shapethem but I’m not gonna lie I definitelystruggle a little bit to get these theshape that I wanted I think this is justsomething that takes some mad practicebut basically you’re going to pleat theedges starting from one end and thentwist the bow in a circle in the otherso you’re pleading with one hand andthen you’re holding it with otherkeeping the filling down with your thumbsort of constantly stuffing it backunderneath itself unfolding that pleatedside back over I’m using my thumb topress it back down into the bow as Ipleat the other side press back downrotate pleat press back down rotatepleat and it’s just kind of that motionjust keep doing that until you get itwas we going to reach the end like thatand just pinch the edge shut and thentwist the top to keep that intact anyparts of the pleats that are notsticking make sure to stick them back onand then repeat that with all of yourbow so you’re gonna cut three and a halfinch squares of parchment paper give meabout fourteen of them you just havethose set to the side because that’swhat you’re gonna need to keep the bowfrom sticking to the steamer basket geta pot that a bamboo steamer basket fitsover and fill it with two and a halfinches of water and bring it to a boilgently place a finished bow on top of apiece of parchment paper and place it inyour steamer basket my steam rest canfit about four of them at a time soyou’re probably enough to do these inbatches then daintily place a lid onyour steamer basket place your steamerbasket on top of your pot of boilingwater make sure that the water isobviously not touching the steamerbasket and steam these little plump boysfor 12 minutes do not remove the lidwhile they’re steaming leave the lid onif you take the lid off while they’resteaming they’re gonna fall flat if youwant them to be plump and thick leavethat lid on and let them do their thangjust make sure that you give them enoughspace so that they don’t run into eachother while the rising sort of like theysaid it Prom leave enough space forJesus after that 12 minutes is up thenthe transformation is completeyou have thick juicy Bao buns nothingleft to do but eat and enjoy theirinsane fluffy rich goodness nothing inthe whole wide world soft and delicateis you look at that this is sounbelievably soft but do you want toknow what else is unbelievably softb-roll or guys and that is it so we madeour very own bow yes it’s it’s just it’sso light and airy and soft and theinsides so rich and decadent andsucculent and fatty and sweet and saltyand umami and the voting period forsilver magazine best food video for meis now officially closed we cannot voteanymore so now we will patiently awaitthe resultsI am happy no matter what because Ireally am mostly just grateful to haveyou guys and that and that’s that that’sthe end of that very excited to see whathappens and what they sayin the meantime merch I know this hasbeen a really sort of just creep andDrain that’s supposed to have I don’tknow how many wheels the train has butlet’s say 30 wheels 60 wheels and thisthis trains only got like five I’ve gotthe wheels on for the most part now wejust got to get the I don’t know wherethis metaphor is going what I’m tryingto say is the merch is coming very soonit’s really just been a humongousproblem with getting distribution to doan apron abolish just doing shirts thiswould this would already be up by nowbut yeah that’s it that’s that’sactually hit for the update today sowith all that said if you enjoy this ohwait one more thing actually don’tforget to follow me on instagram twitterand all thatnow boys doubles in the description butwith all that said if you enjoyed thisvideo or you learned something leave alike subscribe and I will see you nexttime[Music]

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