BBQ Chicken Recipes

Hot Honey BBQ Chicken Wings Recipe on the Big Green Egg | Man Who Eats

Today I’m eating hot honey BBQ smoked chicken wings on the Big Green Egg. This #BBQ #chickenwings #recipe is a crowd pleaser that is great for both those who love spice and those who want something a little more sweet.

Full Recipe:

Mike’s Hot Honey:
Rib Rack Southern Bourbon Sauce:

Amazon US:




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Video Transcription

hey everyone welcome to man who eats andtoday I’m eating hot honey barbecuesmoked chicken wings on the Big GreenEggbefore we get started make sure you hitthat like and subscribe button to benotified every time I come out with anew recipe let’s get cooking get yourBig Green Egg set up for 350 degreesindirect cooking with four chunks ofcherry wood for smoke flavor that meansthe bottom vent on the Big Green Egg isall the way open and the Daisy wheel isshut almost all the way with the pedalsall open leaving just about an eighth ofan inch opening in the top of that Daisywheel that will stabilize the egg rightat 350 degrees as the big green eggcomes up to temperature season yourwings liberally with your favoritebarbecue rub for me todaythat’s Lane’s BBQ magic dust rub thiscan be done the night before for optimalflavor just put the wings in the fridgeuncovered overnight on a rimmed bakingsheet this will allow the skin on thewings to dry out a little bit and ensurea crispy exterior once they’re off thesmoker when the big green egg is runningat 350 degrees set the wings on thegrill in a single layer do not pile thewings on top of each other smoke for 50to 60 minutes flipping halfway throughwhen the wings are done they will bebetween 180 and 190 degrees internaltemperature and have a nice crispy skinwhile the wings cook let’s prepare thebarbecue sauce in a small saucepancombine 1/2 a cup barbecue sauce with 1to 2 tablespoons of hot honey all hothoney is is essentially honey mixed witha little bit of hot sauce that’s themost basic form I’m using Mike’s hothoney which has some extra spices and isa really nice flavor on chicken onwaffles on pizza you can use it onpretty much anything I’m using it to puta little spice into my honey barbecuewings you will heat this over medium-lowheat until warm through after 50 to 60minutes the wings should be just aboutready to come off the grill they shouldbe between 170 and 190 degrees internaltemperature with a slightly charredcrispy skin remove the wings to a foillined baking sheet toss the wings of thehot honey barbecue sauce and serveimmediately you will not be disappointedthis is the perfect middle ground wingfor those who like the honey barbecueand those who like the spice I find thatpretty much everybody likes these wingswhether they are a spice head or likethings on the sweet and mild side thisfinds that sweet spot and they are justoh so good if you like this recipe besure to hit that like and subscribebutton and if you want the full recipeit’s available at man who eats calm I’llsee you next timeyou

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