BBQ Chicken Recipes


SCRUMPTIOUS Oven bbq wings with an irresistible homemade sauce!
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hi there welcome back to my channelthank you so much for stopping byI made some Sunday dinner with thesedelicious oven barbecue wings and Iposted it on my Instagram page so a lotof you’ve been asking for the recipe andI had it ready for you I also have therecipe for the other lovely dishes on myplate and in the description box belowbut now we’re gonna be focusing on thisdelicious chicken let’s get into itfirst we are making the barbecue sauce Ireally love this recipe because it’shomemade so I know exactly what’s in itand sometimes I adjust it but I’m givingyou guys the ingredients that I use mostof the time[Music][Music][Music][Music]at this point all you’re doing iswhisking to just incorporate everythingand to get it reduced and really richerin flavor so that’s why you’re good togo if you want it to be smoky barbecuethen you can add the liquid smokeflavoring that I use this is only if youwant a smoky barbecue sauce however it’stotally optional so you can skip thatpart once the sauce is done just setthat aside and I have the chicken hereso I’m just cooking 10 chicken wings sowe’re gonna be seasoning this and we’regonna marinate it overnight becausethat’s ideal if you can’t get to do thatat least marinate it for an hour[Music][Music]as I’ve said before you can go in withclean hands and a rub in that seasoningor you can use gloves you can use tongswhatever you want just make sure you getthat seasoning into every crevice so Iam going to be adding some soy sauce andthe reason I’m adding this is for colorand flavor so remember that a soy sauceis salty so you don’t want to add toomuch seasoned salt in the beginningbecause then you’re gonna over salt thechicken and you know what if you don’thave any soy sauce at home you could usesome browning if you have that so goahead and add a little bit for color[Music]okay so what I have here guys is acooling rack a wire rack that I’veplaced upon a cookie sheet that I linedwith foil wraps so the foil wrap isthere to protect the cookie sheet fromany drippings and the reason I’m usingthe cooling rack today is because I wantto get that grill feel even though I’mnot barbecuing so when you put thechicken on top of the cooling racks theair will get to circulate all aroundeach piece of chicken so the outercoating is gonna be firm and stickyrather than soggy because it’s notsitting in its own juices as it bakes ifyou want to make a sauce from drippingsit’s fine to put it on the cookie sheetbut I don’t want that today I just wantthe wings to have a nice firm stickycoating on the outside[Music][Music]when I’m applying the sauce I am using abrush but I do like to do like a tappingmotion sometimes because I find thatwhen you kind of brush the sauce on thenyou wipe off some of the sauce so I do atapping motion or you could even dip thewings in the bowl of sauce that you havethat’s another way to do it so thereason we’re taking the chicken out ofthe oven repeatedly today is becausewe’re trying to layer on the sauce puton layers of sauce so it’s nice andsticky on the outside and you want thesauce to cling to the chicken as well soif you do it more than once you getbetter results and the temperature ispretty high too so that’s definitelygonna help[Music]and there we go delicious oven barbecuedchicken wings this is really good withthe dinner but guys honestly you canjust take this to like a potluck you canhave this at games knife you can evensplit the wings if you want it tostretch right because I didn’t splitthem today but this is a really gooditem you can serve it as appetizerserve it with some side dishes so it’sreally versatile and it’s so tasty solet me know how you like the recipe andthank you so much for watching guysremember to stay till the end of thevideo to see my tips[Music][Music]

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