BBQ Turkey Recipes

Thanksgiving Leftovers ~ Let’s Make BBQ Turkey Sliders!

What an easy way to enjoy holiday leftovers! Kings Hawaiian rolls are soft, amazing and help to make these BBQ Turkey Sliders incredible.

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[Music]hello foodies welcome back to sherry thechef today is Wednesday the Wednesdayafter Thanksgiving and if you’re like meyou’re probably still trying to get ridof that but that Thanksgiving turkeySaturday’s Wednesday that means we’regonna make a lunch and we’re gonna beusing up that leftover turkey to makesome barbecue turkey sliders I mean isthere anything that sounds better to dowith leftover turkey then make a sliderout of it barbecue at that so I startedwith some Hawaiian Kings rolls and youcould use whatever type of bread youwant and what I did was if you watch thevideo where I made the turkey if youhaven’t you need a watch it’s thatcompletely fell off the bone um matterof fact I’ll show you I saved the bonesfor making stock I mean it almost lookslike I boiled them I mean that’s how youcan tell I didn’t they’re so a littlebit of meat on there but for the mostpart fell right off the bone really goodanyway I put Cajun seasoning on it thisyear because some of it we served inTurkey or in gravy and some of them weserved in a barbecue sauce so I used Ifound this at all D’s it was calledkicked up chicken and I usually mixtogether my own seasonings but again itwas Thanksgiving and I had so much stuffto prepare so I just made it easy onmyself and I found this at all these andI thought this will work great so sinceI used this on my turkey I put some ofthat in with my butter and then Ibrushed it on the Hawaiian rolls andthen I just toasted them like I said wejust want to toast them so they don’tget soggy once we put our meat on hereso I’ve got my meat and I just got donewarming it up so this is some homemadesweet and tangy cherry barbecue sauce soyou can use whatever type of sauce thatyou like a little bit more in herelike a sauce and I’ve got a mix of likewhite and dark meat in here so you canuse whichever you preferI kind of like to mix it up some peopleeither like it’s like all the breastdisappears where all the thighsdisappear just depends on what peoplelike so I try to mix it up and use alittle bit of both in there so I’m justgonna add this to the top of my slider Ihave a little yeah we don’t have toomuch meat that’s good and then I loveonion so again you don’t like it you canleave it out but I do love it so I’mjust gonna do my pampered chef quickslice here some really thin pieces ofonion I’m just gonna toss like down ontop here and then the other thing that Iwant to add is a little bit of shreddedcheese cheese so I’m just gonna grate mythis is extra sharp cheddar by the way Ilike the extra sharp so we’re just gonnaput that right down over there and thenwhat I’m gonna do and normally Iprobably wouldn’t do this but becauseI’ve already over browned them just alittle bit like I said they’re not tothe point that they’re inedible but ifthey weren’t brown like this I would putthem in the oven to toast so all Ireally want to do now is just hit themtour the cheese’s all melted on there soI’m just gonna take a little bit of[Music]we’re gonna wrap this that’s all I hadon there was my bread I’m gonna popthese back in the oven for just a littlebit you know see you in a second okay Ijust grabbed the meat I’m hungry this isprobably way more than what I can eatfor lunch I’m gonna go ahead and cutthem into fours oh look at that meltedcheese I love barbecueyou

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