BBQ Turkey Recipes

Cajun Roasted Turkey Breast

How to make Cajun roasted turkey breast recipe

How to make roast turkey

1 turkey ? breast
2 habanero peppers
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoon of Cajun seasoning
1 tablespoon of minced garlic
2 chopped green onions
1 branch of chopped cilantro

Mixed all the ingredients together and baked for 1 1/2 hour in a foiled pan covered with foil wrap.

Enjoy !

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Video Transcription

alright guys were at the grocery storetrying to find some ingredients for thisnice recipes going on welcome kitchenand today I’ll be making oven roastedturkey breasts Cajun style please staytuned check this video out grab a beergrab something to eat pen and paper youknow take some notesya know let’s get started alright firstthing first you have your turkey breastyou have green onions a bunch ofcilantro two habanero peppersI have minced garlic Creole seasoningand also cayenne pepper so first thingyou want to do is start chopping yourgreen onions you know you don’t reallyneed any fine shops or anything likethat just cut it up a little bitsame thing for your cilantro chopped itup peppers have in their peppers youwant to get that nice Cajun flavor nowlet’s add a tablespoon of minced garlicand for my Creole seasoning I’m gonnaadd a tablespoon as well I’ll say 2tablespoons you know turkey is turkeyversus big you know it’s not like yourchicken now you want to add a tablespoon1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper as welland then we’re gonna mix everythingtogetheroh I could already smell all that spiceyou know that flavor yeah good stuffright here you want to let it sitovernight or at least 24 hours if youdon’t have all that time just go aheadand slap it in the oven and make ithappenso stay tuned for the next step allright guys so now we’re gonna add alittle bit of extra virgin olive oil toour pan to insure the turkey breast doesnot stick to it our preference wouldhave been butter but unfortunately weuse all the butter for Thanksgiving so Ialready added the olive oil here now weare gonna add our turkey breasts to ourpan Keagan split this one in two look atall that pepper now we’re just gonnadrizzle a little bit of olive oil on topof the turkey breast all right so nowwe’re gonna cover our pan and place itin the oven you want to make sure thatoven is preheated and set to 400 degreesFahrenheit you could use aluminum foilwe actually have a cover for this panhere and bake your turkey breast for atleast an hour and a half alright guys sonow for the sauce the cranberry appleglaze you’re gonna need one sliced appleyou want to make sure you remove theseeds you know and all that good stuffyou have your cranberry fresh cranberryand also sugar we’re gonna add it to ahot boiling water and then we’ll startmaking the glaze now we’re gonna add ourcranberry and apple mix for the boilingwater you want to make sure you washyour fruits as well add two cups ofsugar 2 cups and once it comes to a ballits gonna start a caramelized as thewater starts to off evaporates guys asyou can see the water you know it’sabout to start it’s gonna start to boilover so you could easily stop that fromhappening by removing the pan in the panfrom the heat give it a little stir oryou could easily turn the it’s been likeover an hour and a half you know sinceI’ve been cooking my Cajun roast turkeybreasts and if you have a thermometer inyour kitchen you could always go aheadand use that as well just to make sureif you ever have any type of doubt oranything but once you cook it for atleast an hour and a half I guarantee youit will be ready in as you can see it’s190 degrees Fahrenheit it’s well doneready to go all ready to eat so the nextstep I’m gonna go ahead and slice it upfor you and you don’t garnish it on aplate make it look nice and that’s itall right guys as you can see this roastturkey is oh my godjuicy tender look it’s like chickenbreast look oh my god falling apart lookthis is what you call juicy you know ohmy god flavor spicy oh my god this isamazing guys you know like make sure youtry this recipe out and you’lldefinitely enjoy it all right guys lookat this my cranberry apple sauce look ohmy god mm-hmm all right guys so butstakeholders here I’m about a drizzleyou know a little bit of this delicioussweet cranberry apple sauce you knowyou don’t want to add too much you knowput a little right there and boom that’sthe guys enjoy[Music]

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