BBQ Turkey Recipes

BBQ Turkey WholeHolland Grill

15# turkey on the Holland Grill for 3 hours 45 minutes.

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all right let me show you what step I’mat here the turkeys been brining for 24hours I just took it out and washed itup and then I separated the skin fromthe breast I’ve made up a butter saltand pepper mix that’s going to gobetween the breast and the skin I’ve gotsome stuffing this was butter stock andthen green onions and then that’s goingto go intothe stuffing need a little bit in caseand then that and then I’m gonna stuffthe bird and then in here I’m making a abroth stock to base the turkey I figureI’m probably gonna base about threetimes I just put the bird on my grill isa little bit hotter onto the right handside so that’s the side that I put thebreast the the turkey has been stuffedI put the butter layer underneath theskin and then I put a brown sugar spicerub on it and we’ll check it in an hourso we have been cooking nowuninterrupted for an hour and a half Inormally don’t look at anything I cookon the Holland grill but I am going tobase this turkey so that it stays moistand I also want to check the skinI might have to put a little bit oftinfoil on those wings maybe my nextbastingput them pretty great girlall right we’ll check it again andanother hour and a half and we’llprobably put a little bit of tinfoil onthose wings next time all rightwe are at three hours exactly we’ll lookpretty good herelooking for a 180 degrees I’m gonnabaste itthewhat I’m dripping on is actually hot soit’s not cooling the the barbecue downat all but it’s looking beautiful hereI’m not gonna put any kind of tinfoil onthose wings I’m just gonna let it go andtemp is at almost 180 I’m gonna let whatI just did crisp up a little bit andthen I think we’re gonna be donemaybe another 45 minutes an hour we arenow at 3 hours and 45 minutes we’regoing to test[Music]fantastic actually so if you’re notfamiliar with the Hall and Grill it is aconvection cooking barbecue indirectheat no flare-ups as you can see I’veonly looked at this turkey now threetimes this is the third time and that’scrisp but not not burnt and we are at180 degrees all right well the hall andgrillas you can see the back side is nice andcrispybeautiful so I wanted to show you howtender this and this meat turned outit’s just peeling apart perfectlyyou

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