BBQ Turkey Recipes

Sous Vibe Southern Smothered Turkey Wings / Turkey Wing Recipe

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]hey hey a woman say what’s up to myYouTube subscribers Ashley and Joe I metthese beautiful women at the conveniencestore on this past weekend and theyrecognized who I was and they made mefeel good and I just want to say thesefamily members and I love you guys soright now we’re going to these turkeywings I’m adding some salt to these andwe’re gonna do something special withthese here turkey wings okay y’all sowhatever you do don’t be you might missout something so I’m adding some blackpepper right now to these turkey wingsand along with that I’m gonna add somepaprika so we’re gonna season theseturkey wings up with all right so wewant some flavor on our meat when webite into it all right so with thesesurgeries we’re gonna use a clickingprocess that’s called sous-vide so I’mgoing to do a sous-vide cook on thesewings in the beginning now I got me somesoul food seasoning and we go ahead andput that on there as well for a lot ofyou who don’t know it so with sous-videcooking is it’s basically you’re gonnabe cooking your turkey wings and theywater bath all right so I have some OldBay seasoning right here and I’msprinkling on these as well then I’mgonna give them a flip and I’m gonnaseason the other side so the preparationfor sous-vide cooking you could also uselike ziplock bags for this if you don’thave like back in your sealed bag but Ihave a vacuum seal bag that I’m going toinsert my turkey wings into now once Igot the turkey wings in my vacuum sealbag I’m gonna go ahead andthese fill this bag up like I said youdon’t if you don’t have a vacuum-sealedmachine you can also use regular ziplockbags for this process and it’ll workjust as well so how do you use thesous-vide machineokay this is my sous-vide machine that Iuse quite often and I love this herejust like the cook on my food in a waterbath so it clamps onto any kind ofcontainer or a pot all right it alldepends on what type of machine you havebut nine times out of ten they’re allbecause I’m clamping on a container orpot so I have a medium line and a maxline that’s my water level line so I’mgoing to fill my pot up with water andyou could definitely use this unit inyour regular electrical socket so I’mgoing to attach the sous-vide machine toa small pot as you can see my party’swould that be but you could use thiswith a plastic container as well and allyou have to do is just go ahead and plugthis right on so as I showed you thefield linesfor the water I’m gonna go ahead andfeel the water up all the way up untilit hit the max line as you can see righthere now it was a little tricky I lovethis little sous-vide machine because ifyou go over that mech line the sous-videmachine will definitely let you know andonce once you hear the sound you have tostart dumping water out and you’ll seeas we continue to go on in this herevideo so now what I want to do is I wantto set the temperature my desiredtemperature for this sous-vide machinealright so how do we do itfirst hit the setup button and then wego ahead and start changing thetemperature or setting the temperatureto where we want it I want this one setat 145 degrees alright so the currenttemperature for this water right now isthat 104 degrees all right but I want itto be set at a hundred and forty-fivedegrees once it hits that desire shipthen we will be ready to cook alright sonow with the with the temperature allset you can see now that the water iscirculating this is what the sous-videmachine does it circulates the water andheats upwater you could put your food inside ofthat I’m water bath and we’ll cook itfor youall right so now I want to set adesigner time as you can see mytemperature is almost about ready to hitby one degree temperature now is that144 and I got it set at 145 so once theyhit 145 we can go ahead and just set thetemperature and on set the timer and wecan start cooking so I’m hitting thesetup button until I can get to the timeand I suppose the sectors that 14 hoursand 30 minutes but I put four and it’sin 30 seconds I’m sorry so on my cookingtime for these turkey wingswe’re at 14 hours y’all that’s right 14hours I could be circularI didn’t have to come back to check thisat all these turkey wings were done thenext day so I ended up taking the bagsout of the sous-vide bath and I put theminto the refrigerator and we’re to worknow when I got off of work I came and Itook one bag out and I just startedsplitting two wings up into wingdingsnow these don’t look desirable right nowbut in order for me to make them lookpresentable what I’ve done was cut themup and I put them inside the a fryer thea fryer is what’s gonna help me Brownthe skin and make it a little bit morecrispier and you would definitely see aswe continue to go along in the video sonow I put them in the air fryer at thetemperature of 390 degrees for about 20minutes okay so now let’s go ahead andstart making this his gravy for oursmothered turkey wings alright so let’sgo ahead y’all and get the stand ofmovie so thank you for tuning in[Music]are you – clam and noise you’re in thebackground use that and fries okay sowhat I got here now is my skillet I’mgonna put in some of this right here forif you don’t know what it feels let metell you exactly is some crackling offfor that chicken that you fry you knowthat stuff that be at the bottom this iswhat that is rightsomething put a tablespoon with thathand so that’s why I say man when youfry your chicken it you got that stuffin the bottom instead of this garlic letit cool down inspectoryou say they make great great that’s alltalk so now I’m going to take nowrobberybut then again I just want to stir thisaround[Music]turn my heat down a little bithe’s on medium-high heat the only thingI’m gonna do is pretty much try to putdown this herea little bit to get a little flour tasteout I know that I got a school that’s upon this is scraping up against meall right skillet let my tribe sun’s outcrazy but it’s no intention this is notintentionalyou can use some water it’ll be goodthat I got some chicken broth[Music]taking the chicken broththis is gonna make a grave and like Isay we did chickenit’s going to bring mad flavor to yoursmothered dish whatever kind of smellthe dishes are trying then roof step offof the chicken grease man[Music]this one had just a love dinner yourchicken broth at a timethat way you can gauge how bigwhich is great[Music][Music][Music]bronow at this point what I want to do is Igot one Sandara cut up so I’m gonna dumpany and if you want to add like greendeficit isor carry something like that man 3 mykids you can doalright hey let me tell y’all what Iwant to season this up with really firstoff I’m gonna heat it with a little salt[Music]along with[Music]after that I hit it with a little bit ofthis hereyes it is limit up this mama girl besure you check out on me you got a nextthing I want[Music]and I want to get it with this hereSpain spices Spain’s places all in oneseason[Music]Booya[Music]some people that might say hey man thatbag is high so deal with all thoseingredients code[Music]once again like I say excuse me when itcomes down to the sound of the spoonhere in the bottom of this[Music]all right now I’m going to Cummingsalready done alreadyget the chicken wing[Music]Oh JA and it’ll look good in him again[Music]we in the beers y’all we had two beersat sickening wing and what we wanna dojust big spread on up these wingsalready done ain’t gotta do that[Music]the housewe say man in Subang it’s working it’sworking I’m Jesse but it takes this ittakes a lot of time it takes the timeout of your cooking and you still comeup good-looking like I say in thebeginning as you see me Teddy’s on thatcut boy it didn’t look worth nothing butas soon as you brown the outside[Music]all right so the only thing I’m gonna domanage issues some of this here onNorris on chicken flavored rice justkeeping the plane inside thanks you’renothing like that man but you stoppedplaying playing jack[Music]you know I’m gonna take me one of theseflats[Music]no I gotta do something[Music]right[Music]and take a little bit[Music]that’s my supposin turkey wing rightthere so like we say this sous-videstyle so thank you I want to thank outso much for checking out romance kitchenand Grill please visit me on instagramFacebook and Twitter and you can becomea red Mac family member by clicking onmy photo and also check out this videoalways state is at the innovative videolove and not hate love somebody and hatenobody[Music]

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