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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]hey guys today we are going to be makingbig turkey wings very simple recipes solet’s just go ahead and get right oninto it now I’ve got my turkey wingsalready prepped they’ve been washedthey’ve been cleaned of lime and lemonand they’ve been blotted dry veryimportant though make sure your trickywings are dryI sprayed my pan down on the pan and Iput these in here face down our skinside down first we’re gonna need onelarge onion but I chop that roughly anduse about half of that two packets sosacs ongoing as seasoningI’m gonna use one packet the season eachside of these turkey wings one can ofgolden mushroom soup you can find thison your suit aisle but every other othersoups one can cream of mushroom or creamof chicken I normally do cream ofchicken but this is what I had my pantrysome vegetable oil or some olive oil forthe skin side I’ll explain that later sochicken broth we’re also going to beusing some granulated garlic powdergarlic powder along with some onionpowder with a one-two punch some goodall-purpose seasoning this is the conthat I use but in our preferred seasonwe’ll do optional is some seasoned saltif you’re gonna be using all-purposeseasoning I’d normally go out one of theother but if you don’t have all-purposeeat and see the salt but do black pepperalways a mustparsley flakesgive it a little extra blend and I alsouse a little bit of poultry seasoningI’m gonna top this off with so okay as Isaid I’ve already blocked these dry andI’m starting with my skin side down thisseason the first that way when I fliphim over and put him in the oven and tobe skin side up which is gonna beimportant in this cooking process solet’s start with our going you’reseasoning and we can be pretty liberalon seasoning these turkey winnings cuzwhen they go in that gravy that we’regonna make the soup mixture we’re gonnamake it’s going all the seeds that weput on there it’s gonna actuallyincorporate very nicely so I can meetyou have it seasoned with some onionpowder again you know we can be a prettyliberal only thing you gotta watch inthis recipe is your salt content so longas it’s been little be using a seasonsaw larger not too happy with thatyou’re gonna be fine just add a littlebit of black pepperI love black pepper so I didn’t ease Idid a good amount good liberal amount ofblack pepper on these next we’re gonnago with some garlic powdersees new things real good I like toseason these with one side at a timemost cooks like to just put things in abowl and throw a season on then mix themup by handI don’t feel there are even incorporatedlet’s add a little bit of all-purposeseasoning or the scene and saltwhichever you choose to use we’re gonnahold off on the salt let’s go with theall-purpose seasoning on my recipe butfeel free to do what suits your tasteyou can use both just be sure to cutback a little bit on the seasoning saltso that you don’t over salt these areturkey wings follow these up with someparsley flakes mostly mostly time I usesome shops and fresh chopped parsley forthis for this recipe but I didn’t haveany on hand and that was the onlyingredient I was missing so I wasn’tgonna go to sport just door just forthat okay so now that we got our firstside seasoning let’s flip these puppiesover and seizing up the skin side youknow what we’re gonna do is we’re gonnaadd vegetable oil to this skin side whydo we do that because we want this skinside to crisp up as it bakes the gravyis gonna settle through the side of theturkey wings we poured it you pour itover there and this olive oil that we’reputting on the skin side it’s going toallow the skin side to crisp up and getreally give it a good bike throughconsistency without this olive oil on itthen this skin side would be the skinwould be very rubbery when you go to buytea and I don’tnobody likes to have a lot of rubberyskin in their mouth so blotting thesedry in the beginning process and thenadding this olive oil or vegetable oilwhichever used to this side is crucialso let me get cleaned up we’re gonnaReese’s in these alright we’re back gotthese Reese season got my onions half ofmy onion chopped up dice good rough sizechopped it’s gonna sprinkle those rightover top of that turkey wings get themon in there no no rhyme or reason atleast I like the lead these pretty goodpretty good size so they don’t docentigrade in the mixture next week I’mjust gonna add our cream chicken orcream of mushroom soup with each hand ofgolden mushroom soupI use cream of mushroom in thisparticular recipe today because again itwas in my pantry I do think the cream ofchicken gives it a little bit moreflavor or player on your recipe but bothworked well and as you can Bob the soupsyou can feel free to season it but thisrecipe you know if you season yourturkey wings the way we have gonna haveno following flavorful so now that we’velimited these two togetherlet’s take in add a little bit ofchicken broth to thin this outa bit to more of a gravy likeconsistency so we’re gonna take thisfrom a soup like consistency of the canthin it out and we get it more like agravyand a little bit at a time keep onmixing and get it to the consistencythat you like I like to be thin enoughdocking port you know over all of theturkey wings we get it still stings alittle bit to it so there’s a little bitmore and I think that should be aboutright or the way I like ityou know here’s a protip if after youmix this together and want to add alittle bit more of a darker color toyour soup mix just add about 1/3half-full of browning seasoning you knowcareful with this little gap of do youso don’t use a whole cap full how aboutyes debt amounts maybe a little bit moreit’s gonna do you for your seat youdon’t take a lot to change color againall right now that’s it for this processall you got to do is you want right nowyou can taste this and season it up Ithink that my turkey wings arewell-seasoned already so I’m not gonnado anything up to this it’s gonna pourit over top of my turkey wings so let memove out of the way bring them back ontricky wings and we’re just gonna pourthis liberally all that flavor theseasoning from the turkey wings goldenmushroom soup as his own flavor his ownsmell that kind of mushroom Queen whenshe can get it a little bitindividuality and a little bit ofpoultry seasoning to the mix it’s gonnabring out the misspeaking wings a lot soonce we is poured over there before wecover it I’m just gonna hit it with alittle bit of paprika just to add alittle bit more color to the dish as itbakes for the turkey wings and then I’mgonna finish it off with a little bitmore parsley flakes just for thepresentation effect and for the coloryou’ve got a little bit of a liberal -of the parsley Thanksthat’s a bit now I’m just gonna tear offa little bit of heavy oil my oven hasbeen preheating just give it a quickcheck it’s been about one hour I can seethat it’s getting a good color on itabout another hour and a half covered solet’s get the floor back on it and seethe end results okay guys it’s been twoand a half hours actually it’s beenthree hourstook them out at two and a half anduncovered them and left them in the ovenfor another 30 minutes and here is theend productthey are done they are good all rightguys I will see you on the next video[Music]