BBQ Turkey Recipes

Holiday Recipes: Smoked Turkey Breast

The holidays are about family and food. So, let BBQ Pitmaster Matt Pittman and Academy Sports + Outdoors show you how to smoke the perfect turkey breast that is sure to wow your family members this holiday season.


• 1, 3-6 lb Turkey breast
• 2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
• Meat Church Holy Cow rub
• 4 Tablespoons European butter, melted for basting

• 1 Gallon water
• 1 ½ Cup kosher salt
• ½ Cup Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ rub
• ½ Cup sugar
• 3 Tablespoons Whole black peppercorns

• Optional for brining: YETI Loadout bucket, orange slices, and bay leaves.

Prepare your Smoker
Prepare your smoker at 275F degrees. We recommend a lighter smoking wood such as pecan for this cook.

Prepare the brine
Thoroughly mix the salt, Honey Hog BBQ rub, sugar, and black peppercorns. Add the dry ingredients to the water and mix it up well. Add in the orange slices and bay leaves if desired. Place the turkey in a brine bag or food safe bucket.

Prepare the turkey
Remove turkey from brine, rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Thoroughly slather the turkey breast with mayonnaise. This slather will act as a moisture barrier and help keep the turkey as juicy as possible.

Season the outside of the turkey with Meat Church Holy Cow.

Smoke the turkey at 275 degrees, basting periodically with melted butter.

The turkey will be done when the internal temperature reaches at least 160 in the thickest part of the breast. It will carry over cook a few more degrees to get it to 165 degrees.

Let the turkey set 15 minutes, carve and serve!

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Video Transcription

hey guys I’m Matt Pittman barbecuepitmaster at meat Church and today Ithought I’d show you an alternative tothat smoked turkey and make you a bigsmoked turkey breast so this is gonna bea two-part recipe first we’re gonna makea really simple brine which is going toconsist of salt sugar my barbecue rubsome whole peppercorns bay leaf andwe’re gonna top it off with some citruswe’re gonna soak that turkey breast inthis food safe container for about fourhours to impart some serious moisture init then we’re gonna bring it over hereto our offset and we’re gonna smoke itat 275 degrees and today I’m gonna usepecan wood pecan is a lighter smokedwood and the hard wood family it’s gonnabe an amazing color and a super greattaste that you guys are gonna love let’smake this brine we’ve got a gallon ofwater in this bowl we’re gonna dump inone and a half cups of kosher salt halfa cup of sugar half a cup of yourfavorite barbecue rub we’re using meatchurch honey hoggood all-purpose we’re gonna mix this upthoroughly you can elect to warm thisbrine to dissolve the ingredients morequickly but I just start cold now thatour brine mix is thoroughly dissolvedwe’re gonna pour it in this Yetiload-out bucket which is a food safecontainer then we’re gonna add someother ingredients so I’m gonna add wholeblack peppercorns I’m gonna add some bayleaves and some citrus off a coupleoranges now it’s time to take our turkeyand completely submerge it in the brinemixtureI want to brine this for about fourhours so I’m gonna put this in a coolerwith ice you could also put this in abrine bag in your refrigerator but thisworks great for me[Music]we’ve had this turkey breast brining forabout four hours so we’re gonna pull itout and Pat it really really dry[Music]this recipe is really unique we’re gonnastart with a mayonnaise binder which ispretty unheard of so I want you to try areally high-quality mayonnaise I wantyou just get kind of a probably atablespoon or so and slather thisslathers act as a vehicle for your rubto adhere quicker but in this case thismayonnaise acts as a moisture barrier sohere’s the next thing we’re not going toseason this in a traditional mannerwe’re gonna season this with my beefseasoning so clean hand because I’mdealing with poultry and I like toseason up high if you seasoned 18 incheshigh you get a nice even application sothat looks pretty good nice and even I’mgonna let this sit for about 15 minutesand then we’re gonna get it ready forour offset stick burner the seasoningsbeen sitting on here for about 15minutes it’s nice and it here againwe’re gonna cook at 275 degrees the timeit’s going to take you to cook this isdependent on the size of your breastsbut what you’re looking for is no morethan 165 degrees internal temperatureI’m gonna cook it to about 160 in thethickest part because when you pull thispiece of meat it’s gonna carry over cookanother few degrees so I don’t want togo any further than that[Music]so I’ve just tempt the turkey breastsit’s a hundred and sixty degrees so it’stime to pull it off and time for myfamily to eat so look at that color it’sgorgeousman this is super juicy and you canreally see where the smoke haspenetrated that turkey so you see a hugesmoke ring all the way aroundthat’s pure Texas Turkey right therenice and juicy pecan smoked theflavoring super super good so for morerecipes like this go to andfor all your gear you need for your nextholiday cook be sure to visit your localAcademy sports and outdoorsyou

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