BBQ Sauce Recipes

BiG D Presents: Easy Carolina BBQ Sauces!!

Two Simple to follow BBQ Sauces, as used in Carolinan BBQ… perfect with Pork; the vinegar sauce is for mopping and dressing- the mustard sauce is great in pulled pork sandwiches and with Ribs!

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Video Transcription

hey how’s everyone doing I’m currentlydoing a video for pulled-pork it’s aCarolina recipe and to accompany that Ithought I should probably do a couple ofsource videos just to show you the typesof sources that go really really wellwith pork pork they’re both fairlydifferent they’re both sort of steepedin the Carolina style one is verymustard base the other is particularlyvinegar based so not what you’dassociate with your regular barbecuesauce is not in this country anyway soI’ll dive right in now and show you howyou can make those sources really reallyeasily so the first thing you want to dois get yourself a nice heavy bottomedpan something it’s going to retain theheat fairly well and something that’snot going to transfer too much heat inone go it’s a fairly steady it’s onlyabout five ten minutes you need to useto warm of these things up theingredients were going to use today I’mgoing to use basically all of myremaining French’s mustard which isabout a cup so you want a cup of it’slike a yellow American hotdog mustardyou want a quarter cup of an apple cidervinegar 1/4 cup of honey you want tohave about two tablespoons of tomatoketchup about the same but brown sugaryou want to have about a tablespoon ofWorcestershire sauce teaspoon of blackpepper teaspoon of salt and some hotsauce to taste I’m just going to put afew dashes in I would have loads morebut nobody else in the family would beable to eat otherwise so we’ll go easyon that maybe a couple of just a coupleof dashes that may be about a teaspoonso you see what a pan with mustard ingonna add to that the apple cidervinegar quarter cup of that and then thesame of honey put a cup of honey goingin all the while this is just warmingthrough there we go two tablespoons oftomato ketchup followed by the sameamount of brown sugarand then a good – probably about atablespoon of Worcestershire sauce abouta teaspoon of black pepper and sameagain of salt finally just some hotsauce as I say I put more but we’ll keepit fairly light and then just mix it alltogether just while it’s on the heat yousee it’s starting to come together nowand then it gets quite a smoothconsistency and this is the sort of theconsistency you want to end up with okfool the Carolina style vinegar barbecuesauce which is something we’ll use todress the pork pork in I’m going to beusing a quarter cup each of apple ciderand just normal white vinegar you don’twant more multi-vendor because it’sgoing to give it too much of a strongflavor so that’s your UMaine vinegarbase is basically a half cup soaked orcup each combined got tablespoon ofbrown sugar I’m gonna go for half ateaspoon of chili powder just a pinch ofchili flake as well and just some saltto taste probably about 1/2 teaspoon ofsalt 2 teaspoon something like that youcouldn’t want to use something like akiln a jar or a mason jarI’ve just done this is one that had andit’s got a really nice tight tightfitting lid so when it comes to shake itup it’s not going to spill and it’s nicean airtight so you can keep it whenyou’ve done the actual vinegar sauce youcan keep it really really well for fourweeks at a time all I’ve done is justbought a kettle and I’ve just rinsed itout to sterilize it alright so we’regoing straight in first with our whitevinegar followed by the apple ciderquart cup of each in the brown sugarfollow that up with half a teaspoon ofchili powder a fairly generous pinch ofthe chili flakes and then just a bit ofsalt to taste you want to close it alloff and then you really want to leave itas long as you can or ideally overnightbecause you want it to steep and justcompletely mix properly togetheronce though it’s nicely secured andtight it’s it’s not gonna leak outanyway so there you go there’s a coupleof different sauces really really easyvery very quick to do one that you doafter warm the other one you’ve done andwhat I’ve done I’ve decanted the mustardstyle one straight back into thecontainer this came out I juststerilized it with some boiling waterand as you saw just ship this one intothe kiln ajar and it’s nicely stepsealed up so that’s where it will stayuntil I need to use it which might betoo long because hopefully all port canbe done very shortly[Music]

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