BBQ Chicken Recipes

Ninja Foodi Grill VS Cosori Air Fryer | How to make Air Fryer CRISPY FROZEN CHICKEN WINGS

Learn how to make CRISPY frozen chicken wings in your air fryer. I’m cooking RAW frozen chicken wings in the Ninja Foodi Grill AND the Cosori 5.8 quart air fryer. Watch these air fryer recipes to find out which one makes the most crispy, crunchy wings from frozen. I’ll also show you how to season frozen chicken wings to get the most FLAVOR.

Cooking starts at 3:14

Ninja Foodi Grill on Amazon
Cosori 5.8 quart air fryer on Amazon
OXO scrub brush on Amazon

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Here’s my seasoning blend recipe
2 tablespoons of Kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons of paprika
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Oil spray

Remember, this was for two batches of chicken wings about 1 and 1/2 pounds each.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi sweeties today we are going tocompare head-to-head the co soriairfryer versus the ninja foodie grillwe’re going to do battle frozen chickenwings we’re cooking chicken wings fromfrozen one batch of the co sori airfryerone batch in the Ninja fruity let’s seewho reigns supremeplease subscribe to stick to mine hitthat thumbs up that notification billnow first let’s take the measurementsand see how these two compare in sizeand shape here we’ve got the cool sorry5.8 it is the basket wonderful sorryyour fire is about nine and a halfinches squared the basket on the ninjafoodie grill the air fry basket is abouteight and a half inches by 10 inches soclose to the same area the basket onthatwell sorry air fryer is about three anda half inches deep on the basket on theninja foodie grill is just about threeinches deep now on that ninja foodiegrill the heating element is left hereand it’s covered by a great then used tobe cleaned but it keeps this heatingelement fairly clean must take a look atthe heating elementin the console just right up underneaththerethe kasoori airfryer oven has thistouchscreen is that a bunch of presetspreset cooking time this one is forchicken but you can change the settingsby pressing time temperature and theplus or minus the maximum temperature is400 degrees for the ninja foodie grillthere’s a sticker here with some cookingtimes now it’s got a grill setting andair crisp setting as well as dehydrateroast and bake let’s turn that on withthe aircrafts crisp setting if you wantto raise and lower the temperatureyou’ll hit this button and it goes up to450 degrees and if you use the grillbutton the maximum temperature is 510degrees and you can use the grillfunction but use the air Chris basket ifyou want to get it really hot you canuse that max temperature that’s thestart stop and it begins to preheat andit’ll preheat every time you said itlet’s preheat that Co sorry air fryerjust press the power button and then thepreheat setting it’s set to 400 but wewill adjust it down to three hundred andeighty degrees using that minus buttonand press Start let’s gonow let’s preheat our ninja foodie wewill hit that bear crisp button and thenwe’ll use this temperature up and downarrow to set it to 375 we can’t set itto exactly 380 and then we’ll press thetime button and we will set it willstart with 24 minutes and press Startthe KO sori is ready it’s donepreheating so let’s get those frozenchicken wings in that hot basket let’sopen her up and we have here about apound and a half of frozen chicken wingsI’ve cooked up to two pounds of chickenwings in the coal sorry and it worksjust fine so let’s load that basket upwe’re gonna try to get it in one layerso everything cooks evenlythe kasoori air fryer has presets andwe’re gonna cook these wings on thechicken preset you just hit that littlechicken iconyou also have presets for beef seafoodfrench fries all kinds of stuff so youcan adjust the temperature and time upor down and then hit start our ninjafoodie grill tells it it is ready itgives us a little beep and tells us toadd food so we will put those frozenchicken wings in and one layer and againwe flip up to two pounds of chickenwings in the ninja foodie as well todaywe’re cooking a pot a pond and a halfjust so we keep things even we’ll getthem in in one layerand now I’ll set a separate timer toremind me to flip this chicken let’smake our seasoning blend start with afistful of kosher salt and then we’regonna add some fresh cracked blackpepper you want it fresh out the peppertrying to heat so fragrantthen and we’re gonna get our paprikathat’s right shake a little bit ofpaprika in there don’t worry I will putall of the measurements in thedescription box sprinkle a littlecayenne pepper in there if you like itspicy put more if not put less garlicpowderof course gotta have the garlic powderon those chicken wings you can adjustthis any way you like add whatever youwant in there but this this is whatwe’re gonna do today now that ourchicken is about halfway cooked it’stime to season so we’ll sprinkle ourseasoning blend that we just mixed up onto the chicken get it nice and even andthen flip it over and season the otherside so that is the key to seasoningfrozen chicken wings is to season themhalfway through cooking now we’re goingto spray them with a little oil I’musing avocado oil spray and let’s getthem back in the airfryer and let themfinish cooking we’re gonna check thembefore the timer is up just to make surethat we don’t over cook our chickenwingswe’ll do the same thing with the chickenwings we’ve got cooking in that ninjafoodie grill will season them halfwaythrough cooking flip those bad boys overseason them on the other side and spraythem down with that avocado oil you canuse canola oil if you like and then letthem finish cooking see if some of thesteam escaping which is normal when themoisture is cooking out of your foodstarted these from frozen in the coastsorry looks goodhit that thumbs up for this sizzle y’allhalfway through cooking seasoned it withsalt pepper a little paprika it’s hardto check the temperature in the wingsince there’s no oh yeah that’s actuallypast done could have used maybe twominutes less taste see what we’reworking withmmm it’s got a little bit of crunch toit not too bad it’s got a littlecrispness to it as I sprayed it with oilbut those are doneyou see it’s done all the way to thebone it’s a nice job and that was whatabout 24 minutes good deal now let’scheck on those wings that we cooked inthe ninja foodie grill that’s a nicesizzle let’s check the temperature andthen check the crunch test yeah thoseare definitely done and I like mychicken wings a little more cup I don’tlike them like just barely cooked I’mwith them really cooked through I thinkthat make it more tender like thatnow we’re gonna crunch this flat let’ssee what it’s talking about Wowdid you hear that crunch off now that tome is a clear winner from frozen theninja foodie grill does a better job atgetting a crispy wing yeahninja foodie grill beats the coal sorryat getting crispy chicken wingsfrom frozen and no flour was added toeither recipe the ninja foodie grill isthe clear winner of battle frozenchicken wingshands down now let’s clean up both thepost slowly and the ninja foodie grillhave nonstick coatings they’re both madeout of aluminum cleanup is easy on theboth of them you know it’s not reallysticking we’ll just there’s still alittle bit warm slightly warm that packwe’re gonna fill them up both with hotsoapy water let them sit for a minuteand then scrub it out with our oXXO palmscrubber which is my favorite cleaningtool in the kidI’ll put the link to that down below inthe description box but they both cleanup easy I feel like the material on theninja foodie grill the pans themselvesare thicker and sturdier and the coatingseems different thicker so the cleanupon that is a little bit easier that isnot a huge difference by the time youknow they both clean up easy I stillprefer the cleanup all my ninja food forthis is that palm scrub brush I wastalking to you about it’s just supereasy at getting those in those views ofthese grill pans it works really wellwithout scratching the nonstick coatingand then you just rinse it right offeasy easy[Music]but if you want something that does alittle bit more the ninja foodie grillhas other functions dehydrate and itfunctions as an indoor grill as well andit goes to a higher temperature so thatgives you a little bit more flexibilitywith what you’re cooking I prefer theninja foodie grill the price is higherit retails for about one hundred andninety nine dollars I purchased the postsorry for 119 dollars so there is a bitof a price difference if you’re lookingfor a straight up air fryer I think Mikosorry 5.8 port air fryer does afantastic job if you want something thathas multi purposes multi functions andgets a little hotter then the dangerfoodie grill is the way to go wellthat’s simply the ninja foodie grillversus the coal sorryairfryer I prefer to mentally I thinkthe mid-to foodie wins what do you thinklet me know in the comments pleasesubscribe to sweets a month hit thatthumbs up that notification bill no havea delicious okay oh yeah if you want tolearn more about the ninja foodie roomcheck out this playlist and if you wantto see more recipes with the coleslawairfryer check out this playlist

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