BBQ Pork Recipes

How to make Delicious Pumpkin Glazed Pork chops

Pork chops
1/3 cup pumpkin purée up to 1/2 cup
1/2 cup Apple cider
Salt pepper garlic powder onion powder parsley flakes
1garlic clove
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
Apple pie spice
Butter and oil
You favorite bbq sauce
God bless enjoy

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hi everybody everybody I’m backeverybody to the young us back and I’mback with yet another amazing recipeit’s fall time and I am in the mood forfall time flavors listen here I have anamazing recipe that I’m going to showyou all I’m going to show you how tomake a pumpkin glazed pork chop listenhere this pork chop is so juicy and it’spacked with flavor and it’s so easy doesnot require a lot of ingredients here’swhat you’ll need to make Gina youngstownpumpkin glazed pork chops you all neverhad this before you better make you somepumpkin glazed pork chops are on themenu for lunch time at the Young’s houseand I’m so excited so I have somebeautiful center-cut pork chops here youcan use assorted pork chops center-cutyou can use the pork steaks as wellI don’t ever suggest that you use theboneless pork chops the boneless porkchops tend to be much much drier than apork chop that has a bone when you’remaking pork chops always get the kindthat has the bone it tastes better allright so the ingredients are we’re goingto use some apple pie spice you cannothave fall flavors without that apple piespice and then we’re going to usepumpkin puree make sure when you go toyour local market that you do notpurchase pumpkin pie fillingyou don’t want to use pumpkin piefilling make sure you have pure pumpkinall natural no preservatives you’regoing to need honey as well as yourfavorite barbecue sauce now for thisrecipe feel free to make your ownbarbecue sauce if you’re that personthat loves to make barbecue sauce okaybut I find when I make this recipe usingmy favorite barbecue sauce itturns out absolutely amazing this reciperight here turns heads and has everyonewondering what is in the sauce like andit’s pumpkin in the sauce it’s amazingflavor so then we’re gonna need we’regonna have couscous on the side and Ihave some raisins to go with ourcouscous I have one in 1/4 cup ofchicken broth and I have couscous herealright we’re going to use for our porkchopsapple cider okay make sure you haveapple cider if you don’t have applecider feel free to use apple cidervinegar but you only use a little bit ofthat all right and then to season ourpork chops we are going to use saltcracked black pepper parsley flakesonion and garlic powder make sure yourhands are impeccably clean you are infor a treat this recipe is so easy okayeveryone so the first thing we’re goingto do we’re going to season our porkchops all right we’re going to put somesalt on use whatever kind of salt youwould like to use just don’t use toomuch salt okay just like so and thenwe’re gonna put cracked black pepper onput your nice amount on that crack blackpepper it’s gonna make this tasteamazing if you’re that person that’safraid to season your food your foodwill have no flavor will be afraid toseason the only seasoning you have toworry about is salt okay so we have ourcracked black pepper on let’s putparsley flakes on because it makeseverything nice and beautiful okay it’snot gonna give you a flavor just gonnamake it nice and beautiful I don’t knowabout you all but I like to eat with myeyes first I like for everything that Imake to look nice and beautiful so nowwe’re gonna put some onion and garlicpowder on if you wanted to put sazzleyou can absolutely you can alright andhere’s our garlic powder just like sowhat you want to do when you take yourmeats out of the refrigerator you wantto let your meat set for at least 20minutes out of the refrigerator beforeyou put it into that frying pan don’tever take any of your meats right out ofthe refrigerator and start to fry itbecause the meat will seize up it’ll gointo shock and you’ll have a dry meatand we’re not making any dry meats inthis kitchen okay so make sure you giveit some time to rest my meat has beensitting out of the refrigerator foraround about 15 minutes and now I’mseason in it and I’m gonna let theseasoning soak in to our meat for atleast 12 minutes before this goes intothe frying panokay you put a nice amount of pepper onjust like so you’re gonna let it restand I’m going to show you how to makethis amazing glaze and this glaze willhave to cook and it’s gonna simmer downa little bit it’s gonna get nice andsticky okay spend a little bit of garlicpowder a little bit of salt on this sideI’m not gonna put as much salt as I puton the other side because I want to bereally careful with the salt intake okayjust like so and we’re gonna let thisset for 12 minutes I hope that you allare having an amazing day I hope thatyou all are having a great work week aswell take a look at these look amazingalready right okay everybody principal Iwant to say hi to you all they’re kindof sneaking around the corner hopingthat I drop some goodies on the floorsay hi guys okay everyone let’s getstarted with this really simple yet sotasty glaze we’re going to take barbecuesauce right let’s fix my camera andwe’re going to usecup a cup of your favorite barbecuesauceor making your barbecue sauce would bejust fine as I said earlier we only needa small amount because I’m only doingthree pork chops okaywhatever sauce is left over we will useit okay we will not throw that awaynothing goes to waste in this kitchen sonow we’re gonna add some apple pie spiceapple pie spice is amazing it’s gonnagive you that fall flavor it’s gonnamake a smell amazing as well so we’regonna put around about three three tofour little dashes I think that rightthere will do us but you test yours youtaste it and see if you’re happy withthe flavor now right here I have I’mgonna do 1/3 cup of honey and I haveoiled my measuring cup so that the honeywill just drizzle out really easily andyou won’t have to fuss with it gettingstuck into the measuring cup okay I’mreally it’s that simple it should comeout very easily for you now if you don’twant to use honey then by all means youcan use agave nectar okayyou can use a corn syrup and youactually you really you could use amaple syrup if you want it too okay sothere’s that and then we’re going to useour pumpkin puree I’m gonna start offwith one third of a cup and then I’mgonna taste my sauce if I feel like Idon’t taste my pumpkin in this glazethen I’m gonna put more pumpkin in youhave to taste things so you know whatyou’re feeding to your loved ones tasteit so you know what it tastes like okayall right there’s that we’ll keep thataside in case we need a little more andthen we’re going to put a little bit ofeither apple cider vinegar or your applecider like I’m using todaythey suggest using the apple cider butif you don’t have it it’s okay to usejust maybe two dashes the apple cidervinegar okay put that in there just likeso and then let’s mix it up mix it upwell very quick and simple right it’slike it doesn’t get any easier and it’samazing you hear me but what you want todo with the sauce is you have to cook ityou have to cook this we’re going tobring it up to a very slight boilcooking this on medium once it comes toa boil we’re going to reduce the heat alittle bit so that it can start reducingdown and what reducing down means assome of this is going to somewhatevaporate and it’s going to get a littlebit thicker if that makes any sense toyou okay I want to taste this and see ifI’m happy with the flavor if I’m nothappy then we’ll put a little bit morein of what we need okay let me grab thisfork here we’re gonna give it a nice tryOhmmm listen here whoa it’s so good but Ido feel like I need a little bit morepumpkin get you that pumpkin in theredon’t be afraid to use it you want totaste that pumpkin flavor so now once Imix this I’m most likely going to need alittle bit more of my apple pie spicewe’re gonna put just a little more inthat’s it right and then we’ll taste itagain and then we’ll get this on thestove cooking and I’m going to show youhow quick and simple we’re gonna frythese pork chops we’re not gonna breadthese pork chops they don’t need to bebreaded we’re gonna fry them and oliveoil and butter yes we are okay let megrab another utensil so I can taste thisonce againoh that’s it that is it it’s amazingtastelook at that hmm you better make you soyou want to have this on your dinnertable for the fall times feed it to yourloved ones they will love you for thisrecipe okay let’s go over to the stovewe’re going to put together that quickcouscous which is really easy to useremember I told you we’re going to use 1in 1/4 cup of chicken broth we’re goingto use the small amount of raisins inthe couscous I’m going to show you youcan put it together really quick littleonly takes 10 minutes to cook so I willshow you how we’re gonna make that let’smake our way over to the stove okay solet’s go ahead and make our couscous youcan use water but I like to use chickenbroth 1 in 1/4 going in you can usegolden raisins if you want I just happento have you know the purple ones sothat’s what I’m gonna use a tablespoonof butter you can use olive oil if youwant it to get your raisins in and yourseasoning pack this seasoning pack isparmesan flavor this is the one that Ilike to use it has amazing taste and youknow you can fold in some green onionsif you’d like to or slivered almonds youknow there’s different things that youcan do when you’re making couscous butyou don’t need a lot because it’shonestly it’s amazing by itself withoutanything extra alright so then thiscomes up to a boil and then once itcomes up to a boil we’ll put ourcouscous in we’ll put a lid on and turnit off the burner and it’s done and thenyou just kind of fluff it up okayeverybody so my sauce packet chickenbroth and the raisins are boiling nowwhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna stir inthe couscous we’re gonna cover this Ican’t find my list so and remember weput the butter in there when I have thevideo on pause I did put a little bitmore butter in okay I’ve turned theburner off now we’re gonna covercover it with your lid or foil just getit nice and tight okay if you’re usingfoil like I’m gonna use just make sureit’s on there really tight okay cuz thisis what how this is how the couscousfinishes it steams okay and then we’llfluff it with a fork after around aboutten minutes that part is done and so nowwe’re going to continue to simmer oursauce until it reduces and gets nice andthick let’s work our way this way andstart on those pork chops and now forthe pork chops I want to get this pannice and hot and then we’re going to usebetween a tablespoon and a half ofbutter if you don’t want to use thebutter you don’t have to okay I wantthis to get nice beautiful and frothyalright and pot and bubbly and thenwe’re going to use a little bit of oilI’m not gonna use olive oil I know Ispoke about using olive oil but I wantto use a little bit of vegetable oilinstead that right there that’s allyou’re gonna need just a little bit ofoil we want everything to get nice andfrothy like I said our couscous is donewe have our sauce simmering and reducingdown to a nice beautiful thick pumpkinsauce it smells so good in this house itsmells like fall time being it smellsgood I can smell the spices from thatpumpkin pie spice I’m gonna we’re gonnacook our pork chops on a medium highheat medium-high heat is the way to gowhen you’re making these chops you don’twant to cook it up high you don’t wantto cook it on low okay and then I’llshow you how we’re going to paint ourpumpkin glaze onto these pork chopseverything will happen really fast fromhere okay everyone right before you cansee the butter is hot bubbly and frothylike I spoke about right before thisbutter starts to turn brownyou want to put your pork chops right onthere put it down easily you don’t wantto splatter the oil in the butter youdon’t want to splatter yourself oranyone that might be in the kitchen withyou okay I can fit three pork chopsnicely into the pan without overcrowdingI’m gonna wash my hands because anytimeyou touch raw meats you always want towash your hands so that you do notpossibly transfer bacteria I’m gonnawash my hands and I’ll be right backokay now that we have our pork chopsgoing I’m deciding to put I’ve justsmashed one garlic clove just open it upjust a little I’m gonna put it smack-dabin the middle of these pork chops Iwanted to release some beautiful freshgarlic aroma garlic flavor even thoughwe put garlic powder on there this isgonna really set it off you don’t wantto keep it in there until it burns justlet it give off some flavor okay rightbefore it gets too dark you take it outall right it’s gonna really flavor upthat butter in that oil everythingsmells goodmy sauce is reducing down and it looksamazing I’m gonna go in give it anothertaste because I just cannot resist Ihave to I have to and you know what’sfunny you can taste the pumpkin evenmore after that starts to simmer andcook all in oh it’s so amazing you haveto try this recipe for sure when I grabanother fork and I don’t want you allgoing in messing with the pork chopbecause you don’t have to the pork chopswill give you a nice indication whenit’s time to turn what you’ll start tosee you’ll start to see a nice beautifulgolden brown ring towards the bottom andthat’ll indicate that that side is doneand it’sready to be flipped this is cooking on amedium-high heat if you have an electricburner turn it on six six and a half andif you have a gas range you all knowwhat medium-high looks like all rightlet’s just keep an eye on it goldenbrown you’re flipping okay everybody nowI want to show you something that’sreally important when you are cookingsteaks and when you are cooking porkchopssometimes the pork chop or the steakwill kind of bubble up like this and thereason why is because we have fat that’saround the outside and once the fatstarts to cook and drink out it makesyour meat kind of go up so what youwould do is you find the spot where themeat is going up and you just cut thatpart cut that part open and it’ll laynice and flat otherwise the bottom halfof your pork chops won’t get cooked okayit won’t fully cook in that spot thatraised up all right I have that happento me a lot when I make pork chops youjust cut that fat open it up and it’lllay nice and flat and it’ll be able toget nice beautiful and golden brown okayI’m getting ready to take this beautifulgarlic clove out it’s done its job haveyou don’t need it anymore it’s let offamazing flavor you’re on a few minuteswe’re going to turn our pork chops theylook beautiful beautiful golden brownring towards the bottom that we spokeabout time to turn your pork chops youcan have a nice beautiful pork chopwithout reading it you don’t always haveto bread your pork chops in order forthem to be delicious they’re gonna bedelicious this way as well they’re gonnataste like a Kevon steak you hear meladies bad boys was gonna be good thisis what I wantlet me see if I can get a closer picturethis is what I like to have during thefall months pumpkin glazed pork chops101 Dean young sell really quicklysimple and yet so tasty let’s take apeek in at our couscous and we want tofluff it up a little bit with the porklet’s see what it’s looking like we’regonna take our foil off or take your lidoff this is what it should look like inthe beginning and then you take a forkand you just fluff it just like so thisis what it looks like you want to putyou a little extra butter in there youcan but you really don’t need it thisright here is the perfect dish that youwant to have alongside these amazingpork chops this is amazing alongside anice piece of baked fish look at that Iwant to give that a try here in a secondit is beautiful really quick and simpleI’m waiting on that to cool down so wecan taste it you better make you somelook at that I’m going in I have totaste this[Music]and when I tell you all this is amazingit’s so tasty so quick and simple ourpork chops are just about done let mebring it up close to you look at thatbeautiful once our other side gets anice golden-brown and sear then we’regoing to take our glaze we’re going topaint it onto these pork chops and ourpork chops are doneokay everyone our pork chops are justabout done here’s what I like to do I’mgoing to pour that extra oil and butteroff of the pan and I’ll be right backnow that we’ve poured the oil and butteroff we’re going to take our pumpkinglaze and we’re going to just paint iton just like so listen here you canpaint your glaze on both sides if youlike it’s really up to you or you canjust do one side I’m gonna do both sidesokay mmm look at that and if you want tocontinue to use the rest of the saucelike I’m going to do bring your sauceback up to a boil and then you can saveit look at thathmm paint that on just like so in a fewminutes we are going to turn these overand we’re going to brush on this amazingpumpkin glazeturn in the pork chops overjust clip so get the other side niceanyways that’s well same thing justbrush it on nice and lightly you don’twant to cake it on okay just a littlebit of this goes a long way you’re gonnareally be able to taste that pumpkin andapple pie spice when you taste thisyou’re gonna truly fall in love with thenew recipelet this cook for a little bit and thenwe’ll flip them over so the other sidecan get nice and fry once again as wellokay we’re gonna flip these beautifulsee that you see how it caramelize andget oh my goodness mmmit doesn’t look so much like a sauce itturns into that glaze that we spokeabout once you fry it up that rightthere that’s what you want few minuteson this side we’re gonna be ready to digin we want to go ahead and sit ourprayer now because when this comes outof this pan I’m gonna be ready to eatHeavenly Father Lord Jesus we thank youfor today Laura we thank you for yourlove time your mercy and yourunderstanding and your blessing sendyour angels down to surround us day andnight and your Holy Spirit to help usmake the decisions give us peace overour mind Lord we thank you for the roofover our head the foods that are lovethem the favor and the happiness and thepeace and the joy that you bring usdaily amenwe’re gonna take this out want todrizzle a little bit of that extra saucein the bottom of that pan right on topof these chops let’s dig in a man if Ididn’t already say amen let’s plate thisup take a look at these pork chopspumpkin glazed pork chops GinaYoungstown if y’all enjoyed this videogive me a thumbs up then if you haven’tsubscribed make sure you subscribe makesure you click on a notification bell soyou can be notified every time Ginayoung uploads one of these awesomerecipes tell your family andand everybody you know all about Ginayoung and what I’m doing in this kitchenon a daily basis let’s dig in mmm I havea plate with couscous we’re going to putour chopped right onto the plate you canset that chop right on top of yourcouscous if you like I like to put minesright on side just like this and we’regoing to dive in I have some apple ciderwhat better drink to have with thispumpkin glazed pork chop apple ciderlet’s give this a try right now I don’tthink I can wait any longer a little bitapple cider all right let’s go Laurathank you once again this is sobeautiful look at this my goodness thisis my type of eating and you know it’snot caked with sauce look at this Ohtaste that let me know what you thinkabout this heck you could make this withapple butteryou better believe you can you can dothe same recipe instead of using thepumpkin try it with apple butter let meknow what you thinkOh[Music]oh wait that’s good my goodness that’sgood mmm look at this look how beautifullook at the inside how moist it is andlook on the top at all of those flavorsand that nice glaze on the top and thebottom mmm taste that oh so good nobetter Cousteau’s mmm there’s always godbless you all thank you all for watchinggood night[Music]mmm doc god that’s good

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