BBQ Pork Recipes

Easy oven baked baby back pork ribs

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[Music]hi guys I just got home from shopping Iwent grocery shopping and I went to coldand Michael that was it that was enoughfor me I want to come home but I went toCole’s I got some good shopping done formy grandkids for Christmas then I wentover to Michael’s I picked up a fewthings I’m gonna do another haul on andthen I went grocery shopping and so Ijust thought I would show you tonightwe’re going to have pork spareribsthey’re so so easy to cook and sodelicious if you cook them right so thekey here is just to cook them long andslow so right now it is 3:15 and I willprobably cook them for about two and ahalf hours at 300 degrees 325 and then Iwill put some barbecue sauce on and comefrom swor so let me just tilt the cameradown and I’ll show you what I’m gonna dohere all right so here is our spareribsit’s gonna take about a little packagehere and they usually fold them over alittle bit would stay huh okay I’m goingto take my life and I’m just going tocut it down the middle because my nightto get startedokay simply put this in our baking panlet me get from all right wash my handsreal quickokay very simple we’re just going totake some garlic salt sprinkle that allover the top of themand some Lawry’s seasoning salt it lookslike a lot of salt but as it cooks downand actually um it’s not that strong andI’m going to take one tumbler think thisis a 16-ounce glass I’m going to use a16-ounce glass and I just filled it withwaterI actually don’t need the whole thing soI throw the rest awayit’s going to cover the tips well I’mgonna bake it at 325 degrees I’ll checkon it and with just water in here itkind of a little bit so I’ll be back youguys when I’m ready to add the barbecuesauce okay okay guys it’s been exactlytwo hours since I put this in the ovenuncover it now it’s really not a lot offat it’s just the water that I put in tothe pan before they started cooking itto kind of help steam it so we’re gonnadrain that water out now there’s somefat in there but what felt is we’rebringing it out right nowso we’ll set this over to the side andthen we’re just going to take any kindof barbecue sauce that you like andwe’re gonna pour it right over the topand then we’re gonna leave it uncoverednow I’m gonna take my brush here andjust brush them out kind of put it backinto the oven and let them bake foranother hour okay we are going to havesome asparagus with this I think I havesome leftover mashed potatoes fromThanksgiving that we’re gonna have withit as well all right so I’ll be back toshow you when it’s all done all rightyou guys well here’s the beautiful ribsI cooked them for another 45 minutesuncovered with the barbecue sauce up I’mjust gonnacut down the middle here for you andshow you that little piece right thereis because I’ve tasted itlet me gonna be really hot but I justwant to show you guys that the meatliterally just falls apart and so it wasbasically almost three hours of bakingin the ovenso tender so delicious and so easy andif your house is cold like bime and yourun your oven to three hours and helpswarm up three homes so all right guyssuper easy to make pork spare ribsbarbecue style in the oven nice and warmin the house it keeps this nice andtoasty one my ribs are ready to eatwe’re having leftover mashed potatoesadd some asparagus with it and you guyshave a great day and I’ll see you backhere tomorrow bye[Music]

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