BBQ Chicken Recipes

Chicken steak/grilled breast in hot mushroom sauce and mashed potato

Also check out my grilled chicken burger :

And the Mediterranean sandwich

Ingredients for chicken steak :

2 chicken breast
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tsp mustard sauce
1 tsp garlic paste or garlic powder
1.5 tbsp red onion paste or onion powder
1/2 tsp of white vinegar
1/2 tbsp of crushed black powder
1/2 tsp of dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp of Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp chilli flakes (this is really hot so take as per your tolerance for chilli)
1 tbsp butter
Salt to taste (add just before cooking)

Use any vegetables for stir fry I am cooking carrot and beans.

Ingredients for pepper mushroom sauce :

8 white button mushroom
1/2 white onion
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp fresh parsley leaves (you can also use dried parsley if you don’t find fresh ones)
1/2 tsp crushed black pepper
1/2 tsp dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Salt – to taste
Chicken stock (check out my videos on how to make chicken stock at home)
1 tbsp corn flour in water or you can fry this in butter before adding the chicken stock
1 tbsp fresh cream

Ingredients for mashed potato :

1 large potato (serves 2)
3-4 tbsp butter
3-4 tbsp milk (add as per consistency)
Salt – to taste
1/2 tsp pepper

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
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Video Transcription

hi guys and what’s up so steak is a cutof meat available in beef or in pork butnot in chicken so what we’re gonna maketoday is a pepper base chicken breastwith half mushroom sauce and because itresembles the recipe of a steak we’regonna call it a chicken steak so here Ihave two three chicken breasts I’m goingto slice it down in between with a knifebut if you have a kitchen hammer you canhammer it down to make it thinnerinstead others all in a bowl is the timefor marination that’s about 1 tablespoonof minis Mayomr. in the chickens then goes 1teaspoon mustard sauce 1 TSP garlicpaste or the garlic powder 1 and 1/2tablespoon of onion paste or the onionpowder 1/2 a teaspoon of white vinegar1/2 a tablespoon of black pepper 1/2 ateaspoon of dark soy sauce 1/2 ateaspoon of Worcestershire sauce 2teaspoon of chili flakes but that hasper your taste or your tolerance forchili and 1 tablespoon butter now nicelymassage the spices into the chicken andlet it sit in a corner to marinate forabout 15 to 20 minutesso first we prepare the stir-friedveggies for which I’m going to do on mygrilling pan on a hot flame smear someolive oil to it I have one carrot andsome green beans I’ll cut off the edgesof the green beans and cut my carrots toJulian’snow because the carrots are so thin theycook faster on the pan so you keep it atiny flame it cooks faster and remove itjust before it gets too soft we want toone minute now turn your flame to lowbefore you cook the chicken I am addingthe salt just before grilling thechicken on the grilling pan because thisis served as a dry dish and we wanted toavoid the salt releasing the waterduring marination now mix the salt welllay the chicken on the grill informnicely without wasting the spices putthe spices on the chicken pan it’s goingto dry over time anyways and cook it forabout 10 minutes meanwhile quickly let’sprepare the mashed potatoes I am cuttinga whole potato to tiny bits so it cookedfaster in the water now the kind ofputty to you use for a mashed potato isreally important this kind of potato iswhat it’s used for a mash and it’savailable in most supermarkets all thebags of the potato it will be mentionedwhat it’s used forfor example if you choose for roast or amash or bla bla blanow let’s collect all the potato in thecold waterand it’s avoiding while both my burnersare burnings let’s prepare theingredients for our mushroom sauce soI’m cutting some white button mushrooms1/2 an onion a clove of garlic and somefresh parsley leaves smash up the garliclike that before chopping it gives itsome flavors and is also considered tobe healthy in some parts of the worldfastly is like a carbon to continue butminor and glossy it’s a good addition tochicken steak let’s check if one side ofthe steak is cooked wow that’s a nicebrown let’s flip over all the chickensteaks and cook the other side for 10minutesnow that logical nicely done is alsocoated with all the spices so I’m goingto serve on a plate and use the same panto make the mushroom sauce now I want touse the juices of the chicken that isstuck to this pan so turn on the flamehigh before you drop the mushrooms in italso do not add the salt at this pointas mushrooms cook on low flameespecially with the salt can meet themushroom sweat and make it extremelysalty now this is not fun to eat socontinue to keep stirring the mushroomsI think it becomes a nice brown andcrisp now I’m going to add the choppedonions the garlic and this is turning anice brown add half a teaspoon ofcrushed pepper now you can add the saltit is about half a teaspoon of dark soysauce 1/2 a teaspoon of Worcestershiresauce and some finely chopped parsleystir this until you smell the niceflavors of the spices and then go aheadand add the chicken stock to this nowyou can also add the egg white to it butchildren start with just too fine as itcomes to boil add some corn flour mixedwith water and I love it to come to anice sauce like consistency now forthose of you who like it spicy enjoythis hot and spicy mushroom sauce butfor those of you who like it clearly addabout 1 tablespoon of fresh cream tothis allowed it to amalgamate with therest ofand then enjoy this nice mushroom sauceyou can check out it by video section onhow to make a chicken stock I’ll makeboth the skin stock and the bone stockquickly before the sauce cools downlet’s make our mashed potatoes so strainthe really hot potato pieces and mash itin a bowl using a flat spoon now addsome butter and some salt to this andmash it again now this requires a hell alot of butter so go ahead and add asmuch as it requires use the heat fromthe potato to break down the butter andthe salt so it’s really important youmake the mash while the potato is stillhot as it nicely mashed add some crushedpepper to this and to give it a nicecreamy texture add some milk to it andmix it well until it gives a nice creamymashed potatoes now sowed is in theplate with the steak and let’s enjoy ourchicken steak with hot mushroom sauce sofor those of you who like my videos likesubscribe comment and share it

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