Slow cooked for perfection, these ribs will satisfy everybody in a variety of settings.
1 – 1.5 Kg Meaty Pork Ribs
350 Ml BBQ Sauce (See our recipe in the link below)
15 Gr Mustard Seeds
15 Gr Coriander Seeds
For instructions on how to make this delicious dish, see our video.
Our Sweet & Spicy BBQ sauce is perfect for this – follow this link –
These Ribs are delicious served with Baked Potato – follow this link –
Bahan :
1 – 1.5 Kg Iga Babi (Non Halal) atau Iga Sapi (Halal) buat yang Muslim
350 Ml BBQ Sauce
15 Gr Mustard Seeds
15 Gr Ketumbar
Untuk detailnya, lihar videonya dari awal hingga akhir ya guys.
Untuk BBQ Sauce nya kita buat sendiri guys alias homemade. Yuk lihat video cara buatnya. (klik link di bawah ini )
Our Sweet & Spicy BBQ sauce
Untuk side dish atau Menu Pelengkapnya cocok banget dengan Baked Potato (Kentang), klik link di bawah ini
Baked Potato
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes