BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoking Beef Jerky

Hey, Thanks for Stopping by, 😀
Opening the smoker season with some smoked beef jerky. I’ve already done some up on the dehydrator.. but..NOTHING beats smoker jerky. Here’s the marinade I used for today..

1 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon of each of the following
cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, chili flakes,
1/4 tablespoon salt.
put 3 pounds sliced beef into baggy with upper ingredients. Mix together gently inside bag all together.
Put into fridge until next day.

I didn’t allow the heat to go over 150.. just left it with a tad of smoke and low low heat until finished. Turned out amazing. And I get to keep it all to myself due to social visits at a stand still lol

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Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription

hey welcome to Paige family homesteadI’m Andy we’re gonna be smoking turkeytoday with a go mesquite so I’m gonnaget it started up get it set up ready togo I’ll bring you back[Music]this is the jerky I’ve made here I’llleave a prescription of the theingredients down below just put it infor 24 hours in a baggie let her sit andjust keep kneading it so we’re gonna beput that on it a little while and then Igotta get this all readied up to goyou’re gonna bring it back when it’s allstarted just get the chair all ready toget going here so I’ll bring it backwhen she’s ready you’re the smoke I know[Laughter]no smoke over here well I don’t italways follows and I got to try to keepthis at 150 you don’t want to to cook ityou just wants to make jerky out of itit’s a nice meat and wet on the handlekind of chilly out today yeah it’ll befine in year without a coat Paul get oneon you wet yeah you will yeah don’t needno sickness why are you putting some upthere just a lot of it what kind of whatyou using mystique mm-hmm makeup on youoh boy this I can’t wait this is awesomestuff now we made a video before aboutjerky dehydrating it this time we’resmoking in it the only problem is Icouldn’t find rolling papers big enough[Laughter]that’s just a charcoal isn’t it in thatbox that bucket over there I’ve got thewoodchips soaking in it that makes itsmoke and last a little longer doesn’tburn quick okay that’s all on therewe’ve got the charcoal going goodright now as you can see now I’m gonnaput on therethere don’t want to overpower it withsmoke so I’ll put a bit on at a timethere we go and we’ll watch that climbwhat do you let it climb – we go to 150you can go 175 nothing and anything over200 is too hot then you’re cookingyou’re not making it so 150 is usuallypretty good okay bring it right backwell it looks like it’s smoking prettygood let’s go take a look inside it ohlook at that smoke oh yes that is niceand we’re still way down so that’s goodwe don’t want to go over 150 cool tipsArthur that’s smoke good that’s smokingand I’ll tell you okay I’ll shut thisdown a bit these air vents here Danso it can smolder and the smoke keep itlow okay let’s go take a look at that Ohstill under there that’s good lookinggood a little bit more smoke to be puton coals are nice and wait see like Isaid I always saw it so quiet my woodchips and they don’t how you watch thesmoke came out of that babyI’m glad it died where she is right nowit was just touching 150 before now it’spretty good I get her low you want a lowheat on this no more than 150 if you canhelp iton this type of a smoker anyway there’sreally no control other than your topvent and your side vent down here butthis year later on in the fall I’m gonnabe making a a smoker of my own andyou’ll have to stay tuned for thatokay bring you back in a bit there it isstarting to smoke really good now shallwe take a look inside they’re still atthe proper temperature oh yeah that’scome along just sweet okay bring it backwell I say it’s time we checked it outlooking good so at the right temperatureoh yeah look at that it’s getting therefew more hours like four bring you backokay so died down a bit so I’m gonnahave to build up the fire again notquite done few more hours she’ll be okayokay yeah the charcoal is getting lowI’ll have to start another one okay I’llbring you right back needs another twohours I think on the barbecue on thesmokerturn them over a bitsome are getting done faster than othersno no it’s nothing good I’ll put somemore smoke on it hey welcome back wefinally got it done here’s the jerky andit is good it’s really good I said everI’ve missed that smoke flavor Oh I meandehydrators great but yeah anyway it gotlike really late last night so it tookabout seven hours to do it but it turnedout good and then the filming was toodark so we brought you out this morningto show you the results of it now what Idid this I cooked this for seven hoursbut I cooked it I wanted it at 150 butit was damn further it was like rightdown here and in between half so about75 is what I did it at slowly because Ihad things to do around the area andstuff like that yeah really tilled mygarden so this is the end result herebut it all worked out goodnow leave a a list of the ingredientsthat I soaked this with because itturned out really really good I’m you’reprobably hearing me chew like a cow it’sso good this video give us a thumbs upsubscribe if you’re not I leave acomment down below good thing we’re inlockdown because I know of five guysthat will be knocking on the door withinone hour of this video hitting YouTubeyeah see you later

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