BBQ Beef Recipes


I grew up eating beef ribs, but typically they were cut to 2″ flanken style cuts.
Beef ribs are a VERY popular BBQ meat, but they dont need to be smoked!
Beef Ribs have a very fatty composition, and make an excellent medium-rare steak to eat!
My absolute favorite cooking method for searing beef or steak is the Webber Charcoal Kettle Grill!

#Webber #BeefRibs #MrBigKid

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Video Transcription

[Music]what’s going on everybody you’rewatching the mr. big kid Channel and myname is Steve thank you so much forwatching before we get started pleasedon’t forget to hit the subscribe buttonin the Bell notification icon so youknow when I’m making new content[Music][Music][Applause][Music]all right so this is a slab of shortribswe are gonna cook this up why should wecook it on charcoal charcoal Irena slowcooking on the charcoal yeah all rightgeneral wants to slow cook this on thecharcoal so that’s what we will do soyou have four ribs right here we’regonna just we cut the membrane offslowly the membrane out so you can eatit like ribs sorry I just did a brisketright here so yeah all rightwe’re gonna have two ingredients for theseason to get extra virgin olive oilsecond is gonna be the Nilsa wraps tastybeef gourmet beef we’re gonna give thisthing a quick trim these are so fattythat you really don’t need any kind offat cap on this thing to to be good withthese ribs I kind of just like to dig inand get as much fat off as possiblewithout killing the cutsometimes as fat we’ll just go rightdown to the bone then you have likenothing[Music]we’re gonna throw this guy in therefrigerator and then we’re gonna cookthis up tomorrow let’s do it all rightso let’s go over some of the propertiesof my weber kettle so I’ve had this girlfor a while and it was my dad’s and hegave it to meI grew up using this grill we alwayscook burgers on this we never usedpropane we always use the charcoalWeber’s it’s been a great grill too Imight actually had this one for severalyears now my dad have had it for severalyears before so basically you have thisbottom part of the kettle right here andthen I have to dump the ash pan righthere I’ll do that in just a little bitbefore we get started here’s someleftover charcoal from the last cook Idid which was actually a couple monthsago so I’m gonna be using this chimneynow this grill does have an igniter so Imight try that toootherwise I might just use this chimneyand I have this little electric igniterpiece that actually works really reallywell I actually use this for the big guyover there my offset smoker so I’m gonnalet these charcoals up and I’m gonnamove all of them to one side I don’thave that little divider piece that yousee with the people that smoke in theirWeber’s I do want to get it I just don’thave one yet so I want to move all thecharcoals to one side I’m gonna put theribs on the other side this is theindirect heat and then we’re gonna kindof do a bit of a reverse sear with itonce that internal temperature reachesabout 125 I’m gonna go ahead flip thewhole gray around over the hot coals andthen finish it off with a little sear totry to get some crisp on it real simplelet’s see if it comes out good[Music]while these dudes are igniting these aremy kind of charcoal briquettesI like Kingsford briquettes grew upusing these as a cooking fuel I like theflavor it kind of brings back memoriesso really Kingsford briquettes are myfavorite types of charcoal to use[Music]all right this thing is just about readyto go we have all the coals in the backover here then we’re gonna put the ribsright over here in the corner I have alittle thermometer to kind of measurethe temperature of where the ribs are atnow does that look internal temperatureof the meat right now is thirty ninepoint five so when this gets to about120 125 we’re gonna rotate it and justtry to get a nice little hot sear on itfrom the coals before we get too crazycornactually I’m gonna cook these like righthereperfecto it’s pretty hot in there it’sabout 350 that’s okay we’ll do what wecanthat’s looking amazing you see the meatskind of pulling back from the ribs alittle bit the corns getting nice andtoasty I’ve got some awesome bread righthere what we’re gonna do and put that onactually know what first I’m gonna takethis meat off real quick this up we kindof stir up the coals a little bit getthem nice and high get some of the ashknocked off of allit’s starting to get hot I can feel thatheat radiating I love it don’t reallyneed this guy anymore and we also wealso don’t need the thermometer insidethe meat and turn that off and it blowsitall right time to do it[Music]there we go that’s what we’re lookingfor[Music]I’m sure this is good now well thissmells absolutely amazing but we need tolet it rest especially with beef it’simportant to let me tryst after you cookit we’re gonna let it rest us for 10-15minutes nothing crazy so just so itdoesn’t cool down too much oilwrap it in foil and then we will comeback in 10 15 minutes and cut into it inthe meantime we’re cooking the bread onthe grill oh my god look how good thislooks well just cut these ribsisn’t greatright here yeah look at these thingsWowthese are cooked perfectly me[Music]mmm so goodof course a smaller side of the thinnerside that’s going to be more medium alittle more medium rare that littlebloody right there I buy this right hereso good all right cut off a little piecetry it for you guys[Music]mmm that’s delicious well thank you allso much for watching my video rememberone thing these are all tips and this isall stuff that I like to do I’m not aprofessional I’m just a hobbyist and I’mpassionate about it and I love it sothese are my techniques the Weber did anexcellent job cooking the food today andit never really fails me so thank youall so much for watching if you guyslike this video please give it a thumbsup leave a comment in the commentsection below and please don’t forget tohit the subscribe button and thenotification icons so you know when I’mmaking new content I’ll see you guys inthe next video see you

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