BBQ Chicken Recipes

Herb Grilled Chicken Legs & Thighs Recipe

Montana Mex’s Chef Eduardo Garcia worked with Big Sky Youth Empowerment to create this delicious herb grilled chicken dish.

3 lb – Chicken thighs & legs, skin on and bone in
1 – Orange, juice & zest
4 cloves – Garlic, chopped
3 tablespoons – Montana Mex Chile seasoning
1 tablespoon – Montana Mex Jalapeno seasoning
2 tablespoon – Montana Mex sweet seasoning
2 cups – fresh Oregano, leaves chopped
10 sprigs – fresh Thyme, leaves plucked
3 tablespoons – Montana Mex Avocado Oil

Place the chicken pieces in a large bowl and add all remaining ingredients.

Mix the marinade and chicken together until evenly distributed. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.

Prepare a bed of coals and set the grill grate at least 12” above the coals.

Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and remove the pieces from the Marinade onto a dish, reserving the marinade. Check that your grill grate is brushed clean and oiled.

Place the chicken on the grill skin side down and evenly spaced out. Check the chicken every 5-10 min., turn or flip as necessary and keep your eyes peeled for hot spots(areas that are hotter and individual pieces cooking quicker than others).

Cook for 30-45 minutes (for skinless boneless breast reduce your time by almost half) and brush with marinade periodically to keep the exterior from drying out while also cooking added layers of flavor into the skin. The chicken is ready when it is firm to the touch and the juices run clear when a thigh or breast is pierced with a knife tip or the internal temperature of the Chicken registers at 165*F on an instant read thermometer.

* For a BBQ spin, brush chicken with Montana Mex BBQ sauce towards the last 15 minutes of cooking *

Montana Mex BBQ Sauce:

Montana Mex Seasonings:

Montana Mex Avocado Oil:

Montana Mex Seasonings & Avocado Oil Package:

Royal Oak Charcoal:

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Video Transcription

I love using lots of fresh herbs in mygrilled chicken thyme and oregano arealways tasty additions and pear sobeautifully with chicken in my house Iadd all three seasoning blends with ourheart-healthy avocado oil to thismarinade once fully blended the marinadecan sit for 30 minutes or up to two daysin the refrigerator royal oak hardwoodlump charcoal offers an all-naturaldependable heat source as well as thatsuper yummy flavor that you only getwhen you’re grilling over coals whenyour coals are nice and hot I had achicken skin-side down grilling chickenit’s a low and slow game so let it cookin the background while you enjoy theday around you now when the chicken isnearly done you get to decide do youwant to keep this an herb grilledchicken or do you want to make it abarbecue chicken if you want to make ita barbecue chicken simply brush a littleMontana Mex barbecue sauce onto thechicken before pulling it off the grillyour grilled chicken is done when it hasan internal temperature of 165 degrees[Music]

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