I love this method of cooking Turkey. I’ve never had a better Turkey from the oven, or deep fried outside.
If you want the perfect juicy, yet crispy Turkey, this is the way to do it. It is delicious and SUPER SIMPLE!
You require a Kettle Grill like a Weber or Egg.
I’m not sponsored by Weber, but their grill works perfectly for this.
Some coal, woodchips and stuffing ingredients are all you need to make the perfect dinner for your holidays. Enjoy!
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve tried it and how it turned out.
Please Subscribe for more Live Fire and Charcoal cooking videos.
Turkey – in the video, I use a 6kg, 13lb bird and it fits nicely on the Weber and feeds more than 10 people.
8 Cups Dry Bread Cubes – or one loaf of bread, day or two old
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp Poultry Seasoning
1 tsp Sage
2/3 Cup Melted Butter
Hot Chicken Broth or Stock- 2 Cups approx.
Make sure to cook your Turkey to an internal temperature of 180f – 82c
Make sure your stuffing is also cooked to AT LEAST 165f – 76c
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]but really juicy and succulent turkey orThanksgiving or Christmas try somethingdifferent than cooking it in the oven ordeep-frying it barbecue it outside overthe coalsthe secret is bacon so we’re cooking ourChristmas turkey today on this newermodel weber kettle grill it’s got somenice features it has venting like theother ones but it’s got a nicethermometer here but I’ve cooked ourChristmas and Thanksgiving turkeys manytimes on as much older modelwhoever grill and it works just fine soif you could see the coal arrangementhere what you need to do and we’ll goover this in a minute is push the coalsto the side and have a turkey in themiddle with a drip pan underneath but inthis old beat-up weber grill this hascooked many many turkeys so it doesn’tmatter if you have a new air fancy modelor one of the older models you candefinitely do that they can wrap smokedturkey on your weber kettle grill thisis a standard store-bought Turkeyanything you can find in the supermarketis fine it’s six kilos which is 13pounds the first thing we do is getstarted with the stuffing a hole of abread if it’s a couple of days old and abit stale that would be ideal and chopit up into cubes[Music]next you’ll need to get your seasoningsready for the stuffing you’ll need sagepoultry seasoning black pepper salt andsome butter[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]then add all of your seasonings I tendto put in more sage and more pepper thanthe recipe calls for just because I likethose tastes then add all the meltedbutter and then with a spoon mix it alltogether get it really nice and blended[Music]after it’s nice and mixed put in abouttwo cups of chicken broth and then mixit all together and get everything niceand moistenedwell the stuffings marinating it’s timeto get the fire started take all thecoals and pile them up on the side ofthe Weber I’m using a solid fire starterlike zip here it burns away and itdoesn’t leave any aftertaste the way gasor any liquid fire starter would but youcould also use an electric starter aswell for a really good result well thefire is getting going it’s time to stuffthe bird so grab handfuls of thisstuffing and get it nice and deep intothe cavity of the carcass just keepputting it in there you can pack itquite tight and try to get everythingfrom the bowl in there[Music]when you’re done with the main cavityturn the bird around and stuff all theexcess into the neck and then take theflap of skin there and fold itunderneath the turkey[Music]you don’t have to put foil or paper hatson the legs and on the wings you cantake the leg and tuck them into theflaps of skin here at the back of thebird and take the wings and bend themright around the back and just kind oftuck them in underneath do that for bothsides now we’re ready to start laying onthe bacon you don’t need an expensivepackage of bacon but you’ve made a wholepackage of bacon in fact you’ll probablyneed two packages of bacon depending onthe size of your bird I’m using twopackages of bacon here so it doesn’thave to be smoked bacon or any kind ofpremium bacon because it’s gonna cookaway and give all of its fat and juicesto the turkey so just lay the bacon onin strips first sideways then lengthwisetry to cover every inch of the turkeysskin you’re trying to get the wholething fully covered and then when it’sfully covered we’re ready to bring thebird outside[Music]the fires going really nicely now andit’ll give a nice smoky flavor to theturkey but we’re gonna prepare someextra wood chips to give it that extrasmokiness so we’ll pour that into a bowlof water and mix them around left on thesoup now we’ve got to separate the firewe’ll put our separation pans andthrough the barbecue if you don’t haveseparation pan I’ll show you how to setup the barbecue without perforationscoop some coals into the first pan andthen once you have that one full you canput the second pan in and scoop the restof the coals in there once the coals arefully into few cans you can use yourfireproof gloves or your shovel toseparatemove events around the get rid of theextra cash and then open them about halfway now the fire is ready and you canput in the folder planner you know ifyou don’t have fire separators you canmove the coals to the side and which thedrip pan in between them and that willhelp keep the coals apart then one of myfavorite parts you take a couple ofbeers and you pour it into the Japanhere I’m using a non alcohol beerbecause the alcohol is going to burnaway anyway so I just use a cheapernon-alcohol beer but if you don’t wantto use any kind of alcoholic beveragesor any beer flavor at all you could usechicken stock or even water then put onthe grill and we’re ready to put theturkey on the turkey is going to be onfor a few hours so there flaps on thegrill so that you can open them up andadd some more coal if you need tothroughout the cooking process now ifyou have one of the older Weber’s likemy old one you may not have a flap but Iusually have a space on the side of thegrill where you can push some coals into keep the fire going nowclose up the grill will let it warm up alittle bit with the vents about halfwayopenonce it reaches about 350 degrees or soyou can gingerly put on the turkey bevery careful while you’re doing that youdon’t want to drop the turkey outsideand ruin your Christmas or Thanksgivingdinner so when you do you’ll startsizzling so you’ve got to work kind ofquick take the wood chips that you’vesoaked and get them on the side of thegrill as soon as you can and whenthey’re they’re nice and wet like thisand they won’t burn up right away andthey’ll start smoking nicely you need toset your meat thermometer to 82 degreesCelsius which is 180 Fahrenheit and thentake the probe and put it right inbetween the thigh and the body of theturkey about halfway down[Music]now you’re ready to close things up andlet the turkey cook keep an eye on themeat thermometer for me this turkey tookabout three three and a half hours tocook well you can open it every hour orso just to check that the coals aregoing fine and add any coals as anecessary but in the meantime enjoy theafternoon while you’re watching theturkey cook[Applause][Music]when there’s about 20 degrees left inthe cooking it’s time to take the lidoff and take the bacon off that baconwill be really crispy and succulent in awill of giving all the fat and juices tothe turkey so take it off put it in abowl and bring it inside and leteverybody enjoy it as an appetizerthey’re gonna love you for it[Music]that looks really good now the turkeysgonna look a little bit naked right nowbut don’t worry the skin is gonna getnice and golden-brown and very verycrispy just cover it up and trust theprocesswait until the meat thermometer saysthat it’s ready and then we’ll show youthe next step[Music]when the thermometer is at 180 degreesand take the probe out of the thigh andput it into the center of the stuffingsome people say you can’t stuff abarbecue turkey but you really can’t ifyou use this method put the probe inthere and get that temperature up to atleast 165 degrees then you knoweverything is cooked and safe to eat[Music]stuffings up to 1 cm high so everythingis ready you can open up the Weber andenjoy the golden brown TurkeyI’ll put some string into the pan ithelps me lift the turkey Oh later sogingerly put it into the pan be carefulyou don’t want to drop your perfectlycooked turkey on the ground and thenyou’re ready to bring it inside once youget the turkey inside all you need to dois prepare all the fixings get theturkey over to the table and carve itnow you can enjoy it with friends andfamily I guarantee you they’re gonnalove juicy succulent turkey the goldencrispy skin on the outside it’s perfectat Christmas perfect for Thanksgivingit’ll be a real change with smoky flavortherich and fragrant stuffing and reallymake a nice meal for your family andfriends[Music][Applause][Music][Music]if you think this looks good please likethe video and if you try it out therecipe tell me how it went in thecomments below and subscribe for morelive fire cooking[Music]you[Music]