BBQ Chicken Recipes

How To Make BBQ Baked Chicken..Part 1

How To Make BBQ Baked Chicken..Part 1
We are going to eat good but always remember to clean up behind yourself.. Good hand washing techniques, cleaning and wipe all surfaces, personal hygiene shows that you respect yourself and others

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Video Transcription

okay guys thank you for watching mybeing this is the second attempt I throwthe template we making a video I startedhere with my barbecue sauce homie of ourpure sauce I made right here let’s sayas well as my Bush’s big things remixthe reason why I have to keep I juststop and keep turning it you know makingthe videos because the hospitals ofcontact they need to make sure I pick upmy prescriptions I put in for mymedication which is a great thing and Ithink the hospital for that okay soright here you guys I’m gonna add allthe videos together how do I at least achicken video together so you guys cansee right here five and wings theprevious video I had already showed youtalk to you about washing your handsgo clean hygiene cleaning their surfacesoff make sure you have hospital eachwater next to you do wiping and cleaningsweeping a mop and everything before youeven start cooking your meal you’re theyou perform great personal hygiene yourhands are cleanokay so you know I have eyes and wingshere and in this bowl right here I havemy own personal season is whatever youwant on your for your chicken seasoningif you’re not allowed to use theseasoning salt you miss missus – or somekind of seasoning for your foodprobably season season season season totaste okay so in my bowl your bowl youcan put like I see you have right I haveright here parsley onion powder garlicpowder seasoning you can have ourchicken rub in here with along with ourfajita seasoning as well chicken feed aseason it’s not it’s not a problem solike I said before are Jenna generousamount of seasoningokay not necessarily a lot of seasonedsalt okay but seasoning okayin on your chicken right and then whatI’m going to do I like to do everythingin my wok I wipe off all bottles andcontainers and cansalways okay this is my zesty Italianrobust oven baby okay right so I’llshake that up and get all that goodnessthat was at the bottom onto the top okayso open this up and they’re gonnasqueeze that right on in here like thatyou see they’re right about that onthere right then also I have somethingliquid smoke liquid smoke that’s thatbarbecue seasoning sauce that’s notbarbecue similar that you want so I havetwo liquid smokeit’s just my marinade and I’m cookingthis all togetherI’m not taking it off the pan I’m gonnacook this all together this is mymarinade okay so that’s my little bit ofsmoke sauce I also add liquid smokesauce to my Thank You sauce but that isin the video that is before thisparticular video just a little bitcouple pieces small tiny pieces okaythese cubes said if you’re gonna get ourhands in there ladiesokay you gotta get our he was in therethis is how I make minethen I place my oven on 350 threes and Iwill bake this for about a good 35 about45 minutes okay then I’m gonna crank upthe oven want to take it off bacon I’mgonna put it on broilokay I’m gonna boil for a final goodanother three to five minutes okay threeto five minutes gonna let that boilafter 45 45 minutes babe 45 minutes andI’ll pack it up three to five minutes onbroil and keep watching it then I’mgonna come back and then I’m gonna makesure that I have I put some barbecuesauce lather this the barbecue saucereally really good and then place itback in the oven a little bit low heatabout 325 for me that’s wrong 325 andthen it make sure I have my own thenI’ll put that okay so I’m just watchingso now I’m gonna do it smells so good inhere I’m gonna do now let’s take myhands I already washed my hands I saidyou guys are all ready I’m gonna justmassage my chicken get all that goodchicken rub up in that chicken honeysauce my chicken turn it all over and ifyou want to eat the place it in therefrigerator if you like for an hour anda half two hours or even overnight okayand then you put this on the grill ifyou want when I rather agree later butmama was not lyingmommy told the truth and that’s whatstuck here on my channel the truth howit ishow it’s supposed to be cooked I’ll dothings and I’m that old mama I’m yourmom the one who say do it right thefirst time and you don’t have to go backand do it the second timeusually when I was cooking always breakout in song you guys do that I don’teven have to have music on per se on theready note there’s a song in my heartand I’ll start singing all these goodiesor something like that girl so if yourknees come apart just put it backtogether that’s all you have to do butwe are using our hands ladiesokay and look at something like thisbake I’m gonna 50° for about 45 minutesokayit really depends on your oven so whenyou’re cooking with me you’re cookingyou know I’m all over I bought upeverything they’re not too far from theoven right and we never leave our ovenwhen we have it on what all right and wehave it on broiled never leave thekitchen when it’s on a boil like I saidthree to five minutes okay and thenwe’re gonna crank it down back to itsgot it all down to 325 2325 Kohei 325degrees and we’re gonna place a[Music]so you train your thighs so we know yourthighswings here so this is good this is agreat meal or a family tonightokay so to this again always have youdown[Music][Music][Music]tomorrowfinger finger fingeryou could sing happy birthdaywhat about 20 to 30 seconds is week ruleis I don’t know what State Board theytaught us at night in the 1990s early1990s it’s 30 seconds so I think you’rethirty seconds or more when I’m watchingmy you can never be you to safely youknow when it comes to washing your handsokay so now what I have here here’s mychicken okay staying already I’m gonnatake the chicken place inside the ovenon 350 degrees just the way it isalright I’m gonna let that cook you seethat the bottom of that pan see thebottom of that pan right thereyou know you’re dealing with Salmonellachickendo this difficult arms then they’ll allbe on to the next step see what I’mgonna make mix really want to show youguys some barbecue sauce as wellreligious faith in the oven if I send ahundred cooking greens[Music]yeah I don’t kid around when it comes tomess around with chicken because wedon’t want nobody stick where are wegoing to something right now and I justtold you that my pharmacy my thehospital called me to make sure I pickup my prescription I put in this morningthis morning so you know the nurse linewill call you back you know or thereceptionist will call you back and makesure you are you and that you knowrefills on top you to refill stuff likethat everything you may needI used to work in administrative side atthe hospitalyou know those administration medicalrecords and people call the houses theymake surewe enter patient care medical things arealways right so you guys seen how I’mkeeping my area I’m gonna let this fakelike I said there is 45 minutes andbring you guys up so guys let’s see sohere is my barbecue sauce okaythat’s my homemade barbecue sauce rightI’m going to add to that what I alreadyadded to that was my barbecue sauce tomy baked beans I put brown sugar andmustard in here as well as some barbecuesauce from here to here transfer with aladle okay so I’m about this videodoesn’t see so in case you may havethese items already in your house it’snot cooking yeah you’ll see a couplebreaks within the video because like Isaid that was enough like calling meback to make sure I had all mymedications you don’t have yourmedications I invite you to make sureyou’re calling the nurse line callingfor your prescriptions because we don’tknow how long this is gonna last haveeverything you need okay stay on stay ontop it’s imperative that you stay on topprescriptions okayso thank you for watching my video andI’ll be right back with the finisheddish okay hi

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