Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
I’m back how’s everybody doingwe’ll start off by singing hello and Ihope you had a good thingso far the Lord I think for the food I’mabout to see for nourishment in my bodyfor Christ’s sake in Jesus name I praythank thank thank this is what I wantedtoday I have at the whole chicken wingsand what I did I didn’t want the drumpart so I cut those offI cook those some other time this iswhat I have today I get home fries andbarbeque please put my ketchup on myflag don’t put on the side today this iswhat I’m working with today this is allthe warning for now okay Rebecca fryand I made my own barbecue sauce this isa piece of that readinesshmm vodka sauce good guys startled babysmall there’s a lot of fragrance so goodand it juicy a nice tender and juicytoday seems like money to meI am definitely glad to show you all howI make my budget meters come back longguys are take I’m so sorrywould you like to have fungood good ever came out the bomb fingerslicking you’re working onthis is my second meal of the day thismorning I had Chloe Spanish grammar rateand it wasn’t breakfast language rightsfor the way after I know don’t know whattime it is know what time is it vary byabout two sixStep fivethere’s some meeting yeah guys I’mtrying to get it mmm just taste so goodwhat the seasons that I use in mybarbecue sauce and[Music]it’s a pretty warm day today I went outtoday to have some errands to runn wasalong it’s pretty warm out well some isprobably snowing where you are I wouldlove to get some snow hereeven the skein is tasty couple days agowe’re gonna shout out from Miss Katrinago ahead and check check her ChannelThank You mr. Trina Jones when the onesthat been in on YouTube will go try andshout of little ones out the news thathelps us out – don’t forget thesubscribe to my channel share and pleasepeople call me when you subscribe hitthat Bell for notifications go ahead hitthat Bell ding ding ding ding ding dingdingthe seasons that are you – I just get itright onI clean my plate all them and I’m full Iknow about just not much of that ones Ithink I put four wings on my plate everyand they be like food cries and maybe Ican’t remember humming I put on it maybesix or eight I’m full and I thank youall for watching and have a blessed restof your dayjust enjoy your day see you later goodnight