This (Cook) was epic I use my 22 Weber kettle Grill . This brisket was a USDA choice brisket . The brisket was 10 pounds. I smoke the brisket with Postoak and Charcoal I got from Walmart #brisket
Original of the video here
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BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up y’all this your boy TNTbarbecue and today we’re doing a brisketcook and this brisket cook we got manybrisket cook but this is gonna be anepic Brisco let me tell you whyso the story behind this brisket can youbelieve went to my local grocer atgrocery store at briskets word $2.99 apound can you believe that that’s fairway $2.99 a pound great deal guys sothese are the things that I’ll be usingin his epic cook okay so I got threeknives okay and each night have a personwho’s got a slicing knife I have anothernight to help with trimming a baganother night to help with the heart bedokay I got a knife sharpener I got asmart troll the monitor to help with thepick temperatures and also to keep amarch on the temperature of the brisketand let’s get talking about the startersshow okay so I’m gonna bring you outbring in and we’ll go to trim it uprisky thing to this brisket is you wantto make sure you do it a pretty decenttrim not to aggress it but you want toit’s hard fat off right here okay thehard fat that’s not gonna render you putthat in the garbage you just keepfalling that fat and this silver skinand stuff like that that’s yucky thatfatand I’m gonna just go kind of ggressiveright here cuz uh I know here that needsto go and all that fat needs to go rightthere so I’m just gonna follow thataround around net just round it off alittle biteat my cook ware I know that way I canslice this brisket to give them the fatoff I’m just using a slicing knife bydexstar and I’m just going just that theknife do the workI’m just moving back and forth and I’mI’m really itching this fat off a niceclean well get you down to the thicknessI would like to have so that’s justsomething I can just show you and thisside right here I kind of do the samething I just kind of go back and forthand uh getting the service skin off youknow so don’t want to leave no step outplug it so you can have success well youmake your next brisket on the WeberKeller grill okayit’s time to go to the next portion ofthe video and our portion will be doingseason I got one hand for the season andthe other hand is the pad okay we’regoing out with no binder but you can’tuse the binder and this is just a youdon’t want to arm going to heavy withthis song so I just do a light loadputting a light shake on the song I wantto work on the meat so to speak doingwhat it does I’m going down now withsome cavernous Greek seasoning sure youdo enough to coat the meat I just goalong with the Fiesta see then brand andthis is a I’m not going on I’m going onpretty light with this but like I say Idon’t add enough cavernous and thiseither come on a lot it comes out alittle bit you know instead of shakingI’m just puffing it and you need to doit in this kind of order due to the factthat needed help with the bar okayand I just go along with the UH with thegarlic and it’s dusting out of garliccuz it’s gonna help with the bark we goon with the coarse ground black pepperokaythis right here you really want to youknow you don’t want toI like black pepper but I don’t want itto overpower nothing so you kind of wantto be James with the black pepper butyou want to make sure that you youencounter you account for the blackcover because they can get to meet overpepper ish more like a beef jerky flavorand it takes over the brisket that’sjust in my opinion but it’s a lot ofpitmaster love it I’m just telling youwhat TNT likes so I’m gonna do this sideand then we gonna bring you up tosetting up the grill next okay so I’mgonna do the next side you are in ordersteps just follow it on the oppositeside guys okay the star to show guys22-inch weber kettle grill baby and I’mgonna bring in and show you my setup andI’m gonna tell you brief story about thesetup okay so look what Kent over atDaddy Dutch I had those rubber accessorythe grill baskets that you put incharcoal in and I wanted to have abigger basket because I didn’t wanna Ijust wanted load it up and kind of setit and forget it can’t call me and daddydoes hook me up in the video I’m gonnaput on the iCard up above so go checkout the video and you can do the samething on your Weber accessory basket sokit what’s up thank you brother I loveyou we don’t get together Kent okay solet me bring y’all guys in and let’spick up what we land outand what I’m gonna do is get greatoffers I’m gonna start with these handsfull of briquettes okaylike I said I want more of a long burnand adds to tumbleweeds up under thecharcoal to get the charcoal started andthese tongue tumbleweeds are for RoyalOak okay and this is a knockoff of amillion method the million method whereyou start to search we start thecharcoal first the ad it’s charcoal thewood chunks to the lit briquettesso once the charcoals get lit guys Ibring y’all back and show you what we’redoing and the chunk of wood over hereand I’ll add a cup of chunk you writethe cook on the bottlemost up temp guys I’m telling you isrunning like a champ I got the brisketwe’re gonna bring you downcheck this brisket out yep we’re goingto pit we’re going on a weber 22 inchCalabria with the brisket and we goyep right here so the stack will beopposite of I’m gonna go ahead and tryto get this fire calm down get it sellthere all right guys so it’s been anhour I got a confession I’ve beenrunning around about 325 315 it’s beenholding steadyI don’t even with the bitch pretty muchshut I’m blaming the charcoal I didn’tuse Kingsford I used the Walmart brandbut hey guys we’re gonna roll with itso let’s look at it okay oh yeah sothat’s looking amazingso I’m gonna go ahead and uh like we’vehit a time already so I’m gonna go aheadand uh spray this down right here theyhelp out with the bark and we don’t letit get back down there and we will letit do what it do so I’m thinking thisbriscoe take me about six hours okay sothe way it’s looking the grill isrunning hot is looking good and that’swhat we doing so that will help set thebark so the bark should be set betweentwo hours from now the bark should beset been two hours okay yeah two hoursso I do a couple of sausages on cuz Ijust wanted to throw some on but uh I’mgonna go in and I put a chunk of wood upunder the meat so the pool and can stopbut I want to make sure I continuebecause I want the bark to beoutstandingso I’m gonna keep spraying it let me putthese over so what I’m doing now thebase has been four hoursI want to have even bark so I rotatethis brisket and I put my temperaturethermometer and I set my smart probe themom took golfing 202 degrees so I wantto get this side up so basically thatbarkcontinue forming so yep so that’s why Igot it it look amazingI’m telling what it looks really amazingbut that’s what we doing so just want tofill you in what’s going on I’m prettyimpressed whoever’s doing this job Ithink I need to add a couple of chunksof charcoal so that’s what we’re goingto do it this time I don’t want to gospike that grow up before it grievessomeone hurry up add charcoalhere’s another to introduce some moresmoke flavor so we almost at thattemperature we’re pretty much there isno more smoke when we add it to the meatsome people had three little pieces tosomewhat get it started so just tofinish off that bar and once the barkset guys what we’re gonna do then iswe’re gonna make the decision but I’mgonna use butcher paper for foil so uhokay guys so what we gonna do now we gocheck the smoker we’re gonna see if allthis hard work paying off thisbabysitting this kettle grill you know Ibelieve the bark is gonna be outstandingso if the bark is set we’re gonna go infor our first sprintokay sprint excuse me so right now we’resitting andtemperature 172 so it is in the stallokayso 172 I’m gonna bring you closer andwe’re gonna see how to Bart it’s settingup and then we’ll go in for spritz okaywhat we need to do to make sure thatmark is ready to be spritz okaywe’re sitting at 170 so alright so thisover here is a little I think right hereright here about right here yeah I thinkit needs to be spritz so I must pressthese ends right here okayand I’m playing what it’s lookingamazing and then I’m gonna go ahead andspray red topand we’re I’m not working on heart Iwant to bark the said Mikey thing I’m ona barky brisketI want it flavorful I want a juicy soright now win the star so I’m gonna goahead and lay it back onit’s been me seriously since 7 o’clockis 2 o’clock so I think I’m going withlittle on the foil ok could use butcherspaper by I think I may use my motherfoil so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonnaspray them up or down I know I stayapple juice but it’s vinegar and waterthat’s what I’m using so let’s bring itin close so we can see what artists hardwork for is this brisket we wrap it islook at that amazing bark oh my goodnesswhy this looks amazingI am so excited guys I don’t know whatto do solet’s go ahead and just hit it off withthat and I’m going ahead and I’m rappingreal tight okayso this right here is the meat side okayand the fat side is down okay I’m gonnacook it fat I’m gonna put it back sidedown so I know that okay so so the rampso oh my goodness so like I say I’mtrying to protect the bark I want itreal tight okaythat’s the world we had well keeping itlike I said I replace the charcoal likeI put a couple of pieces in there here acouple hours ago it’s doing pretty goodI’m go ahead and put that right here andI’m a door right in the center right nowand I’m sitting 182 so yep I’m going inthis is the airflow get some ashes offheat cold I’m just getting ready forgetting the long haul done so but nohere a little bitso guys next time you see me oh I’mgonna let it go to the probe tendernessI’m gonna put it in a other pilot wrapit up putting this pinion and put in theoven let it cool for about two hours andnext time you see me I’ll be slicing outus okay so I see it the slice and blockokay so that’s what we’re doing we’rehere we’re done so let’s do a brief justa brief go over what we did so we wokeup this morning we got some charcoal andwe got the grill going indirect heat wecovered up half the grill then we tookour to charcoal bestie Cabana mainlymade them into one basket I told youI’ll be leaving that ID card off abovego check him out and then we use somepost-op wood we seasoned the brisket uppretty good with our seasonings Calvingreat seasoning black pepper SPG andFiesta seasoning they either season fourthat’s the brand feed it seasoning andthen we smoked it to it and it turnedtemperature of two’s too old to probetenderness tip it off it’s been restingapproximately two hours so let’s come onin and let’s do it unwrapping togetherguys and we’re gonna see how the barkset up and how moist and juicy brisketis okay so that’s all I got this brisketis hot I mean it’s still nice and hot itlook oh my goodnesswhat uh understandoh my goodness that is amazing thatbrisket looks amazing guys Oh My Jesuslook at this brisket right here the barkthe look look how that thing shaped Imean I’m telling you what God Wowthat’s not like I say Wowand it feels so soft so I started andthe thing about doing it I started hereso I’m gonna head right here so I’mgonna go down right here okay[Music]okay so I mean come on nice smoke ringhold up on its own weight but that holdup on its gonna wait and that is a hereI just tears apart it’s so tenderoh my goodness put it over now let’s goto this part right hereoh my goodnesslook at Godyouall right god so man we love put amazingproduct and let me tell you sonwe got to go I put a taste test I meanit is so tender so I’m going to get thisjust got to be the Smokies brisketapplication in my life it is so darngood all right God what needs to do youlike these videos give me some thumbs upI need you to comment down below I needto subscribe to a YouTube channel I needyou to share this on Facebook Instagramall of your media websites and like Isaid guys god bless you and God blessamerica and god bless the world i prayfor everybody that this coronavirus andsee you