Today I’m making Smoked Lobster Tails and Garlic Butter Sauce Tails on the Pit Boss Pellet Grill.
Lambert’s Sweet Rub O’ Mine
Lambert's Barbeque Sweet Rub O' Mine BBQ Rub
Armadillo Pepper Hot Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Jerky & Snack Store
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[Music]the first thing we do is gonna get thislobster butter sauce going so we’ve gotour stick of butter in here we’re gonnause three teaspoons of this old bag orlike an herb seasoning if you useregular old bay you’re gonna have to addgarlic to it so that’s why we’re usingthe garlic and herb this is a reallyeasy recipe there’s only threeingredients besides the lobster just thebutter the old baked are like an herband the lemon we’re gonna use half alemon as well I’m gonna squeeze that ingot my pit box at a Turner 50 degreesI’m gonna go ahead and get this set inherewe are using apple pellets today and youget this butter in there so I can goahead and start melting I’ve got threebeautiful lobster tails they’re threequarters of a pound each so there’s acouple ways that you can cut these guysyou can just literally cut them straightdown the center or you can do it likeI’m gonna do it which I think looks alittle prettierso we’ll see hopefully I can do this alittle prettier here okayokay so the next thing I’m gonna do isopen him up and I’m gonna do this withmy fingers cuz it’s just Jeff and I so Idon’t think he cares I’m just gonna kindof go underneath loosen the membraneand then we’re going to pull this guyout like soso we’re gonna use this Lambert sweetrub of mine on these guys we’re notgonna use a lot just a little bit mainlyjust for color most of the seasoning isgoing to come from that Old Bay buttersauce that we’re making we want to get alittle bit on there so they look prettyand if you don’t have this Lambert’sit’s not a problem just use a reallysweet pork barbecue rub just gonna getthese lobsters on the pit boxI’ll let these guys go about 10 minutesand then we’re gonna check on themit’s been 10 minutes I’ve got someparsley I’m going to put it in my butterI didn’t want to put it in earlierbecause I didn’t want it to get brown sowe’re gonna go ahead and get it in naila couple tablespoonsI said teaspoons on a tablespoon I’mgonna go ahead and mix that upand then we’re going to get it drizzledon these lobstersall right this is true that’s goodit’s been 10 minutes we’re gonna goahead and we’re going to drizzle this upwith some more of this ol babe buttersauceall rightwe’re gonna go ahead and shut the lidand let it go a few mins longer it’sbeen 30 minutes and these guys are up to140 and we’re gonna go ahead and getthem off[Music]so slob stir cook 30 minutes we drizzledit with the butter three times we’regonna give it a try I get to do thecookingJess shows up to eat pudding yep getyour fork there hey what’d they smellgoodthank you smell goodtwo months from that’s good oopsthank you Cheers oh wow goodWow I get the smokey right away and thenI get a little that it’s sweet you putsome barbecue sauce yeah mm-hmm yeah andit’s for the barbecue yeah the sweetnessyeah okayit’s super good there you go oh I’msorry that wasn’t very nice you’regiving everything I think it’s gettingdark out here you might need to wrapthis video upoh yeah it’s getting dark so this issuper good you should try it and ifyou’re not already a subscriber hit thesubscribe button and click on the Bell[Applause][Music][Applause]