BBQ Pork Recipes


Johnny Briquette from Pit Hustle. Shows you how to cook tasty PORK RIBEYE’S on a pellet smoker, using some simple seasonings and tricks at home. For purchase of the #HUSTLE DUST and Pit Hustle product line message us @ and dont forget to FOLLOW

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hey Johnny briquettes gonna teach youhow to pit hustle on the pit boss exhalewelcome to pencil I’m driving kit todayJohnny gets through teaching you how tocook up some pork rib eyes you mind Inever heard on port revival but we’regonna teach you today first you gotstarted off with a pair of these blackgloves because they make you look like abadass and that’s called barbecue backsafe oh we got having something to drinklike something red but basically heypork rib eye is in Boston but cut downinto slices most you never heard of itcuz we got a lot of cheap butchersaround already they come up with thisidea the bikes to take off the port butI say the whole blood at full price andsay these four mile 399 for two or threeother so that’s how you callentrepreneurship right there so we’regonna take this and we’re gonna put themon a hardwood pellet smoker and teachyou how to cook some pork rib eyes and aSunday and the Kansas City Chiefs areplaying football we gotta get the fooddone so we’re gonna hit the start buttonand that’s all you got to do right thereto get the grill fire we’re gonna beusing two things on these pork rib eyessome simmer on Docs and the hustle dustnow you want make sure get you a niceeven coat with that hustled us and we’llput them over to the other side the sameway this is what’s gonna bring yourriches and grant color now if you’recooking Johnnie’s way you want to beable to show your neighbors who’s thebarbecue boss is so if they can’t tasteityou want to make them feel it throughthe pictures so what we try to do iswork a piece of art so you want to takethem and square them up so they’representable because if you can’t tastethem you got to see with your eyes andgo oh man it looks so good so you cantell the difference between this one andthis one now that we got this pit boxrunning at 250 we’re gonna put thesepork rib eyes on her and pull them tobed now if you’re running a pit bossmake sure you put the fool down to catchgrease makes pretty easy cleanup but yougotta run it shiny side down rememberthat because if you run the other wayyou’re gonna screw it all upmake sure to square them back up whenyou put them back on the grill likelittle works of art[Music]well they’ll sleep for the next twohours when the season set it up OhJohnny likes to use team tastyelectrifying agent[Music][Music][Music]keep all fit hustle for more videos hmm

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