BBQ Sauce Recipes

The Easiest Pulled Pork with Sweet and Spicy BBQ Sauce | Cooking with my Husband

Pulled Pork Recipe

Bone-in Pork Shoulder
3 batches of Sweet and Spicy BBQ sauce (recipe link in the cards)
1 tablespoon of the following ingredients:
Adobo Seasoning
Garlic Salt
Black Pepper
Onion Powder
Chili Powder
Seasoning Salt

About Mama Jasmine’s Food Journey:

A Foodie that loves to cook decides after years of being in the food and beverage industry to share her favorite recipes, learns a few new ones and documents her food discoveries to share with the world.

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BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription

for the longest time my husband did notrealize that we can make pulled pork athome and we didn’t have to go andcommercially buy it so I had him do allthe steps i sat there and instructed andgave my sage wisdom and here’s theresult of my husband’s pulled porksandwiches I’m going to show you all theingredients that were actually going tobe using on the pulled pork today and ofcourse crock pot liners so we’re goingto do is go ahead and line your crockpot with the liner it makes it foreasier cleanup because as you saw mycrock pot there’s a head stain ofdemarcation from how many things I useit so we’re gonna go ahead make surethat’s nice and flat now we’re gonnastart with seasoning salt they wanted todo with some adobo we’re gonna do somegarlic powderwe have onion powder we also have blackpepper and chili powder that we’re goingto be using for these so we sprinkle allof the seasonings there of course don’tworry if you didn’t catch them they’regonna be in the description box downbelow as well so you’ll have themeasurements after you put the seasoningyou’re gonna go ahead and put theseasoned side down in the crock pot andthen start the whole seasoning processall over again now this is the partwhere I’m trying to educating him on towhat seasonings to use and kind of thewhy behind the madness so when cookingin a slow cooker you’re gonna have thosecouple hours where it’s going totenderly cook we’re not have to worryabout direct Heat and as you guys alwaysknow from my channel my crock pot hasthat has been getting a lot of abuselately I can’t help it it’s the easiestadvice to cook with and of course peoplethat I work with and people that I’vebeen talking to especially on a groceryshop and tell them about my youtubechannel they have been trying to give meon insta pieairfryer I mean your girl woman shouldget to that but not now and you’re gonnado a half a can of this chicken brothnow I preferred the chicken brothbecause it gives it a nice flavor aswell as the seasonings so you’re gonnapour the half a can on there and goabout your business[Music]you[Music]now you’re gonna go ahead and I push thecrockpot back so you guys can see we’regonna cook this on low and it’s gonna beon low for 8 hours after this I went towork and my husband that was at home sothis is us really early in the morningshredding the pork for the crock-pot sohe’s getting right in there and you’regonna see his hands a lot from here onout because he really wanted to takeownership over this which I love becausehe really doesn’t cook so he’s more of abarbecue guy so this is really wasreally amazing to have his like qualitytime with him to learn so after heshredded it all he separated the bonethe cartilage from that shoulder becausethis was a bone-in roast and drained allthe excess juices and got all of themeat out of the crock pot and he used aspoon because he’s a little impatientwhich eye cracks me upor is it efficient I think it’sefficient but he’s also says that he’simpatient it’s kind of funny so he gotall that and then he put the bone in thecartilage on the side and you’re gonnasee that he’s gonna separate the fat aswell so that looks deliciousI of course try to pee since it’s fullycooked obviously and it was a greatflavor to it but of course we’re gonnaadd more flavor you’re gonna see you’regonna see it’s gonna be deliciouslycaramelized so after we go ahead and getall of this out of the pan the firstpart we’re gonna go ahead and split itbetween two pans and make so I’ll makesure that it evens coolsevenly and cooks evenly when we do ournext step so the last part of thisretrieval process is I had him use ourhandy dandy little strainer and gettingall those last pieces of skin andcartilage out of there and he furthershreds the pork because it he hispersonal preference especially forpulled pork isn’t to be nice almostflakes of just good carmelized brownishwhich I completely agree with him so hewent through and just took apart as muchas he could[Music]now the next thing that we did is afterwe got it all it’s completely done we’regonna go ahead and we blast children inthe freezer and let it freeze moisturewas okay because if you’re gonna usethis recipe and double it up especiallyfor your meal prepping perfectly finebut we put it in the freezer and thenthe next day we put it to bake justuntil it reached up to temperature about1 over 165 you can’t be too careful withpork of course when you see the steamcoming off of that so now that we gotthat completely baked I hand the forkback over to him and let the master ofthis project continue on his work so heagain shreds it a little bit more he’skind of a little bit compulsive it’sfine him it’s fine do you boo do you andthen I tell him about the barbecue sauceI made so I made three batches of thebarbecue sauce you’re gonna see a linkfor it right pop up in the right cornerof your screen here and I drizzle backhe drizzled it oh it’s not me cookingthis time ah he drizzles that completelyover so he used about one batch per halfa pan of the pork and then the thirdbatch we’re gonna see that later on inthe video so he loves this tool ofcourse it’s like outside barbecue brushbut he loves it because he feels like hecan get the it’s spread over the meatevenly before we do that and second bakeoff to itno it’s gotta be in the oven of 400degrees this one you kind of got a watchnow we did it for about 45 to 50 minutesin the oven but if you want to turn itup a little higher like two 425 and onlydo it for 30 minutes cuz you don’t havethat kind of timethat’s okay exactly baby so after we didthat we noticed it was really the brownon the top when you went and started itwas completely normalized but a littledry which is fine because we want thatbarbecue sauce to completely soaking sonow that we got that completely downthere you’re going to see the thirdbatch of barbecue sauce being used rightnow so when making the barbecue sauceagain I let it cool so then it thickensup but we poured one batch and this isboth pants of course together so alltogetherfor your pulled pork three portions ofthe barbecue sauce then we’re gonna goahead and give that a final stir aroundjust to get it nice and glazed over andyou know how sometimes people areself-conscious about the cooking rightwell first off my husband did anexcellent job with these everybody wascomplimenting how well they were justdelicious one person told me that theycan’t come around my house no morebecause there’s too much flavor but welove it see you guys in the next videobye thank you for stopping by andwatching this video if you haven’t seenthe previous video go ahead and click onthe box next to me if you haven’talready subscribed and this is yourfirst time through the channel thelittle logo down there you go and clickon that and you’re a part of the teamnow see you in the next video bye

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